Wednesday 23 October 2024

Nominations are needed for 2024 AGM.

Colin Webster is the current MSSA president, and past IESF president. Only when there is an active committee are the rights of all athletes protected.

Mind Sports South Africa
's elections are fast approaching. MSSA is the only South African national federation that allows an athl
ete to be elected onto its Board as well as allowing a fast, and direct, path for administrators while cutting out 'dead-men's shoes'.

All elections are done on a staggered basis. The system of doing the elections on a staggered basis allows MSSA to have a greater degree of stability as the entire Management Board is not able to be elected at any one time which preserves MSSA's continuity and knowledge base.

An interesting aspect of the 2024 Annual General Meeting is that there are 5 positions that are available for election on the Executive and Management Board. Where positions are vacant, the newly elected Board will co-opt Registered Players to the position. A co-opted Registered Player only serves out one year in the position in which he/she is co-opted and resigns prior to the General Meeting.

As everyone already knows, the MSSA is a democratic organisation, where only decisions of the committee that are enforced, and never the will of any one individual.

All athletes are reminded that only affiliated clubs may nominate players who are registered and fully-paid-up for positions on any of the committee.
  • A member club nominates the Registered Player on the prescribed form, and
  • The Nomination Form has been submitted to MSSA on or before 1 November 2024, and
  • The Registered Player is fully-paid-up for the 2024/2025 year as at the date of nomination, and
  • The club nominating the Registered Player has paid its affiliation fees for the 2024/2025 season on or before 1 November 2025.
However it should be noted that only persons who meet the following criteria may be elected on to the Management Board:
  1. Have served a full term on the Management Board, or
  2. Have served a full term as Provincial Director, or
  3. Have served two full terms as Regional Director, or
  4. Have served two full terms on a Board of Control, or
  5. Have earned at least ten (10) Protea caps, or
  6. Have served three years on the club committee of which they are currently a member.
  7. Be resident in South Africa for at least 186 days of the Calendar Year. Should such terms of residency not be met, such Elected Member shall be automatically removed and such position be declared vacant, and
  8. Only persons who have completed a full term on the Management Board may stand for the position of President.
The positions up for election are (3 year terms):
  1. President
  2. One Executive Officers
  3. Women's Desk
  4. Card-Gaming Representative
  5. National School's Director (This position must be held by an Educator)
The following Provincial Directorships are also available (2 year terms):
  1. Eastern Cape
  2. Free State
  3. Gauteng
  4. KwaZulu Natal
  5. Limpopo
  6. Mpumalanga
  7. Northern Cape
  8. North West
  9. Western Cape
All the following 56 Regional Directorships are also available for election (1 year term).

Thus the 2024 elections will be more than interesting.

There is no doubt that the committee has worked well over the past number of years, and it will indeed be interesting to again see democracy at work.

A breakdown of the positions on the Executive Committee and Management Board are as follows:

PRESIDENT:To be elected in 2024 - Incumbent Colin Webster (Old Edwardian Mind Sports Club)
VICE PRESIDENTTo be elected in 2026- Incumbent Johan Van Breda (ZAG Academy)
EXECUTIVE OFFICERS (4 out of 5 available positions)1 x to be elected in 2024
2 x to be elected in 2025
2 x to be elected in 2026 - 1 incumbent Letladi Lekolwane (Tuks Esports)
GENERAL SECRETARYTo be elected in 2025
WOMENS’ DESK:To be elected in 2024
COMPUTER:-GAMING REPRESSENTATIVE:To be elected in 2026 - Incumbent Simon Zandstra (ZAG Academy)
FIGURE-GAMING REPRESENTATIVE:To be elected in 2026 - Incumbent Terence Allwright (Old Edwardian Mind Sports Club)
LEGAL ADVISORTo be elected in 2025
PLAYERS’ REPRESENTATIVETo be elected in 2026 - Incumbent Armand van der Colf (TuksEsports)
STUDENTS REPRESENTATIVETo be elected in 2026 - Incumbent Saudah Baimia (Knights Mind Sports Club)
DISABLED GAMER'S REPRESENTATIVETo be elected in 2026- Incumbent Sjoert Zandstra (ZAG Academy)

Additional reading:

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