Saturday 17 August 2013

DGL is not helping gaming

Since 2008, the DGL has been involved in gaming.

DGL is nothing more than a marketing arm of TELKOM.

Thus the overall ambition for TELKOM will always be different for what gamers really need.

Yes, the have 4,100 gamers in their leagues,

Yes, they give out prize money at the annual rAge,

Yes, gamers can play for free, and

Yes, they have all the glitz and glamour,,,,,

So, you ask, how can you claim that the DGL is not helping gaming?

The answer is a long one, so, let me begin.....

Number of gamers:

The number of 4,100 may seem to be a lot, but when you consider that over 60,000 people use the MWEB server on a monthly basis, you realise that it is not really that much, If the amount of 4,100 because of a difficult registration system and the requirement to pay fees, you could easily understand why it would be such a small fraction of the numbers that use the MWEB servers.

But, instead the DGL are offering FREE leagues. There is no payment of fees, there is an easy 'registration' system. From what I know, the registration system does not even require the approval of the parents in the case of minors.

Surely there should be a lot more gamers involved?

Not only that, but to what are the gamers registering?

The registration does not come with any rights. All it is is a registering to play in a championship, Since the DGL is owned entirely by TELKOM, no rights van be given to any gamer.

Prizes (in cash and kind):

The DGL always makes a big fuss about the prize money that they give. However it is never consistent and it never seems to have any greater vision or objective in mind.

For example, the amounts given are:


Of course it must be remembered that the prizes are not just cash. Often the prizes take the form of hardware. The hardware is all very well, but ofter gamers already have better, and the hardware does not fill stomachs, pay the rent, or help a team get overseas.

Not only that, but a game that receives prizes in one year, may not receive prizes in the next.

But why is that?

The reason is simple. The prizes form part of the promotion of a game. There is no vision of pushing a title to improve the standard to get a team overseas - it seems to be all about sales!

But seriously, who has TELKOM helped to further gaming by getting them overseas.

Another point is, the prizes are all goods and well for the top teams, but what about the rest> How do the prizes encourage more gamers to become involved?

Simply put, it doesn't......


From the above you will see that the DGL does very little for gamers.

There will no doubt be many who feel inflamed by this blog, but this is my opinion....

Read it, think about it, and you know that it is true....


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Wanna try remove these too Mosotho?

    2. Now you are being silly...

      You know what you wrote, and I kept a copy!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. "Read it, think about it, and you know that it is true...."

    You're clearly in dire need of a basic education, but I think this may be at least a starting point -

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. If you delete every single comment that doesn't agree with your post, it really lowers the value of your side of the argument.

    1. Only the comments that were off topic, or contained swearing or contained hate speech were removed.

    2. The only piece of hate speech on this page is your's towards the dgl.

    3. Shouldn't you then delete the whole blog?

    4. My reply was on topic and had no hate speech or swearing.

  12. soooooo you remove all the legitimate replies, and only leave the ones that are actually flaming? You my friend have an agenda that is fowl and counter intuitive to everything we ourselves are doing as a community. I see the only way to fix this as us as a whole officially opposing you and your power hungry buddies on a governmental level. Enjoy your infamy while it lasts.

  13. loloololol all the comments disagreeing with you get deleted.
    get a life.

  14. Matatheni Mosotho, I am gonna give you the benefit of the doubt on this article and not judge you straight off the bat(this is mostly due to the fact I see that the blog administrator is blocking all comments that do not agree with the argument in this post). Now this is probably your job and you were asked to come up with reasons why the DGL is bad for gaming but in this case you have nothing of its caliber to compare it to. There is simply no other league in SA that is on the same level as DGL. When you have something to compare the DGL to then please post again but until then please stay away from 'the pc computer machine'.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Ok so you want the whole side of the story.

    Your article actually does more good for the DGL than bad. You are pointing out multiple times that they have FREE leagues and Prizes. As players who know that they will never be able to compete at an international level while the MSSA are running things they are all for winning prizes for what they are capable of doing and entering for free.

    The DGL has not sent teams overseas, Why you may ask? because its a league , It is not a league, Who has no affiliation with the MSSA and the government body that controls national colours because it doesn't have any desire or any obligation to send players overseas. The DGL is a league that grants a place for gamers, be it professional or casual gamers to play the games they love against other teams for fun.

    You don't see the ESL charging people to take part in their events nor are they giving anyone colours of any kind yet they are one of the most successful leagues in the world of Esports.

    your idea on what the DGL is, is completely warped.

  17. Hahhaa im sorry but this is the lowest article about gaming, DGL is free and MSSA makes you pay for what?? to play a little 1 day competition that is very and i mean very unorganized and gives SA the worst name when it comes to gaming and that is why MSSA arnt doing well. DGL is doing the greatest job in SA regarding gaming and to be honest MSSA seem to be a bit jealous?

    Why doesnt MSSA come and host their own competition/league for all games and produce great prizes to teams ("teams" not just one team), once i see this happen then you can question DGL's part.

  18. As I said above only the replies that were off-topic, included swearing and hate speech were removed.

  19. What might be nice is to put the MSSA players up against DGL teams. See who is a better choice to represent South Africa's eSports talent.

    1. They are often the same players....

    2. And those players 9/10 times where at DGL first, your argument is leakin all over Matatheni.

    3. All I just heard is you making excuses.
      I a a BF3 player and will comment from my view as 1.

      The mssa has very bad organizing.
      For the last 2 years selecting a National BF3 team has been the point of spectacular mssa failings.

      In your honest opinion how long would you play before selecting a national team ?

      Is it acceptable to be informed of "Trials" a couple of days in advance? And play it in 1 evening?
      I think not!

      DGL lures the prime gamers in this country, who sometimes attend mssa events for national colours.

      And what makes it worse is that I have seen no BF3 leagues for mssa ? yet Telkom has been running leagues for some years now. Which has not only raised the level of gaming but also awareness.

      I cannot believe you can give someone national colours for 1 days trials. First there needs to be regionals, provincials,nationals. But in mssa land you pay your (blood money fee) beat out the other school kids and receive national colours. All while in most if not almost all cases dgl teams would destroy mssa participants.

      What exactly has MSSA done for gaming in South Africa...
      you're post seems to miss that. Very pathetic post if that is not even included...

      And that being said, are you a gamer ? And which games do you participate?

    4. I also don't think I have ever read one of your articles involving MSSA and DGL where everyone doesn't hate you.

  20. 1) DGL provides a stable and competitive league environment for gamers to improve

    2) Who cares if the prize money is inconsistent. At least it is there.

    3)You are trying to slay DGL, when they at least offer leagues and competition for the lesser experienced and "noob" gamers to improve. It seems MSSA is only focused and harping on "sending the best overseas".

    4) I personally don't know of a single player in dota 2 DGL that has the same opinion as you.

    5) It is also quite clear from your article that you feel extremely threatened by DGL and the whole purpose of the article is to try undermine the DGL rather than improve SA gaming.

    6) Irony. You are actually ruining the one stable and efficient league in SA gaming. Congratulations.

    7)Rather try make MSSA better than try undermine DGL.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. you have deleted 2 of my comments, amongst many other peoples comments. contained in both of my comments was the insertion that I was not flaming but directly engaging you in a debate. If you continue to delete posts that disagree with you, instead of engage in a debate with the community, you will continue to see hate towards your organisation.

    If you truly wish to represent us, you need to hear us, if you dont hear us, you cant be representative of us. If you cannot come to that conclusion alone you will never have a handle on community management and you have no place being in a community driven environment.

    But please, delete this too and ignore us, we will ignore you until we oust you and your cronies at the highest level.

    Have a lovely day

    1. What organisation are you talking about?

      II do not have an organisation!

    2. Are you not involved with the MSSA on any official level?

    3. well then I would strongly advise the MSSA to officially denounce themselves from anything to do with you as you are unknowingly engaging in borderline defamatory activities against both Telkom and themselves. I respect and value your right to freedom of speech and an opinion, but what you are doing here and in many other posts and comments has done nothing to uplift this community whatsoever unfortunately. I would strongly encourage you to take a look at this community as a whole, speak to players on all levels, get THEM to tell you what their opinions are before you lay waste to any and all who oppose them. I hope you heed my advice

    4. There is nothing defamatory about my opinion.

    5. I said borderline, and you're skirting the issue


      Just so you are clear on what it is, and Libel is something you are very close to putting your foot in.


    ? Impi tsek.

  24. MSSA had some kind of regional thing at UCT in Cape Town I believe. I bet you no one showed up and now they're mad. The best players in South Africa are in the DGL and MMSA can't handle that. My personal opinion is that I would never want to be anywhere near the MSSA as a whole as long as that idiot is in charge. Whats hes face? Cant even remember hes name. So narrow minded and has NO CLUE about gaming what so ever. Good luck MSSA u jsut made yourself look like idiots (oh wait then not much has changed)

  25. "If we had DGL in charge of the MSSA funds I think we would see some amazing things happen instead of us feeding someones pension fund. " thanks bill


    That is you playing board games ? Correct ... Only the MSSA has these tournaments. So you are lying about not being involved with them. Infact isnt that a MSSA Chess board you are playing on ?

    Pls stop deleting comments.

    1. I only delete messages that are off topic, contain swearing, and or contain hate speech.

      That photo was taken of me about five years ago before I started playing online.

    2. What do you play competitively ?

    3. I would also like to know what games you play competitively? Because you seem to know an awful lot according to your article.

  27. The fact that half of the comments have been removed is really just sad.

    Badmouth the DGL as much as you want, there is nothing else similar out there for us. And 95% of us are not participating for the money or the hardware or to go overseas or whatever. We do it because we love a certain game and feel that we can compete competitively and in doing so we become better at the game, better then other teams etc etc and if it so happens that we win something, it's a bonus.

    While I agree that many of the points made are correct, I am disgusted at the manner in which this was written. If you hate the DGL so much, and think you can do better, please go ahead. The more leagues the better.

  28. This article gave me cancer. Please, next time you drool onto a page, don't scan it in and post it on the web. Go ahead and remove this. You should probably just disable commenting rights.

  29. LOL the years have not been kind eh. "Ons lyk so lekker want ons eet so lekker". Is Impy short for Impotency?

  30. Come now impi post MSSA numbers so we can compare and think for ourselves

    Sponsors, Attendance, Gamer improvement stats etc.

  31. ^Hahahahahahahahaha. But seriously, IF MSSA want eSports to improve, make an ONLINE league and then let us fight it out at the end of the league at a venue( cape town, Jhb). Do it. Please just do it. Prove your point by building up the community rather than flaming what is already there. I will gladly compete in 2/3 leagues.

  32. I have no idea why you insist on comparing DGL to MSSA or trying to at least. They are two completely different entities. The MSSA's job is to send teams overseas to compete internationally. They are like any other 'official' governing body and they are not very good at it. The DGL are a league... where players play NATIONALLY for fun. I don't know why that is difficult to comprehend. Any comparison just shows your complete lack of knowledge on the subject of games, gamers and definitely eSports. In fact, it shows your ignorance on any sport. There are leagues for all sports, the governing bodies should support these as they increase the quality of players which then become a part of the organisation. For some reason you are trying to compete with DGL... trying to make MWEB seem like an amazing choice, rather than supporting all the things that enhance eSports in the country (DGL, MWEB,etc). You, sir, represent yourself as moron - you may choose to disagree, but you (and everyone else here) knows I am right whether you delete this comment or not.

    1. Despite you calling me names, I shall answer you.

      I never did compare the DGL to the MSSA did I?

      Don't you feel foolish?

    2. Well let's be honest... YOU CAN't

      DGL offers us SOOOOOO much... and mssa .. what mssa ? You want money for entry fees ? bad organizing ? No league structure ? No yearly finals ?

      What exactly does mssa offer ? National colors? A free trip overseas ?

      I would only want national colors if I know it's hard to get, otherwise it's just another failed government mentality program. You know, like when the matric pass rate is higher because we lowered the grade to 30/40%

      Cannot compare DGL/DGC to mssa ...
      mssa is only a place where you can buy clothing with green stripes.

  33. The really really sad thing here is that gaming community in South Africa DESPERATELY wants to grow and we are given very little opportunity, then someone comes along (DGL) and helps to improve the community and the skills WHILST AT THE SAME TIME ASKING NOTHING BACK FROM THE PLAYERS. Then the MSSA comes along, an organization THAT DEMAND A YEARLY MEMBERSHIP FEE, and badmouths DGL.

    Why can't we all just hold hands and work together? Oh wait actually I know the answer to that.

    1. Where has the MSSA ever badmouthed the DGL?

      I have done a Google search and could find nothing.....

    2. Did you not just badmouth the DGL with this article?

  34. You just made fool of yourself... before you blog on any game related issues you have make sure it's a general issue among most Gamers in the community.. The DGL might not be perfect but its sure as hell better than the MSSA

  35. Plainly put, DGL delivers and MSSA don't.

  36. MSSA loves to say they send players overseas, what they don't say is that their trips they are so proud of is sponsored by the IESF. I don't see MSSA sending teams or players to any tournaments that isn't funded by the tournament organizers.

    Go to any MSSA event for National colours... they attract 1-5 players at most and 1-3 teams at most.

    How can they rule a e-sport when there are comps and leagues and lans for that matter that attract more players than Nationals ?

    This is a funny world :)

    Magiel "enjoy" de Lange

  37. Apart from the all the fallacies used and just terrible argument given by author... At least get your grammar right! Is the MSSA in such a bad place that 1) They need to hate DGL? and 2) They can't even afford people who actually can use the English language without raping it?

    1. The MSSA doesn't hate the DGL.

      Where do you get that from?

  38. The majority of gamers simply aren't competitive. They want to play a quick few rounds of CoD when they get home from work, alone, or with friends. Some just want a casual game of DOTA2 with some buddies, maybe a couple times every week. They don't want the stress, pressure and commitment that playing as a team offers.

    Why would this kind of player, that represents the vast majority, be interested in competitive leagues? They're not.

    Your statistics are very misleading. DGL has provided the platform needed - and better than the MSSA has, might I add - that will allow gaming in this country to grow.

    I don't, however, deny that the MSSA is not necessary and useful. Facilitating international friendlies and sponsoring players' expenses are both really cool things that the MSSA does, however, they could do SO MUCH MORE if they weren't so close-minded.

    Why do they charge membership fees? I'm sure there are willing sponsors out there. Why must bureaucracy rule, why can't membership be as simple as a couple of online forms filled out?

  39. I am a BF3 (soon to be BF4 <3 ) player as well as a DOTA2 player. I do see the Authors point. BUT I think the gaming scene in SA could be greatly improved. Would it not be great if the RSA nations cup team was sent overseas? Fly our flag abroad. I had an issue with one of the DGL admin (The rest that I have met online are great guys, chilled and fair.) I can argue what the incident was but my point is that the DGL is not monitored by any authority. I think that combining the 2 could solve many issues. A mixture of the 2 would raise gaming in RSA. Sending guys all over the world and the DGL can help fund the trips. The MSSA(or amalgamated organisation) can monitor the various competitions. There could be a proper procedure to a non involved 3rd party where complaints could be submitted and reviewed. That would keep things in check in my honest opinion.

    1. I agree with you.

      I have been fighting for many years to have more teams sent out.

      It could be done if everyone worked together and shared a common goal.

    2. I dont agree with this as other countries teams get either sponsored by large corporations (hardware companies) or by the country itself. And they dont have to pay a cent. So why should we?....If team RSA is wanting to go over seas because they have a chance of winning or in fact any team. Why should they pay? There is no need to be a part of them unless you are the team representing the country and even then you shouldnt have to pay a cent. Hence why the DGL is on top in this situation

  40. Correct me if im wrong. But in other countries they dont seem to be controlled by representatives such as the MSSA? If they are good enough they can go. If they want to participate in leagues somewhere they can go. So why does the MSSA feel the need to be so controlling when other countries (who are way ahead of us in gaming) are able to go to championships and do as they please (may i remind you that this is generally funded by their sponsors as they are good enough for those and dont need some financial backing from outside people). Just thought id add that and MSSA shouldnt be so controlling

  41. Where are all those "60 000" frequent players now? NO ONE is backing you up... Just proves... Sigh! Who wants a cookie?

  42. *Applause! Just well done brother! You are exactly what this community needed!!!

    Thanks for your valid inputs and comments! We are all so fortunate to have you represent us! :D

    1. not sure if troll....or someone who doesnt know what they talking about

  43. Someone needs to Control the Chaos.

  44. Okay you say that DGL has done nothing for the gaming community.
    I for one differ with that statement. But lets not focus on the DGL lets focus on the so called MSSA. You hold trials for a national team to play dota against romania to promote gaming here. But your trials are confined to a small part of south-africa, how is that fair? I honestly think that you choose players to represent you that would fit your pocket best. I honestly think that you are a company that discriminate against the less privileged and less known players in South-Africa. Ask yourself who was invited to the trials for the national team. So in my opinion, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

    1. All the top teams were there

    2. "top team" that you consider to be top. Not the ones that are actually South Africas best

  45. You're informing the people of why the DGL is bad, but you're informing the people who play in the leagues...good work there, delete more comments...clearly gets your point across...

    1. The only comments that were deleted were off topic, had swearing or had hate speech.

    2. if you read the comments from the people you deleted, you can see that's not true...lying to yourself and to us...mssa all day son

  46. Had a chuckle at this. I read the whole thing waiting to hear about what is so horrible about the dgl, I'm still trying to find it. I don't see anyone else doing a better job.

  47. Honestly, YES the DGL might not be doing anything for gamers, but besides the DGL what has the MSSA done? I can tell you. They criticize. Apart from that, not much.

    1. Where do you see the MSSA criticize anyone? I am not part of the MSSA, This is not an MSSA page, I am expressing my own point of view.

    2. Matatheni, this may not be a MSSA page, but from your past comments all over the web, you constantly praise the MSSA for what?, secondly the last to blog posts by you is literally bad mouthing the dgl, until the MSSA has a local league FOR FREE, then you may open your mouth and complain sir, but until then shut it.


    doing so much for the community that all their links redirect to the DGL page. Well played son well played

    1. bwahhahahahaahhahahaahahahahaa oh white hat's :3 i love them

  49. So I'll respond for each of your points.

    Number of gamers: I don't see the problem with a league offering FREE entrance fee and an easy registration system? If they were to charge people for playing in their leagues, I'm pretty sure that number will be lower. I know I wont enter.

    Prizes (in cash and kind):Where I do agree with you is the hardware prizes. Like you said, some already have better gear and a cash prize will feed their children and pay the rent. The amount of prize money for each league per game is always nothing short of impressive. You say prize money is all good for the top teams and not for the rest? Since when do you need to reward the teams placing last or not placing in the top half?

    The DGL does so much for gamers. Provides a top quality league with massive prize money, as well as casting options in some cases.
