Old Edwardian Mind Sports Club is the oldest club, with continuous membership, affiliated to MSSA. |
Mind Sports South Africa (MSSA) is the national federation for Board games, Card games, Esports, and Wargames.
MSSA promotes all the different disciplines equally, although each affiliated club may pick-and-choose which discipline it wishes to promote in its club. Some clubs will promote the whole gambit, while others will concentrate on only one discipline, and/or even just concentrate on one specific title.
The choice is ultimately up to the member club.
The various mind sports offer unique opportunities to many South Africans. Many Souuth Africans have been able to earn Regional, Provincial, and National Colours which have allowed them to earn bursaries and obtain first-class educations.
MSSA has sent teams with full Protea Colours to international events since 1991 for wargames, 1996 for Morabaraba, 1997 for Checkers, and 2005 for Esports.
All selected have found being part of the national team to be an education in itself..
All clubs must be legal bodies, as well as being non-profit organizations. Thus each club needs to have a founding document. Associations may use the draft constitution provided below.
It is the club that is the member of MSSA, while the players are affiliated to the club.
Any applicant needs to be aware of the following:
- MSSA’s
- MSSA’s
General Regulations,
- Proforma Constitution - this is a draft constitution that is used by many
clubs affiliated to MSSA,
- An
Application for Affiliation form,
- Registration
Forms for
all players – including the administrators and any/all coaches,
- The
fee note form –
note that the fees for private clubs
are R104.00 affiliation fee
and R110.00 per player per annum,
- The
Letter of Undertaking, and
- A
brochure about MSSA.
In order to affiliate, the completed Application for affiliation Form must be submitted to the MSSA.
Once the Board has approved a club’s affiliation, the club then needs to complete the Google Registration Page allocated to the club for the players and make payment.
All club members may participate in all events for which it qualifies. Such events include meetings, championships, courses, and so forth.
Advantages of having a MSSA affiliated club:
There are many advantages of having a MSSA affiliated club, such as:
Being part of a community where your club has a real say in how things are done
Being able to apply for National Lottery Funding – MSSA member clubs can apply for up to R800,000.00 in funding
Being able to get assistance from your local government
Experience increased media exposure of your events and your gamers
Become part of the international community through the MSSA Registered players are able to become internationally recognised umpires, etc.
Enable your gamers to take part in MSSA events, which may qualify them for Regional, Provincial, and National colours, overseas trips, and even sports bursaries at university.
MSSA’s Constitution
The Constitution forms the foundation of the MSSA. It guarantees members rights and governs the way that the MSSA operates. It can only be amended by a two-thirds majority at a Council Meeting. Please remember that Associations only have two (2) votes each, whereas member clubs have a representational vote, being: normal clubs: one vote per every five registered players, and school clubs: one vote per every ten registered players.
MSSA’s General Regulations
The General Regulations comprises of decisions made by both Council and Executive Committee Meetings. The General Regulations deals with how sub-committees operate as well as to how teams are selected and development funding is distributed. Please refer to Schedule 10.12 in regard to the rights of clubs in hosting events.
MSSA’s Discipline Specific Regulations
The Discipline Specific Regulations deal with rules concerning the different disciplines. The Disciplines that the MSSA caters for are; Board Gaming, Card gaming, Esports, and Figure Gaming.
Application for Affiliation form
When a club applies for membership, the applicant club must complete such form and return the same to the MSSA.
Fee note for 2020
The fee note details the Affiliation Fees and Registration fees that are payable.
Player Registration Form
The Player Registration Form needs to be completed by every player that is a member of a club and intends to participate in MSSA affairs.
MSSA’s Letter of Undertaking
The Letter of Undertaking is for all registered players who sit on any MSSA committee.
Social Media
The MSSA makes use of the following:
Twitter: @mindsportssa
- Intstagram: @mindsportssouthafrica
Should you have any queries whatsoever, please contact mindsportscorrespondence@gmail.com.