There is no doubt that for a game to
grow, there must be a general groundswell of interest in the game if
it is to develop as a sport.
But, is that enough?
I mean, just because there are people
who are interested in playing the game, does that mean that the game
will develop as a sport?
No, not at all!
The initial interest in the game being played, may be just a fad, or remain as just a game being played on a recreational level without ever moving upwards to become a truly competitive sport.
The initial interest in the game being played, may be just a fad, or remain as just a game being played on a recreational level without ever moving upwards to become a truly competitive sport.
Of course there are many who are
content with games just being around as a recreation, but there are
those who want to see games played on a more competitive level, and
who want to push themselves to the nth degree to demonstrate their
mastery over the game.
So what is the catalyst to make games
into a sport?
The way that I see it, gaming is no
different from the traditional sports.
For many years the traditional sports
were played on a truly amateur basis, but the sports grew from
strength to strength even without huge injections of money.
So what then created the impetus for
The way I see it is that it was the
coaches who provided the impetus. Sport is in many ways no different
from the automobile industry..
In the automobile industry, the
manufacturer makes the product, and then advertises the product in
the attempt to enable sales.
The dealer then sells the car, and
sometimes very aggressively, as it is in the dealers interest to make
sure that the brand is protected and that events take place to
further recruit customers.
So is it with sport!
The National Federation creates the environment that is conducive to growth. Through its dealings with government, accreditation of events, and selection of teams (to mention but a few), the National Federations take on the role as the manufacturer.
The National Federation creates the environment that is conducive to growth. Through its dealings with government, accreditation of events, and selection of teams (to mention but a few), the National Federations take on the role as the manufacturer.
However, it is the coaches that take on
the role of the 'dealer'.
The coach has a single-minded approach
to the survival of the game as a sport. It is through the promotion
of the game that the coach earns his/her living. It is in the pursuit
of earning a living that the coach will attract more players to the
game. It is through the coach's abilities that players will improve
and thus make a name for the coach.
Thus is eSports is to truly become a
sustainable sport in South Africa, their has to be the development of
professional coaching!
Gone are the days of coaching being
done on a ad hocnature with
advice being freely given.
must be professional, and gamers must be prepared to pay for it!
South Africa has professional coaches in South Africa, I guarantee
that there will be a remarkable improvement in the average standard
of play.
you will see foreign players queuing up to play in the MSSA's MWEB
Provincial and National Championships.
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