Sunday, 30 March 2014

What makes a national federation?

It seems as though, as much as I try to explain what makes a national federation, there are still a few people who remain blissfully unable to understand what I am indeed writing!

Maybe looking at the law would help!

All sport and recreation in South Africa is governed by the Sports and Recreation Act of 1998 (as amended). Yes this is an Act of Parliament passed by the highest authority in the land – parliament! As such it really does not matter as to whether the reader agrees with it or not, it is the law!

But, what does the Act say in this regard?

It reads as follows:

National Federation: means a national governing body of a code of sport or recreational activity in the Republic recognised by the relevant international controlling body as the only authority for the administration and control of the relative code of sport or recreational activity in the Republic;”

So, what does that mean?

Simply put it means that first the international body recognises the national federation and then the government recognises such body.

This means that some people have really misunderstood the entire process.

While such persons are claiming that some international events were not official, it seems now that they indeed are as recognition begins with the international federation.

So, again, a national federation is a national federation when the international body recognises it to be so, and an international event is official when the international federation says it is.

Have fun!


  1. God man you are stupid.. read the first line... " means a national governing body " which means the host government must give it governing right.. you really are stupidly egotistical Mr Mosotho

  2. @Gavin. You are really quite a rude and objectionable person are you not? The only reason that I am allowing this comment to be made public is so that people can see just what sort of person you really are!

    You really missed the whole point as you seem to lack basic comprehension skills.

    The Act clearly states:

    " 'national federation' means a national governing body of a code of
    sport or recreational activity in the Republic recognised by the relevant
    international controlling body as the only authority for the administration
    and control of the relative code of sport or recreational activity in the

    But what does the definition mean?

    Let me spell it out for you,,,,

    First the National Federation becomes a member of the International Federation, and then the government recognises the National Federation.

    Do you understand now?

    This is exactly what I have been stating all the time, and anyone who is trying to state otherwise is trying to hoodwink people to believe in untruths!
