Friday 12 June 2015


Protea Colours badge
From the day that the MSSA was founded (1984), the MSSA has had to fight to have the games that the MSSA promotes to be recognised to be accredited as equals to any of the other sports that exist in South Africa.

The breakthrough happened in 1991 when the MSSA was allowed to award Protea Colours to its wargames team. In 1997, the MSSA awarded Protea Colours to its Morabaraba team, and in 2001 the MSSA was allowed to award Protea Colours to the players who represented South Africa for Checkers.

However, it was not until 2005 that the MSSA was granted permission by the Protea Colours Board for Computer Gaming.

It should be noted that the Protea Colours awarded are the same as awarded to cricket, rugby, swimming, etc.

Even though the mere act of awarding colours is laudable in itself, in that players who receive such colours are enable to apply for, and receive, bursaries at universities, the MSSA’s vision does not end there.

To ensure that eSports are regarded as a fully accredited sport, the MSSA runs inter-school leagues, school championships, regional championships, provincial championships and national championships.

The MSSA is a member of the International eSports Federation (IeSF). In 2010, the MSSA help found the IeDF (the international federation for gamers with disabilities) which is now  known as the IeSF. Through such affiliation the groundwork has been done to have eSports established and accredited as an international sport by the General Assembly of International Sport Federations (GAISF) which is now known as SportsAccord. When the GAISF accepts eSports as an international Sport, a whole new era will be ushered in as the games will be allowed to participate in the International Mind Sports Association’s Games, and be included in the All Africa Games, the Commonwealth Games, and possibly even in the Olympic Games. 

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