Sunday 16 February 2020

Bidding farewell.

Amanda Pakade (MSSA President) with Amone Bekker.
Mind Sports South Africa (MSSA) was way ahead of the curve when it created its Athletes' Representative position to sit on the Board way back in 2005.

The person who holds this position has to represent the aims, wishes, and desires of the gamers in order to ensure that the players are not overlooked in the decision-making process. Such Player Represenntative, must therefore owe greater loyalty to the players than to any club affiliation.

Unfortunately the incumbent, 
Amoné Bekker, is unable to see out her duties dur to personal reasons.

MSSA is sad to see her depart, but realises that it is necessary, as she would not be able to fulfill her duties from a far-and-distant country.

Those who have held, and excelled in such office are:

  • Amoné Bekker (Valhalla)
  • Jason Batzofin (Old Edwardian Mind Sports Club)
  • Jonathan Newman (Matitzburg Griffins)
  • Amanda Pakade (nee Kwaza) (University of Johannesburg)
Amanda went on to become MSSA President, and Jason Batzofin, went on to become Chairperson of International Esports Federation's Players' Committee.

The position can thus be seen as a stepping stone to greater things.

MSSA will thus co-opt a person to serve in the position, until elections are held at MSSA's 2020 General Meeting.

The criteria to stand for the position of Athletes' Representative are:

  • The Player's Representative shall have Protea Colours, and
  • The Player's Representative shall have represented South Africa in an International Competition, and
  • The Player's Representative shall not be over 30 years of age at the time of such election.
MSSA therefore requests all those interested in standing for such position to please contact MSSA at by 28 February 2020.

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