Wednesday 6 July 2016

Rumour has it...

Simphiwe Maphumulo - President, Mind Sports South  Africa
Niina Kahela (Finland) with Morizane Boyes
Rumour has it that MSSA's President, Simphiwe Maphumulo, may not be standing for another term of office.

If that is the case, then who takes over?

Well, that will  be decided at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 4 December 2016.

The truth is that any fully-paid-up Registered Player may be nominated by a fully-paid-up member club.

Member clubs then use their votes to decide who is elected.

School clubs get one (1) vote for every ten members, and all other clubs get one (1) vote for every five members.

It would not be impossible to see Colin Webster again voted into the position. The clause inn the SASCOC MOI only prohibits (according to Tubby Reddy) a person from holding the position of President for more than ten consecutive years.

However, there may be better candidates in the wings.

Certainly Morizane Boyes is a good example of being  a good candidate.
Morizane joined the Management Board in 2013 as the person in charge of the Women's Desk.

While holding such position, Morizane  became accredited as MSSA's first female National umpire, and the world's first female international umpire.

Morizane has too put in countless hours promoting gaming among females,  and it is largely due to Morizane's efforts that MSSA's Protea Team for FIFA comprises a female gamer (Joline Bico).

However, MSSA will not know who all the 'runners and riders' are until 1 November 2016.

So, if you are looking at holding down SA's top job in gaming, talk to your club.

Democracy is exciting stuff!

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