Sunday 5 November 2017

IeSF's 9th World Championships - Participants

Mind Sports South Africa (MSSA) has delivered esports teams to each and every IeSF World Championship since 2009.

2017 is no different, and MSSA's BOO! Protea Esports Team will depart on 6 November 2017 for the rather chilly shores  of South Korea.

The International e-Sports Federation was only founded in 2008 by eight member countries, IeSF has grown from year-to-year.

IeSF's annual world championships has also grown from year-to year.

The 2017 edition will see no fewer than 35 countries participating. Those 35 countries will deliver no fewer than 310 participants.

IeSF's world championship is the only world championship for official national teams. As such growth may be slower, but such growth is more sustainable and, in my opinion, more accurate.

It is not a case that just anybody can just 'put' a team together and go to compete. There is a process. The process involves creating a national federation, getting the federation recognised, and then affiliating to IeSF.

Such efforts lead towards long-term development at all levels, and more than anything, helps protect the athlete.

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