Editor’s Note
This document has been
prepared in order to facilitate the use of the DBM v3.2
amendments, published in the public domain by Richard Bodley Scott
for use with the Wargames Research Group (WRG) publication
All text contained herein
is from DBM v3.0 by Phil Barker and Richard Bodley Scott or from the
DBM v3.1 Amendments by Richard Bodley Scott with the following
exceptions: text enclosed by brackets {} denoting editorial comments
and indicating expanded pagination, the pagination itself (there are
several expanded pages) and the endnotes which contain the original
text of the DBM rules where replaced by new text. Changes from v3.0
are shown with a dashed underline, like
Please do not use this
document as a substitute for the base rule booklet - to do so would
be cheating the copyright holders and would be against the spirit of
this endeavor.
This rule set is an extension
of our very successful “De Bellis Antiquitatis”, more familiarly
known as DBA. It chiefly differs in being intended as a direct
competitor for current mainstream wargames rules for the ancient and
medieval period, such as our own WRG 7th edition, and to satisfy
those players who like uncomplicated rules, but enjoy a table covered
with figures. It is accordingly designed to be suitable for battles
with armies of several hundred figures, played on full size tables
and lasting two or three hours, and to provide more detailed period
flavour than DBA. Special effort has been made to ensure suitability
for 25mm figures to tempt some of the older hands’ favourite armies
out of retirement. This Version 3.0 contains further revisions
resulting from massive electronic and other feedback from players
across the world, to improve play balance, prevent misunderstandings
and penalise gamesmanship. It has a radically new terrain system
requiring a real general’s skill in exploiting the features
provided by nature rather than ingenuity in tailoring battlefields.
DBM retains the basic troop
types, mechanisms and simplicity of DBA, and DBA players will find
they adapt readily. As with DBA, our intent is to provide the
simplest possible set of wargames rules that retain the feel and
generalship requirements of ancient or medieval battle. The rule
mechanisms used start from the premise that the results of command
decisions can be shown rather than the minutiae of how orders were
communicated and interpreted, that differences between troops of the
same class and era were relatively unimportant, and that most
shooting regardless of theoretical weapon range was at very short
distances. No order writing or record keeping is necessary and time
consuming reaction tests are dispensed with. The resulting system is
much faster moving than before and more interesting to spectators. It
emphasises the talents of the general rather than those of the
accountant, requires much less effort, and, despite the increased use
of simple dicing procedures, keener tactical awareness. The simple
rule mechanisms produce effects which are more subtle than may be
immediately apparent on first reading, and are the fruit of much
detailed development work. They should not be tampered with.
A points value system has been
introduced, to facilitate the battles against unhistorical opponents
which now tend to be deplored, but which are almost inevitable with
large army games against strangers, and to enable players to adapt
their existing armies. Unlike in previous large scale rule sets, no
special rules are needed to simulate scouting, forced marches,
accidental encounters or attacks on a marching force, since they will
occur naturally as a consequence of players pressing ahead with march
moves during the early part of the game, sending detachments in front
or laying ambushes.
We see DBM as complementary to
and emphatically not a replacement for DBA. Each has its own
advantages. Some players will inevitably be tempted to introduce some
of the features of DBM into their DBA games, especially the points
value system. We strongly advise against this. All those we consider
appropriate have been included in the current version of DBA, and
others would reduce the value of DBA as an introductory, fast play
and campaign battle set.
Conversely, DBA is an
excellent introduction to DBM. Those players not already familiar
with the system should consider playing a few DBA games first as a
training exercise. DBA is now so widespread that willing opponents
with a set of rules and a pair of armies should not be hard to find.
(c) Phil Barker & Richard Bodley Scott 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997,
Includes v3.1 Amendments
dated 27 February 2005 and 3.2 dated 18 April 2011
Page 1
DBM and DBA differ from
previous rule sets in two major respects, the command and movement
system and the combat system.
The command system is simple
and arbitrary, but produces results very similar to those from more
detailed systems incorporating written orders, transmission by
messenger and interpretation by recipients. In one respect it is
markedly more realistic, since it produces visible battle lines
rather than the “firework display’’ of independent units found
with other rule sets. We have concluded that we must be doing
something right, even if we are not entirely sure what it is! The
passage of time, terrain and battle bring a progressive visible
deterioration in organisation which players must devote attention to
repairing. Keeping a barbarian or feudal army under control calls for
real skill.
The traditional functional
division into units is dispensed with. Movement and combat is by
elements, each consisting of a fixed number of figures. Elements can
be moved individually, or be combined into and move as temporary
groups which can be part units, a full unit, or more than a unit. An
element does not represent a unit, but the smallest sub-unit or body
capable of operating independently. Units may still exist in that
several regular elements may have the same dress or shield emblem and
one of them include a standard and officers, but they have no
function other than as a possibly convenient group. Elements always
fight individually but are supported by neighbours.
Troops are primarily
classified by their method of fighting instead of by weapons and
armour. Finer grading within each type reflects perceived efficiency
rather than unit prestige or title. Our principal concern has been to
reflect relationships between historically opposed types, and not to
speculate unduly on the relative effectiveness of anachronistic
Combat differs from previous
rule sets in almost abolishing the artificial distinction between the
traditional combat phases of shooting
and melee.
That the bases of opposed elements are in contact does not
necessarily imply that they are exchanging hand-strokes, although
this may be so, but that they are closely engaged at the distance
preferred by the tactically dominant troop type. If it still worries
you, remember that base depths are over-scale. For example, the four
ranks of close order infantry represented by an element of spearmen
may occupy only 4 paces depth in real life, but the element base
depth represents 30 paces in l5mm scale. There is room for a little
space between enemies. Similarly, multi-element depth formations
include space behind the supporting ranks once they have closed up
for combat. Moving troops often only occupy the first few mm of their
base, so may not have as far to move when turning as it may seem, and
can wheel out of line with adjacent troops without having to clear
the front of their neighbours base first.
When spearmen are in contact
with spearmen, they are indeed fighting hand-to-hand. However, when
horse archers or foot skirmishers with javelins are in contact with
an element of spearmen, this represents them being a few paces apart.
If the spearmen give ground, this is because of the effect of their
opponents’ shooting. If the horsemen or skirmishers flee, this is
because the spearmen have charged to relieve the pressure and
temporarily chased them out of reach. Even in hand-to-hand combat,
missile weapons played a part. A shower of hand-hurled javelins often
immediately preceded hand strokes or was kept up during it by rear
ranks shooting overhead. Often, some individuals in the front rank
would hurl their spears, while others kept them in their hand to
Too much attention is often
paid to maximum rather than normal ranges. Horse archers attacking
infantry spearmen could sit still on their horses 200 paces away and
shoot, but did not. Why should they? They could and did instead in
turn gallop by the infantry 10 paces away and be equally safe from
being caught. The closer the range shot from, the easier it is to hit
the target, the more likely that hits will penetrate armour and the
more injury inflicted after penetration. What of horse archers
attacking horse javelinmen? Surely they would gain by their longer
maximum range? So they might, had the desperate javelinmen not
immediately galloped to close the range. After two or three hurried
shots, the bowman either continued the combat on inferior terms since
he could not use shield and bow together, or galloped away to open
the range and was often pursued straight off the battlefield or shot
in the back. Shooting at longer ranges was not decisive, serving only
to fix attention or impose caution, so is invisibly subsumed in
various enemy proximity rules. Even with those troops who did shoot
in large bodies at long range in artillery fashion, theoretical
maximum ranges may be deceptive. A crossbow cocked up at 45° reaches
further than a longbow. However, when the front end is raised, the
target disappears behind it. We assume that the effect of early
gunpowder weapons derived at least as much from their propensity to
frighten men and animals by noise, flash and smoke as from the
casualties caused.
We do not evaluate the results
of combat in terms of casualties received and inflicted, but in terms
of the element’s immediate reaction. A real ancient general would
not know that a body of men had just received a certain number of
casualties. He would be able to see that it was forcing the enemy
back, or losing ground, or scattering to the rear hysterical with
fear. We accordingly give you this information and this only. The
local effects of fatigue and morale are taken into account in combat
results and their effect on troops to the side and rear. Their wider
effects are simulated by the demoralisation rules. For instance,
destruction of an element in combat simulates the flight of
survivors, while the consequent destruction of elements close behind
simulates the fate of troops carried away by their flight. With the
passage of time the collective morale of a command may reach breaking
point and the whole command start to crumble. Finally the whole army
may seek safety in flight.
Page 2
This is expressed as the
height in millimetres of a figure representing a man 1.83 metres or 6
feet tall. Naval elements use models of reduced scale. This can be
rationalised as them being seen at a distance by men on shore.
25mm, 15mm, 6mm and 2mm scales
are all in use and all are fully compatible with these rules:
- 25mm is the traditional scale, is best for detailed painting, but has somewhat fallen out of favour lately. We hope that these rules will inspire players to dig out their old armies and give them some exercise. This scale is especially suitable for public demonstration games, where visibility can be a problem for spectators.
- 15mm is currently the most popular scale and is still large enough for detailed painting and for players to easily recognise the types comprising their opponent’s army.
- 6mm and 2mm provide the ultimate in visual realism, but at the cost of increasing difficulty in painting and recognising troop types.
This is the relationship
between the distances measured on the table and those they represent
on a real battlefield. It varies according to the figure and model
scale used.
All distances in the text are
quoted in multiples of paces (p) each of 0.75 metres or 2.5 feet.
This is because the length of a man’s stride has remained fairly
constant throughout history, while such units as cubits, yards and
metres come and go. Measure distances on the table with a 300p
card strip marked at 50p
- 25mm figures: 50 paces in battle = 40mm measured on the table.
- 15mm or 6mm: 50 paces in battle = 25mm (or 1 inch) measured on the table.
- 2mm: 50 paces in battle = 20mm measured on the table.
Each element represents, not a
unit, but the smallest sub-unit or body capable of independent
action. It consists of a rectangular base, to which are fixed several
figures according to its troop type and the model scale. Elements
vary in cost, and represent the number of men who would occupy that
frontage, typically a nominal full strength of 122 to 256 riders or
foot formed in a 4 man deep block, or sometimes in wedges or
rhomboids, or a lesser number of more specialised troops usually
formed in a single rank, such as up to 16 elephants 25 chariots with
or without runners, 6 heavy artillery pieces, 30 light bolt-shooters,
25 war wagons, 2 to 5 galleys or ships or 5 to 20 boats, depending on
individual size. An element of Hordes represents up to 1,000 men in a
deep mass. Note that the first elephant element of an army can
represent as few as 4 elephants, this reflecting the disproportionate
effect of even a few elephants on enemy horses or on the morale of
men unused to them.
Figures must accurately depict
the troops they represent. The only exception to this is that
generals, officers, standard bearers and musicians represent the
majority type comprising their element.
Play is in alternate bounds.
These do not represent fixed arbitrary divisions of time, but instead
reflect initiatives and responses by the two sides. However, dividing
known battle durations by the number of discrete phases that can be
identified produces consistent enough results for us to define a pair
of bounds as equivalent to 15 minutes in real life.
Except in the case of march
movement out of contact, which is assumed to be continuous and to
have been during the preceding enemy bound as well as your own
current bound, move distances are not a function of time available
and theoretical speeds. Instead they are based on typical tactical
initiatives and counter-initiatives in real battles.
Troops contacted by enemy are
assumed often to have countercharged even though not moved. Whether
they did so in good time must be judged by the result of the ensuing
An ideal playing area is 2.7m
(108”) x 1.5m (60”) [a standard table tennis table] if using 25mm
figures, or 1.8m (72”) x l.2m (48”) if using smaller figures. If
competition organisers use 1.8m x 1.2m tables for 25mm games, armies
should not exceed 350AP, and all dimensions specified in paces (p)
in Terrain Choosing [P12-13] should be reduced to 5/8 normal.
All dice used are the normal 1
to 6 type. One die is used for each general for all purposes. Those
for irregular or ally generals must each be a different colour. Those
for other regular generals of the same army must all be the same
Page 3
Troops are defined by
battlefield behaviour instead of by the formation, armour, weapon and
morale classes usual in earlier rule sets. We distinguish only
between troops whose fighting style differed sufficiently to need to
be treated differently by either their general or their foe. Each
troop type therefore includes all troops that fought in the same way,
had a generally similar ethos and morale and had an equivalent effect
on the other classes. Each type is identified by a name descriptive
of its function,
troops can be Elephants, Knights Cavalry, Light Horse, Camelry or
can be Spears, Pikes, Blades, Warband, Auxilia, Bowmen, Psiloi,
Artillery, War Wagons, Hordes or Baggage.
can be Galleys, Ships or Boats.
Light Horse and Psiloi are
referred I collectively as Skirmishers,
and also together with Auxilia as Light
Artillery except (X), war
wagons and baggage are referred to collectively as Train.
Foot other than train are
referred to collectively as Infantry.
Troops within each type are
additionally graded for efficiency relative to the average for that
type, taking into account lesser differences in morale, degree of
training, equipment or mobility, but not in prestige alone. This is
necessarily subjective, but follows thorough discussion, often with
recognised authorities on individual armies.
- Superior (S): Troops recognized by their contemporaries as of significantly superior morale and/or efficiency.
- Ordinary (O): Representing the great bulk of troops of that type.
- Inferior (I): Brittle troops historically identifiable as of significantly inferior morale or efficiency.
- Fast (F): Troops who move faster and further than average but are worse protected.
- Exception (X): Troops treated as special Cases.
All are also either Regular
or Irregular.
This somewhat arbitrary distinction chiefly reflects the ease with
which they can be controlled by their general. Regulars are typically
enlisted into units under officers appointed by the government and
practised in manoeuvre and combat techniques. Irregulars typically
join with acquaintances under local or tribal leader, and are less
accustomed to waiting for, listening to, or precisely and instantly
obeying formal orders.
of either species and various crew complement. They are used to
charge solid foot, to break through gateways, and to block mounted
troops, whose frightened horses are reluctant to close with them.
They can most easily be killed by artillery or by the continued
showers of missiles of light troops. They are all irregular.
Superior (S):
Elephants of the Indian species with at least 6 crew and/or foot
escort figures per model, such as escorted Seleucid elephants or
heavily archer-crewed Burmese.
Ordinary (O): Elephants
of the Indian species with up to 4 fighting crew, such as those of
Indian armies and Sassanid Persia.
Inferior (I): Smaller
elephants of the African forest sub-species with maximum fighting
crew of 2, such as those used by Ptolemaic Egypt, Carthage, Numidia
and Rome.
(X): Bolt-shooting
engines mounted on elephants, such as those of the Khmer and Chant
They shoot and inflict shooting outcomes as if (F)
artillery, but suffer shooting outcomes as if (I)
elephants. They are treated as (I)
elephants in all other circumstances. Opponents use their CF against
elephants if in close combat, or if war wagons or bowmen shooting or
shot at, that against artillery if not,
representing all those noble or heavy horsemen of high morale that
charge at first instance without shooting, with the intention of
breaking through and destroying enemy by sheer weight and impetus.
The impetuous charge that enables them to sweep away lesser cavalry
and all but the stoutest foot is also their Achilles’ heel, leading
to them being destroyed by massed longbowmen or by light horse too
rashly pursued, where lighter cavalry would have pulled off earlier.
They can be regular or irregular.
Superior (S):
French knights or gentry, and permanently embodied elite units of
other European nations such as Royal or Ducal household gendarmes or
the Military Orders, completely armoured in plate and/or mail,
primarily armed with heavy lances, riding with stirrups on heavy
horses themselves often partly protected by armour or textile
caparisons, accompanied by lesser armoured and armed retainers such
as coustilliers, squires, archers or pages, and charging fiercely at
the gallop without too much regard to exact formation keeping.
Unscythed charging chariots with 4 horses and 4 or more crew
including spearmen such as later Assyrian or Indian chariots.
Ordinary (O): Other
knights, gent or men-at-arms, with similar followers and similarly
equipped, mounted and trained, charging at the gallop, but less
impetuous and less skilled in individual jousting, unscythed charging
chariots with 2 horses and 3 or 4 crew, at least one with long
weapon, such as Hittite or Shang chariots and some Minoan or early
Mycenaean generals’ chariots, or 3 or 4 horses and 3 crew, at least
one with long weapon, such as early Assyrian or later Chinese
Page 4
Inferior (I):
Knights or men-at-arms unskilled with lance and relying mainly on
sword or mace, often fighting either in deep clumsy wedge formations
or dismounted, such as Byzantine kataphraktoi, medieval Germans or
100 Years War English. Sumerian four-wheeled battle-cars with 4
asses, driver and fighting man with javelins.
Fast (F):
Less heavily armoured riders on lighter horses charging fiercely at
the gallop, and armed either with lance but no shield such as
Macedonian or Seleucid companions or Sarmatians, or with javelins or
light spears capable of being thrown and shields, such as Goths,
Vandals or pre-conquest Normans, or with lance and shield such as
later Normans with armour limited to helmet and mail hauberk, or with
fire lance such as some Chinese cavalry. unscythed charging chariots
with 2 horses, driver and I fighting man with spear, such as Minoan
or early Mycenean chariots.
Exception (X):
Completely armoured shieldless cataphracts wielding long kontos
two-handed on fully armoured horses and charging in close formation,
such as Parthian or Sassanid cataphracts. They are treated as (S)
knights when shot at by bowmen or naval, or in close combat to their
front against light horse, spears, pikes, or bowmen, as (I)
knights in close combat to their front against knights except (X),
expendables or warband, otherwise as (O)
They cannot
claim rear support.
representing the majority of ancient horsemen, usually partially
armoured, combining or following close range javelin or bow shooting
with controlled charges. Their shooting is more intense than that of
light horse, often using circulating formations or halted rapid
archery techniques to concentrate missiles in place and time, and may
force enemy foot to halt or recoil. Being less impetuous, they can
retire out of danger or to breathe their horses when knights would
charge on to disaster. They can be regular or irregular.
Superior (S):
Either all combining bow with lance, such as Avars or Belisarius’s
boukellarioi, or lacking lances but on partially protected horses,
such as Saka nobles or many Sassanids, or with handgun.ii
Skirmishing chariots with well-armoured
driver and
archer, and 2 horses, also often armoured, such as Hurri-Mitannian,
Egyptian or Canaanite chariots.
Ordinary (O):
Depicted with lance and trained to fight in a formation mixing ranks
armed with lance and shield or with bow, such as later Byzantine
cavalry, or riding unprotected horses and armed with javelins and
usually shield, such as the majority of ancient cavalry, or with bow
and spear, such as early Achaemenid cavalry, or with bow and sword,
such as most Belisarian Byzantine cavalry and medieval Persian
cavalry, or armed with lance but relying on fencing skills rather
than the impetus of their charge, such as Arab cavalry, or with
halberd or crossbow.iii
Skirmishing chariots with 2 to 4 unarmoured horses or other equids,
and crew comprising driver and one or more unarmoured archers, such
as Elamite chariots, or armoured or unarmoured javelinmen, such as
later Mycenean, Libyan, Kyrenean or British chariots.
Inferior (I):
Poorly trained or inexperienced cavalry, such as early classical
Greek cavalry, early Indian cavalry, some Byzantine thematic troops
during periods of neglect, and mounted Vikings or Saxons. Sumerian
platform or straddle cars with a single javelin-armed crewman.
including all riders who skirmish in dispersed swarms evading enemy
charges. They can be regular or irregular.
Superior (S):
Armed primarily with bows, but eager to take advantage of disordered
enemy by charging home, such as Huns or Turkomans.
Ordinary (O):
Relying on javelin, such as Early Thessalians, Numidians, Late Roman
Equites Illyricani or medieval Spanish Genitors, or with lance, such
as Macedonian Prodromoi. Such troops were forced to try and close
with bow-armed equivalents to avoid the arrows, their opponents’
sensible desire to open the range tuning almost inevitably to flight
Fast (F):
Placing almost sole reliance on bow shooting from close range at the
gallop, and on speed to avoid contact, often gaining extra mobility
from remounts, such as Parthian horse archers.
Inferior (I):
Scouts or raiders riding camels, asses or deer. Horsemen skirmishing
with crossbow.
including all other warriors who either fight from camels, or
dismount from them to fight on foot, but keep them close at hand to
act as an obstacle or to disorder cavalry, whose horses dislike them.
They are all irregular.
Superior (S):
Exceptionally heavily armoured or exceptionally feared and fanatical
camel riders fighting exclusively hand-to-hand, such as Parthian 2nd
century AD. cataphract camelry or Tuaregs.
Ordinary (O):
Camel riders of nations that used them in mass, the riders fighting
mounted or dismounting to fight with bows, javelins or swords, such
as Midianite Arabs.
Inferior (I):
Cameleers improvised by mounting troops on pack camels, such as
those used by Cyrus against the Lydians, or fighting on foot behind a
barrier of tethered pack camels, such as 6th century Moors.
Exception (X):
Camels disguised as elephants to frighten real elephants, and also
Chinese paper lions. They move as if baggage, except that they can
contact elephants, and fight as (I)
camelry, except that they can panic elephants.
Page 5
including scythed chariots fitted with scythe blades and spear
points, usually with 4 horses and a single crewman, intended to be
driven into enemy formations in a single suicidal charge early in the
battle to break up or destroy them and also all animals to be
stampeded into enemy, such as cattle herds, wild elephants or Chinese
thunder-bomb oxen They are most dangerous to troops who offer a solid
target and cannot dodge easily, so are often countered by psiloi.
They are always irregular and Ordinary
representing all close formation infantry fighting with spears in a
rigid shield wall. (S)
are always regular, unless dismounted knights. Others can be regular
or irregular.
Superior (S):
Unusually well trained and confident elite regular spearmen, such as
Spartan hoplites or the Varangian guard if equipped as spearmen.
Ordinary (O):
Regular spearmen drilled to tight and perform simple manoeuvres in
close formation, such as mercenary hoplites or Punic African foot,
and also irregulars, such as good citizen hoplites, whose aggression
and democratic leanings tend to submerge their training.
Inferior (I):
Reluctant or sketchily drilled spearmen, including regulars such as
citizen hoplites dragooned into reluctant obedience by a domestic or
foreign tyrant or of effete cities, or medieval town militia, and
also determined irregular peasants practised only in keeping line,
such as Saxon fyrd.
including all close formation infantry fighting collectively with
pikes or long spears wielded in both hands. They are always regular,
except for (I),
who can also be irregular.
Superior (S):
Exceptionally effective elite pikemen, such as argyraspids or Swiss.
Ordinary (O):
Other pikemen drilled to fight effectively in close formation with
true pikes, such as other Hellenistic phalangites and lanquesknechts.
Inferior (I):
Less formally trained peasant or militia troops with long spears or
pikes grasped in both hands, such as Flemings or lowland Scots, or
drilled pikemen of low morale or expertise, such as those of client
states or hurriedly raised.
Exception (X):
As (I),
but with at least the front rank carrying large pavises, such as
Sumerian, Minoan or early Mycenaean spearmen. Except for a reduced
number of ranks allowed to fight, they are treated as (S)
pikes when shot at by bowmen or in close combat to their front with
cavalry, light horse, auxilia, bowmen or psiloi, otherwise as (I)
including all close fighting infantry primarily skilled in fencing
individually with swords or heavier cutting or cut and thrust
weapons, sometimes supplemented by hand-hurled weapons. They can be
regular or irregular.
Superior (S):
European knights or men-at-arms completely armoured in plate and/or
mail, if fighting on foot, such as English men-at-arms of the 100
Years War or Wars of the Roses.
Ordinary (O):
Partially armoured well trained close formation troops with missiles
as well as sword and shield, such as legionaries, or with two-handed
cutting or cut-and-thrust weapons, such as Saxon huscarles, later
samurai, halberdiers or English retinue billmen. Also all gladiators
Inferior (I):
Foot generally equipped as immediately above, but less confident or
inadequately trained, such us newly recruited or imitation
legionaries or English commission of array billmen.
Fast (F):
Loose formation troops such as Dacian falxmen, early Viking raiders,
some early samurai, Japanese warrior monks or late medieval Spanish
sword-and-buckler men.
Exception (X):
Men armed with weapons specialised against heavily armoured mounted
troops, such as the exceptionally heavy clubs wielded with both hands
said to have been used by Aurelian’s “Palestinians” and very
doubtfully by Constantine I’s legionaries against cataphracts, the
Low Countries plançon, the Byzantine menaulion and Swiss halberds.
They are treated as (S)
blades when in close combat with knights or (S)
camelry to their
front, and can be supported against these by a second rank element of
blades, also counting as (S).
They can only support or be supported by (X)
blades. If expressly required by their army list to be mounted on a
double element base, they are treated as (O)
blades when in close combat to their front with troops other than
knights or (S)
camelry. In all other circumstances, except for impetuosity [See
P.19], they are treated as (F)
including all irregular foot that rely on an impetuous and ferocious
collective charge to sweep away enemy foot, rather than on individual
skill. They are all irregular.
Superior (S):
Fighting densely packed by forward pressure, and either having a
strong belief, often shared by their contemporaries, in their own
invincibility, such as early Galatians, or armed with heavy throwing
weapons, such as Franks, Alemanni or Rugians. Chieftain’s
bodyguards and dismounted irregular cavalry.
Ordinary (O):
Others fighting in dense formation but emphasizing mutual cohesion,
such as Germans.
Fast (F):
Fighting in loose formation and emphasizing speed in the charge,
such as Gauls, Celtiberians, Ancient Britons, Dacians or Galwegians.
Also war dogs.
Page 6
representing foot able to fight individually hand-to-hand and to
skirmish but emphasizing mobility in difficult terrain rather than
cohesion or aggression. They can be regular or irregular.
Superior (S):
Regular foot drilled to fight in c formation when necessary, and
with mail, darts or spear beside javelins and sword such as
Hellenistic thureophoroi or Roman auxilia. Irregular foot with heavy
throwing weapons, such as Spanish scutarii, or with combinations of
javelins with long spear or two-handed cutting weapon, such as
Illyrians or Thracians.
Ordinary (O):
Foot relying only on javelins or short spear and light shield, such
as Greek peltasts or mountain tribesmen.
Inferior (I):
Poorly motivated and trained regular troops, such as late Roman
border auxiliarii. Other hoops with javelins, but who are shieldless
or lack confidence, or who would be psiloi were they not too numerous
to skirmish.
Exception (X):
Foot partly or entirely lacking effective shields and relying on
long spear or cut-and-thrust pole weapon instead of javelins, such as
Akkadian spearmen who have discarded their shields, North Welsh
spearmen or later Japanese ashigaru. Disadvantaged against missile
users, but capable of resisting mounted charges if clumped, they are
treated as (S)
auxilia if in close combat to their front against knights, cavalry,
Wb or expendables, otherwise as (I)
auxilia. However, they benefit from deep formations.
representing foot who fight in formed bodies by shooting collectively
with missiles shot at longer range than psiloi, often in volleys at
command, and who rely on dense shooting, hand-to-hand weapons,
personally prepared obstacles or accompanying pavise bearers for
survival at close quarters instead of skirmishing or evasion, or who
are packed too tightly to skirmish effectively. They can be regular
or irregular.
Superior (S):
Exceptionally effective shooters with unusually powerful bows and
high skill and morale, able to outshoot opponents and equally
prepared to fight indefinitely hand-to-hand with sword and buckler
spear or two-handed cutting or concussive weapon, often protecting
themselves from knights by stakes or potholes, such as English or
Indian longbowmen, dismounted early samurai or Ottoman janissaries.
Ordinary (O):
Shooters with lesser bows or skill or with crossbows, able to
maintain a prolonged shooting exchange and fight for a limited period
hand-to-band, by virtue of armour pavises, spears, shields and side
arms or high discipline or morale, such as Dynastic Egyptian
Palmyrene, Roman or Viking archers and mercenary or civic crossbow
Inferior (I):
Shooters lacking the protection or discipline to be able to prolong
a losing exchange and unwilling to fight hand-to-hand, such as
Elamites, Seleucid levy archers Goths, Francs archers and all bowmen
who would be (O)
psiloi were they not too numerous to skirmish.
Exception (X):
Foot trained to fight in a formation having a front rank or ranks
with pike or with spear and a large shield or pavise, but with the
majority of ranks armed with bow or crossbow, and tactically
emphasizing shooting rather than close combat, such as Achaemenid
Persian sparabara infantry, Alexander’s experimental phalanx,
Italian civic infantry or Burgundian pike and longbow infantry. They
must either be mounted on a double depth base together with an
element of (O)
or (S)
bowmen behind them, or on a normal base as a single element
alternating pike or spear armed figures with shooting figures. They
are treated as spears when a front rank element in close combat
against foot to their front, counting as (O)
if they have a rear rank of (S)
bowmen on the same base, otherwise as (I).
In all other circumstances, they are treated as bowmen, counting as
when in close combat against mounted to their front, or when enemy
bowmen shoot or shoot back at them, or if they have a rear rank of
(S) bowmen on the
same base, otherwise as (O).
Bowmen (X) cannot
shoot from a rear rank, nor provide or receive rear support in close
including all dispersed skin, on foot shooting individually with
javelin, sling, staff sling, bow, crossbow or hand gun, who fight in
a loose swarm hanging around enemy foot, running away when charged.
Also all shooters supporting primarily close combat infantry
formations from rear ranks. They are useful to delay enemy, occupy
difficult terrain or support friends, but not where quick results are
needed or unsupported in the open against cavalry. They are able to
defeat elephants and scythed chariots by harassing them with
missiles, using their agility to dodge them and avoid contact. They
can be regular or irregular.
Superior (S):
Armed with javelins and small shield or with hand gun, able to drive
off rival psiloi.
Ordinary (O):
Armed with bow, sling, crossbow or staff sling, useful to support
foot, sometimes from behind.
Inferior (I):
Armed only with hand-hurled missiles and no shield, useful mainly to
pester and delay enemy foot.
Exception (X):
Armed with incendiaries, corrosives or biologicals such as Greek
Fire siphons, hand-hurled naphtha bombs, Chinese fire lances,
quicklime or hornets’ nests, They are treated in all circumstances
as (I)
Psiloi, but substitute artillery combat factors when in close combat
to their front against any but auxilia or psiloi.
Page 7
whether gunpowder, torsion counterweight or powered by men pulling
ropes. It is always regular.
Superior (S):
Torsion counterweight or large rope pull stone-throwers. Bombards or
heavy cannon.
Ordinary (O):
Bolt-shooting tension or torsion engines. Crew-served rocket
Inferior (I):
Small rope pull or gunpowder artillery including organ
guns/ribaudequins. Man-held rockets. Also flaming pigs, which are
treated as if rockets except that they cannot be used across water or
fortifications, or overhead.
Fast (F):
Bolt-shooting engines mounted on light carts but not those on
Exception (X):
Hand gunners formed in ranks, such as Ming Chinese. They are treated
as (I)
auxilia when in close combat, otherwise as (F)
artillery except that they move as (O)
bowmen, that their shooting range is only 100p,
that only the normal front edge counts as such, so that they turn to
face when contacted in flank or rear, and that if 2 elements deep
they can shoot in both their own and the enemy bound.
including all slow wheeled vehicles intended to be fought from and to
move on the battlefield, but not ordinary transport wagons or carts
utilised to laager camps. They can be regular or irregular.
Superior (S):
Large wheeled towers manned by bowmen and either pulled by oxen or
manhandled, such as those attributed to the Achaemenid Persians by
Xenophon in the Cyropaedia or those used in sieges.
Ordinary (O):
Mantleted wagons filled with men shooting from behind cover with
bow, crossbow, handgun or light artillery, such as those of the
Hussites, Poles, Hungarians or Gulai Gorod.
Inferior (I):
Wagons carrying a large standard guarded by picked troops on foot,
such as the royal wagon of the Khazars, that containing the holy
banners of St. Peter and St. Cuthbert used by the Anglo-Normans at
the Battle of the Standard, or the carroccio of an Italian state.
Command litters.
Exception (X):
Republican Roman anti-elephant carts and similar blade-studded
man-pushed wagons. They are as (O)
war wagons, except that they cannot shoot, can contact enemy, and are
less easily destroyed by elephants.
including all unwilling or incompetent foot brought to swell numbers
and/or perform menial services, or attracted by desperation,
religious or political fanaticism or greed. They are always
Superior (S):
Fanatic armed mobs, such as Crusader pilgrims. French peasant
jacquerie or Scottish ribaulds.
Ordinary (O):
Peasants or camp servants issued with cheap weapons, but with little
confidence in their ability to use them and no slake in the battle
except personal survival, such as Achaemenid or Sassanid levy
infantry or Byzantine soldiers’ servants.
Inferior (I):
Unarmed civilians driven ahead with whips by invaders such as
Fast (F):
Unorganised enthusiastic rabble with improvised weapons and relying
on ambush from difficult terrain and/or street fighting skills, such
as light-footed mountain peasant freedom-fighters, Byzantine racing
factions or Alexandrian rioters.
including all swift rowing vessels intended to ram or use fire
projectors. They are always regular.
Superior (S):
Large galleys with exceptionally powerful marine contingents and
gunpowder or torsion artillery or fire siphons, such as
quinquiremes/penteres, hepteres, dekares, later Byzantine dromons or
the heaviest armed late medieval galleys.
Ordinary (O):
Smaller galleys still large enough for the line of battle, such as
tetrares, triremes/trieres, Byzantine pamphylia or large medieval
galleys lacking powerful bow cannon.
Fast (F):
Fast lightly built galleys with smaller specialised marine
contingents, such as penteconters, triemioli, Roman liburnians,
medieval Venetian or Genoese galleys and North African galliots.
including all slow, unhandy or primarily sailing vessels intended to
carry cargo, and also galleys converted to carry horses or as
unmanoeuvrable siege towers for sieges. They are always irregular.
With stem and bow castles and large numbers of troops embarked, such
as cogs or uscieri.
Ordinary (O):
With large numbers of troops embarked, such as those of the Veneti
and medieval navi or nefs.
Inferior (I):
Either acting as horse transports, or carrying supplies and
substituting for land baggage elements. Horse transports are the only
naval that can embark mounted troops.
Exception (X):
Fastened together in pain to carry siege towers. They are treated as
ships if shooting or shot at or if in close combat against
fortifications, otherwise as (I)
including all primarily rowing vessels not intended to ram. (F)
and (X)
are always regular, others always irregular.
Superior (S):
Large wooden boats with several men per oar and filled with
warriors, such as Viking longships.
Ordinary (O):
Smaller undecked wooden boats filled with warriors, such as
triaconters or lembi.
Inferior (I):
Hide and/or wicker boats filled with warriors, such as Pictish or
Irish curraghs.
Fast (F):
Despatch boats attached to galley fleets.
Exception (X):
Converted rowing vessels with penthouse for torsion artillery.
Treated as (S)
artillery if shooting or shot at, otherwise as (I)
Page 8
including all logistic support. Its main game function is to require
protection. If permitted by an army list, (I)
ships can be
substituted for land baggage elements. Land baggage is (O)
if protected by fortifications, (I)
if not. All baggage
is irregular. Baggage elements must be either mobile such as wagons
in draft, pack animals, flocks, herds or (I)
ships, or immobile, such as tented camps or draft animals tethered in
the centre of a wagon laager. Only mobile baggage can move.v
Only immobile baggage can be protected by field fortifications.
These can be temporary [TF],
such as a palisade and/or ditch and bank, a wagon laager or a thorn
boma, or permanent [PF] around a built-up area [BUA] such as a turf
or stone wall with walkway and parapet and often raised towers. A BUA
more than 750p
across must have PF, and others may have TF or PF. These must
completely fortify its perimeter, except optionally where it abuts
the table edge or a waterway, and must include 1-3 on-table fortified
gateways to which any internal roads must connect. A fortification
intersecting a table edge is assumed to be part of a closed circuit,
the off-table part of which is not paid for. Towers must be at least
1 element width apart. Corner pieces of no internal frontage are not
paid for and cannot be attacked, overlapped or crossed. The smallest
gap permitted between non-continuous fortifications is 1 element
width. The angle inside corners of continuous fortifications cannot
be less than 90 degrees nor more than 270 degrees.vi
TF, other than around BUA or the plashed wood edges of an ambush,
must be in the army’s own deployment area. TF paid for at reduced
cost for BUA cannot be used for camps and vice versa. TF paid for at
full cost can be used for BUA, camps or elsewhere. Fortifications are
not troop elements.
Those knights, cavalry or
light horse specified in our army lists as able to do so can dismount
to fight on foot, replaced by duplicate foot figures. Others can do
so only to defend fortifications (in which case they must remount to
leave these), or within 300p
of enemy war wagons on a hill or enemy fortifications, or if a
general (plus any troops double-based with him) whose command is now
otherwise entirely on foot. All must dismount to defend
fortifications. Non-(X)
camelry are already
assumed to fight dismounted where appropriate, using camelry factors
and outcomes, so can only be replaced by foot figures to defend
fortifications or within 300p
of enemy war wagons on a hilt or enemy fortifications, and must be to
defend fortifications. Elephants, expendables and camelry (X)
cannot dismount or defend fortifications. Troops need not dismount to
capture ships or loot baggage since we assume that individuals get
off to loot or make a passage while others still fight mounted.
Unless specified otherwise by our army lists, mounted troops dismount
as follows:
If armed with bow, crossbow or
- Knights with bow - if (X) as Bowmen (S), otherwise as Bowmen (O).
- Cavalry – if (I) as Bowmen (I), if with handgun as Artillery (X), otherwise as Bowmen (O).
- Light Horse with bow or crossbow or Camelry with bow as Bowmen (I).
- Knights (S), (O) or (I) as Blades (S). Knights (F) as Spears (O) or Blades (O). Knights (X) as Spears (S).
- Regular Cavalry – – if (S) or (O) as Auxilia (S), if (I) as Auxilia (I).
- Light Horse as Auxilia (I).
Dismounters exchange 3 chariot
elements, 1 of other knights, cavalry or camelry or 2 of light horse
for 1 foot element. Except at deployment time, or to mount to
spontaneously advance against demoralised enemy or flee, mounting or
dismounting requires a full single element tactical or march move for
each dismounted element. If it is to remount, an appropriate chariot
or cavalry size base with riderless mounts and holders must be
provided for and accompany each dismounted element adjacent to its
rear, or that of any element providing rear support or overhead
shooting or its mounts.
If so specified in their army
list, infantry can be given additional bases with riderless mounts
and holders as above and classed as Mounted
Infantry. Unless
they have lost or left their mounts, they march and flee as camelry
if on camels, cavalry if not, but otherwise move as foot. They always
count as foot when shooting, shot at or in close combat, so do not
use a tactical move to dismount/remount. Duplicate mounted figures
can optionally be used when they are mounted.
The riderless mounts of any
troops do not count for any element count. They are immediately
removed from the table if in even corner contact with enemy, or if
shot at, or if their owners are destroyed, make a tactical move
except to remount, a march move except by mounted infantry, or any
spontaneous or outcome move on foot, or pass through or are passed
through by any but psiloi; if so, they cannot be remounted. Enemy
contacting riderless mounts do not have to make one of the permitted
contacts listed on P.18, and can continue their move after the mounts
are removed. All
infantry shown in Army Lists as compulsorily mounted are instead
treated as optionally mounted.
Except for boats (F),
which have insufficient capacity, and ships (I)
if substituting for land baggage, each naval element can and must
carry one land element of a type specified in our army lists. Its
cost is additional to that of the naval element. A naval element in
contact with a beach, quay or river bank can disembark its landing
troops. Until landing troops are re-embarked, it cannot be moved, and
is assumed to have few fighting men, so has minimal ability to defend
itself. If the terrain lacks any route of access for naval elements,
their landing troops and baggage instead deploy on land.
Page 9
All figures must be combined
into elements of several figures fixed to a thin rectangular base.
Base size is not critical provided that all bases have the saint
frontage and both armies use the same conventions. The basing
specified below is a simplified version of that used for WRG 7th and
is also suitable for DBA, Naval elements use models of reduced scale.
If figure scale
is: 25mm 15mm *6mm 2mm
The largest recommended naval
scale is 15mm 6mm 1/600 1/1200
Element frontage (width)
is 60mm 40mm 40mm 30mm
Depth if:
Elephants, Chariots,
Expendables, Artillery unless (X)
or on wagon, Baggage 80mm 40mm 40mm 10mm
Knights, Cavalry, Light Horse,
Camelry, Hordes 40mm 30mm 20mm 10mm
Blades (F)
or (X),
Warband (F),
Auxilia, Bowmen, Psiloi, Artillery (X) 30mm 20mm 10mm 10mm
Spears, Pikes, other Blades,
other Warband 20mm 15mm 5mm 10mm
War Wagons, Artillery on
wagons or naval (minimum for naval scale above) 120mm 80mm 80mm 60mm
Models per element if:
Elephants, Chariots, Camelry
Artillery (S) or
thunder-bomb oxen 1 1 2 3
Artillery (O)
(I) 1-2 1-2 2-4 4
War wagons (S)
or (I),
Galleys, Ships Boats (S)
or (F)
(for naval scale above) 1 1 1 1
Other war wagons 1 1 2 3
Other Boats (for naval scale
above) 1-4 3-4 3-4 3-4
Elephants (S)
add extra crew or 2 or more escort figures and Artillery 2 or more
crew figures per model. A Baggage element typically has one or more
tents or yurts if immobile, a wagon or several pack animals with
drivers if mobile.
Figures per element (unless
chariots, for which see above) if:
Light Horse (including (I)
mounted on camels). Psiloi 2 2 4
Knights (S),
or (F),
Cavalry, other Camelry, Blades (F)
or (X),
Warband (F),
Auxilia if irregular, Bowmen if irregular 3 3 6
Knights (X),
Spears, Pikes, other Blades, Auxilia if regular,
other Warband, Bowmen if
regular, Artillery (X),
cattle herds 4 4 8
Hordes 5-8 5-8 10-16
* A better alternative for 6mm
is to use 15mm base depths and double the number of 6mm figures
specified above, based in two rows. Except for (O)
war wagons, the number of models remains that specified, based in a
single row. Though it requires more figures, this system gives a
better impression of large bodies of men. It also allows the
representation on each element of formations such as wedge or
cantabrian circle, or horse archer parties galloping and in reserve.
Regular figures should be
evenly distributed along the base in a single level row. Irregulars
are distinguished by using figures of differing type, pose and/or
colour scheme placed more randomly. 6mm blocks need to be cut and
combined, with irregular or skirmishing troops often in small random
clumps. 2mm figures come in blocks of varied size, 4 of which make a
warband or horde or 2 any other element. Mount war wagons in single
file. The general’s element must be recognisable by his figure or
standard. Such elements and any depicting unit commanders fight as
the rank and file type.
It is sometimes convenient to
base 2 elements that historically habitually fought together on 1
double depth base. This is permitted only if the rear element could
provide rear close combat support to that in front, or could shoot
over it at a target on the same level, or if baggage. Double-based
knights (I), instead of 2 rows of 3 25mm or 15mm figures, have 1 each
of 2 and 4, or interleaved rows of 1, 2 and 3. A double element
counts as 2 elements in all circumstances, except:
- A double element moves as if a single element having the maximum permitted move of its slower type.
- A double element normally expends PIPs as if a single element of whichever type would require the most if alone. If, however, it moves backwards (i.e. any part of it crosses the original line of its rear edge), it expends PIPs as if 2 single elements, unless both its elements are cavalry or both are skirmishers.
- A double element which is not part of a group contacts enemy or responds to contact as if a single element.
- A double element makes outcome moves as if a single element of the front type.
- If only one element of a double element is destroyed, the double element is replaced by a single element of the other element’s type. The surviving single element remains in its original position.vii
When a double element recoils
or pursues, it moves back or forward the depth of the front rank
element, usually half the depth of the double element. When a double
element is destroyed, the distance behind it within which friendly
elements are destroyed is measured from the rear of the front rank
element, usually half the depth of the double element. All
cavalry elements required by Army Lists to be double-based with other
cavalry are treated as optionally double-based, except that if
they are double-based, both front and rear rank elements are treated
and paid for as Cv(O), regardless of the grading specified by the
list, and the Army Point reduction for double-based rear rank
elements applies. Page
Unless the battle is a
campaign or scenario game, each side consists of troop elements up to
an agreed total of army points (AP), normally between 300 and 500 AP.
In all games each army is controlled by 2 to 4 generals, each with
his own command. Each element must be part of one of these commands,
and cannot be transferred to a different command. One general must be
designated as commander-in-chief. Up to 3 generals can be subordinate
generals of his own army. Any others must be allied generals either
controlling foreign troops, or of his own nationality but of doubtful
reliability and so treated as allied rather than subordinate.
Subordinate or allied generals can either represent extra players or
not. Each army must include 6 baggage elements if 400AP or less,
otherwise 8. Baggage elements must all be assigned to a single
on-table C-in-C's or sub-general's command after deployment. All
other elements and generals must be assigned to commands before the
set-up procedure on P. 12 is started.viii
Our accompanying army list
books specify element types and numbers for the great majority of
historical armies within the period of the rules. All references to
lists in these rules refer to these books and not to players’
competition lists. An army can have only sufficient PF to enclose the
on-table part of a BUA, or TF to do the same and/or as specified in
its army list. Points spent on fortifications restricted to BUA are
wasted if the terrain includes no BUA or the army turns out to be the
invader. Points spent on naval elements are wasted if they have no
access onto the table. Their landing troops and baggage can still be
deployed, however, being assumed to have disembarked and joined the
army prior to the battle. An
elephant-mounted general is Regular where specified by the army list.
Such a general counts as Irregular in all respects except for PIP
allocation, but is paid for as Regular
Regular Irregular
Basic cost of element
of : (S) (O) (I) (F) (X) (S) (O) (I) (F) (X)
Elephants - - - - - 20 16 14 - 22
Knights 15 12 10 11 13 12 10 8 9 11
Cavalry 10 8 6 - - 9 7 5 - -
Horse 7 5 3 4 - 7 5 3 4 -
Camelry - - - - - 11 6 5 - 9
- - - - - - 7 - - -
Spears 7 5 4 - - - 4 3 - -
Pikes 5 4 3 - 4 - - 3 - 4
Blades 8 6 4 6 7 7 5 3 5 6
Warband - - - - - 5 3 - 3 -
Auxilia 4.5 3.5 2.5 - 3.5 4 3 2 - 3
Bowmen 7 5 4 - 7 5 4 3 - 5
Psiloi 3 2 1 - 6 3 2 1 - 6
Artillery 10 8 4 10 5 - - - - -
Wagons 14 10 3 - 7 10 8 2 - 6
- - - - - 2 1 0.5 1 -
Galleys 4 3 - 2 - - - - - -
Ships - - - - - 4 3 2 - 6
Boats - - - 2 6 3 2 1 - -
Land Baggage
- - - - - - 0 0 - -
Adjust for all grades if:
Knights or Cavalry if
chariots - 1 -1
Mounted infantry +1 +1
Rear element of double base if
specified by army list -2 -1
C-in-C’s or sub-general’s
element +20 +10
element +10 +5
Temporary fortifications to
cover the front of 1 element 2
Adjustment if TF part of a BUA
or specified in army list as defending camps or baggage -l
Permanent fortifications to
cover the front of 1 element 2
Adjustment if a raised
tower: +1
Adjustment if a gateway +2
Non-outward-facing parapets of
a tower are free, so for example: A square PF of four corner towers
(4 x 6AP), 1 gate tower (1 x 5AP), 3 interval towers (3 x 3AP) and 8
wall sections (8 x 2AP) costs 54 AP.
Page 11
Except in a scenario or
campaign battle, each side’s C-in-C sits at a different long table
side. They first each nominate a season of the year. Both then dice,
each adding his army’s aggression factor (a number from 0 to 4
specified in its army list) to his raw score. If adjusted scores are
equal, dice again until a round of dicing produces unequal adjusted
scores. The side with the higher adjusted score is the invader, the
other is the defender. The battle takes place in the invader’s
nominated season. Now add together the raw scores of all dice thrown.
The total is used to determine the time that the battle can start.
[See P. 13]. Now deduct the lower of the last pair of raw scores from
the higher. The difference is the weather score. If the score of the
invaders last die was odd, the direction he faces is due west, if
even, due east.
An historical invader chose
the season and route of invasion, often beside a waterway [WW], along
a river [Rv], or, if nervous of mounted enemy, through hilly country.
The defender chose where on that route to oppose him, such as on a
transverse river or line of hills, in ambush country or near a city
or fortress. We simulate this with terrain features placed on top of
a flat playing area notionally first bisected then trisected into 4
flank and 2 central sectors, which are then numbered 1-6. Terrain
features can be linear, such as WW, Rv or external roads, or
realistically shaped area features such as a built-up area [BUA],
hills or woods. Only features specified by our DBM army list books
for the defenders army can be used. A BUA can always include 0-2
connecting internal roads and, if on a hill, a link road to the
bottom of the hill. Any fields must be contiguous with a BUA, and
enclosed if the list book allows, open if not. Features cannot be
superimposed, except roads, a hill on a waterway (as an island or
promontory), a BUA incorporating a hill or island or placed as a
promontory, or marsh, rocks, sand dunes or a BUA partly replacing
beach, Terrain is laid in 3 phases.
- If he has at least 2 naval elements, a WW along one short table edge. Unless a WW is listed as compulsory for the defender’s army, he can only do so if he dices and scores 4, 5 or 6. If a WW is listed as compulsory, he can place one without dicing, but is not obliged to do so. A different non-water-feature option can be chosen if dicing is unsuccessful.x
- A river flowing from one long table edge to the other. Unless a Rv is listed as compulsory for the defender’s army, he can only do so if he dices and scores 4, 5 or 6. If a Rv is listed as compulsory, he can place one without dicing, but is not obliged to do so. A different non-water-feature option can be chosen if dicing is unsuccessful. If a river is placed, a second dice is thrown. The river must be entirely between 250p plus 50p times the score on this dice and 600p plus 100p times its score from the short table edge.xi
- A road from one central sector table edge to the other, plus 0 or 2-3 feature equivalents of entirely steep hills. Such hills can include a full or partial covering of Wd, V, O, rocky ground or brush if permitted to the defender, but the whole hill counts as DGo, and as a H(S), so does not satisfy a requirement for other types of compulsory terrain. The first compulsory road placed counts as 0 feature equivalents.
2. The defender now provides
and positions 2-3 feature equivalents of his choice. His choice must
include 1 feature (of 1-1½ feature equivalents if an area feature)
of each compulsory terrain type not yet present. For the purpose of
this total only, these count as half their actual feature
equivalents. His terrain is positioned in two phases (i) compulsory
features (ii) optional features. In each phase, WW, river and
BUA/fields must be placed first. He is restricted to:
- One WW, and only if none is already present and (if the army list book allows a BUA to his army) he positions a BUA in contact with it. Unless it is compulsory, he can only include a WW in his terrain selection if he dices and scores 5 or 6. A different option can be chosen if dicing is unsuccessful.
- One river flowing from one short table edge to that opposite, or to a WW, or to an attacker-positioned river. Unless it is compulsory, he can only include a river in his terrain selection if he dices and scores 6. A different option can be chosen if dicing is unsuccessful. If dicing is successful, divide the table depth equally into four and dice again. The river cannot go outside the indicated zone: 1 - zone nearest defender, 2,3 - central zone nearer defender, 4,5 - central zone nearer invader, 6 - nearest zone to invader.
- One BUA, and only if in contact with a WW, or, if there is none, in a flank sector or placed so that a gateway or included road links with an invader-placed road. The BUA (or any incorporated hill) must be positioned in contact with the defender’s rear table edge unless he dices and scores 5 or 6. If dicing is unsuccessful he must place it in contact with his rear table edge. The BUA and any fields must all be entirely within 1 sector.
- Up to 2 external roads, and only if they link with a BUA or join/cross a previous road, or roads are compulsory.xii
3. An invader who has not yet
placed any terrain can now choose and position 0-1.5 feature
equivalents of area features permitted by the defender’s list (not
{TERRAIN CHOOSING continued on
next sheet}
Page 12
– Part I
An area feature cannot be more
than 1,000p
across in any direction, nor less than l00p.
If it nowhere exceeds 500p
across it counts as ½ a feature equivalent, if it anywhere exceeds
as 1½. A BUA on a hill or island counts as the sum of both.
No player can use more than 3
features of the same feature equivalence and
going. An area feature can be:
- Good going [GGo], of bare gentle slopes, open fields, or of water features, bog or marsh frozen by cold weather.
- Rough going [RGo], of moderately boggy, rocky or brushy gentle slopes or lower ground or a sunken gully.
- Difficult going [DGo], of steep or wooded, vine-planted or terraced slopes, woods [Wd], orchards or olive or oasis palm groves [O], small fields enclosed by walls, hedges, irrigation channels or paddy bunds [E], vineyards [V], marsh [M], sand dunes [D], and built-up areas [BUA] unless manning perimeter fortifications.
Each compulsory and chosen
area feature except BUA or contiguous fields is diced for in turn and
must be placed entirely in the indicated sector. A 2nd dice throw
decides the position of the feature within the sector: 1,2 it must
touch a table edge or waterway, 3,4 its nearest part must be between
100p and
300p from the
nearest table edge or waterway edge, 5,6 no part can be within 300p
of any table edge or waterway edge.xiv
If it will not fit in without moving earlier features, it is
discarded even if compulsory. Each player must choose all his
features before positioning any.
Space between features is good
going and may represent unimproved pasture, steppe or hard desert.
For movement and combat, an element that is in more than one type of
going is treated as in whichever would slow mounted troops more. For
visibility, an element that is in more than one type of terrain is
treated as in whichever would reduce visibility less.xv
Camels of any
troop type except baggage count sand dunes and brush as good going
and other rough going as difficult.
A hill is a single feature
whether some or all of its slopes are steep, rough or covered with
woods, vineyards, orchards or olive groves, or all are gentle and
bare .xvi
Unless modelled with crests, hills are assumed to slope from a
central ridge or point down to their edge. Hill or gully slopes give
an advantage in close combat to an element with at least part of its
front edge upslope of all the opposing element.
Page 12 – Part II
External roads [Rd] may be
unpaved tracks. Each counts as ½ a feature equivalent. It must be
approx. element width or less, with troops moving astride. It goes
through or over features placed before or after, and can cross each
river once by bridge or ford. Combat along a road counts as in the
off-road going on its edges, which must be identical on both sides.
Waterways [WW] represent the
sea, large lakes or giant rivers such as the Rhine, Danube,
Euphrates, Tigris, lower Nile or Yangtse. Only one can be used,
occupying the full length of a short table edge, and extending
anywhere between a minimum of 300p
and a maximum of 300p
plus 100p
times the score of one dice inward from that table edge. No more than
half can extend more than 600p
It counts as 1 feature equivalent.xviii
It is edged by a further 50p
to 100p
of beach (50p
if not depicted), except where a promontory, marsh, rocky or dune
area feature, or the quay, defences or foreshore of a BUA are placed.
Beaches are good going to land troops. Unless frozen, waterways are
impassable to land elements but passable to all naval elements. A BUA
or hill touching a waterway can project into it as a promontory if no
closer than 300p
to the table edge. An island (a hill completely surrounded by the
waterway it touches) cannot be closer than 300p
to the table edge nor closer than 1 element width to the shore. A gap
no more than 200p
wide between island and shore is treated as a river for movement and
combat by naval and land troops. If waterway placement is obstructed
by hills on both flanks, those on the flank with less hills are moved
directly inland the minimum necessary to become islands or
The first river [Rv] placed
must flow from a specified table edge to the opposite edge, or to a
waterway along that edge. If both players place a river, the
defenders must flow from a short table edge to the first. Each counts
as 1 feature equivalent.xix
A river can only curve to the extent that no two points on its
mid-stream line are separated by a straight line distance of less
than ¾ of the distance between them measured along the mid-stream
line. Its width must not exceed
200p. Troops wading
a river do not count as in rough or difficult going, but are
penalised in other ways. [See P. 20 & Figure 15]. A land element
is wading a river if any part of it is in the river. A river can be
crossed safely without delay by bridge or road ford. Its nature
elsewhere is unknown until the first player attempts to wade it
off-road or place boats on it. It will then be found to be Paltry,
Easy, Tricky or Dangerous. All rivers aid troops defending their
banks. Only boats can move along an unfrozen river and then only if
it is at least 1 element width wide and not paltry. Fords or
undefended bridges do not block boats.
Naval elements in contact with
a beach, quay, river bank, bridge or fortification can be in close
combat with land elements using their normal combat factors. They can
also land troops and cannot then move until troops re-embark. Naval
movement is in difficult going if galleys in strong winds, boats
moving up-river, or ships if there is no wind or headed within 45°
of directly upwind. Naval elements cannot be deployed on frozen water
The raw set-up dicing total
gives the number of hours after midnight that deployment ends. One
hour passes each tine the defender completes 4 bounds. Sunrise to
Sunset is:
- 0400 to 2200 in Cold if summer.
- 0500 to 1900 in Cold if spring or autumn, or in Warm or Dry if summer.
- 0800 to 1600 in Cold, Warm or Dry if winter.
- 0600 to 1800 in other climates or seasons.
Dawn is the hour before
sunrise. Dusk is the hour after sunset. Night is between dusk and
dawn. It will be moonlit if the defender’s last set-up raw die
score was odd and there is no overcast, nor current mist, rain nor
If deployment ends between
midnight and dawn either side can choose to start the battle
immediately in summer, or half a hour before dawn in spring or
autumn. Otherwise it starts at dawn. If it starts before dawn, any
command that is unreliable, or twice has a PIP score of 2 or less,
does not move or dice again until dawn breaks or any of its elements
has seen enemy.
If night falls during a
battle, this continues if in moonlight and either side chooses. If
not, both sides are assumed to break off and return to camp. Both
then choose simultaneously whether to retreat under cover of
darkness. If either does, the battle ends and 1 VP is transferred
from a retreating side to a side that remains. If neither retreats,
any demoralised troops not in fortified BUA are removed and the
remaining troops less losses but plus any flank marches that have not
arrived redeploy on table at dawn as if the start of a new battle. No
flank marches or ambushes are permitted. All losses are carried
forward and demoralisation points are based on the original strengths
of the armies.
We recognise four climatic
regions, which we call Cold, Warm, Dry and Tropical. The home climate
of each army is specified by its army list. If opposing armies
originate in different climatic regions, they meet in that of the
- Cold applies north of the Pyrenees, Alps, Caucasus and the Central Asian Desert, to the Danube basin, Galatia, Mongolia, Tibet, Korea, China north of the Fei river, Japan and highland Peru, and to all large mountain regions.
- Warm applies to southern Europe Africa north of the Atlas, Asia Minor except Galatia, and Syria/Palestine.
- Dry applies to the Sahara, Libya, Egypt, West and East Sudans, Arabia, Persia, Mesopotamia, the Indo-Persian border, and the Central Asian Desert.
- Tropical applies to Africa south of the Sudans, India, South East Asia, China south of the Fei river, and Central and South America.
Page 13
If the weather score is:
0-1 Perfect clear and dry
weather with minimal cloud cover Light wind as for score of 5, except
in bounds in which the average PIP score s 2 or less, during which
there is no wind.
2 Fog in Cold if winter, mist
in other climates except Dry or other seasons, from 1 hour before
dawn until any bounds PIP dice avenge less than 3. If the battle
starts at least 2 hours after dawn, or continues past that time, fog
or mist is automatically assumed to have cleared. No wind.
3 Strong wind blowing from
South West in Cold or Tropical, from South in Warm or Dry. Overcast
and risk of rain in Tropical if spring or summer, or in Cold. Risk of
dust storms in Dry if spring or summer. Risk of shipwreck.
4 Light wind blowing from
North West in Cold or Warm, from South West in Dry or Tropical.
Overcast and risk of rain in Tropical if spring or summer. Rivers
flooded in Warm if spring. Rivers and marshes frozen in Cold if
5 Overcast if spring, autumn
or winter. Light wind blowing from North East in Cold if winter,
South West in Cold if spring, summer or autumn North West in Warm,
South West in Dry or Tropical. Waterways, rivers and marshes frozen
and risk of snow in Cold if winter. Risk of rain in Cold if spring or
autumn, in Warm if spring, autumn or winter, in Dry if winter, in
Tropical if spring. Rivers flooded and mud in Cold if spring or
autumn, in Warm or Dry if winter, in Tropical if spring. Risk of
dazzle if summer. Thirst in Warn, if summer, in Dry if summer or
Change in wind direction: The
wind backs 45° anticlockwise when any bounds PIP dice average 5 or
more, veers 45° clockwise if they avenge 2 or less.
Snow, rain or dust storm risk:
Such weather starts when any bounds PIP dice average 5 or more, then
ceases if in a later bound they average less than 3, Once ceased,
snow & dust storm do not occur again.
Snow, fog, mist: Reduces
visibility. Restricts movement. [See Pages 19 & 20]. Combat
disadvantage if shooting, except in snow if within 45° of directly
Rain: Combat disadvantage if
bowmen or artillery and shooting or in close combat.
Dust storm: Reduces
visibility. Combat disadvantage unless facing within 45° of directly
down wind. Restricts movement. [See Pages 19 & 20].
Flooded rivers: Increases
difficulty of river crossings.
Dazzle: Combat disadvantage
if facing within 45° of due East within 1 hour after sunrise or
within 45° of due West within 1 hour before sunset, unless the
elements front edge is entirely within a wood, orchard, olive or palm
grove or gully or on the slope of a hills shaded side.
Strong winds: Combat
disadvantage if shooting except within 45° of directly down wind.
Naval move only as individual elements. Naval with the land edge of a
waterway directly down wind within an element base width are
destroyed by shipwreck unless moved or halted, or already in contact
with a quay, or galleys or boats already in contact with a beach,
Difficult going and combat disadvantage for galleys.
No wind: Difficult going for
Mud: Converts roads into
rough going, both for movement along or across them, and for combat
if through good going. Combat disadvantage if moved upslope into
contact this bound.
Thirst: Combat disadvantage
after the sides 6th bound unless it has a river lake or other feature
depicting fresh water or friendly BUA closer to its base table edge
than is the rear of its most forward element.
Overcast: Reduces visibility
at night.
Troops or terrain features are
visible in daylight and clear weather to all viewers whose direct
line of sight is not blocked by intervening hills, sand dunes, woods,
orchards, olive or palm groves or BUA. Dusk and dawn reduce the
maximum distance at which they can be seen to 600p,
moonlight, day-time mist or snow to 300p,
and a moonless, overcast or misty night, fog or dust-storm to 100p.
Troop elements do not block line of sight.
Troops or plashing within a
wood or troops in the interior of a built-up area cannot be seen from
beyond 50p,
nor those within orchards, olive or palm groves or sand dunes from
beyond 150p,
unless they disclose their presence by shooting out. Troops less than
those distances inside the edge see out as if outside. Psiloi in
vineyards, marsh, rocky areas or brush cannot be seen beyond 150p
unless moving or in close combat. Troops at least half way up hills
cannot see or be seen from less than 600p
beyond a lower hill, wood, orchard or olive or palm grove or sand
dunes. Those on the flat or lower on hills cannot be seen over these
at all. Troops on steep slopes or beyond a crest cannot be seen from
the same hill at beyond 100p.
A gully can be seen into only from its edge. Troops in a gully can
see out, but cannot shoot out. Knowledge of enemy presence or adverse
events is assumed to spread through a command by informal means,
whether the general wishes it or not. Troops are considered to be
aware of any enemy:
- Who are visible to or have shot at any element of their command.
- Who have been observed within or moving into concealing terrain by an element of the command and not been seen to move out again.
- Who are within fortifications.
Page 14
The defender is assumed to have
the greater local knowledge and scope for choosing the battlefield or
preparing defensive positions or ambushes. The invader is assumed to
have the initiative. None of this affects tactical posture, which is
entirely the choice of the players. For example, an invader can seek
to adopt the tactical defensive, as did English armies in the 100
Years War, a defender can attack, and so on.
Unless inside or part of a
fortified BUA or in ambush, troops, baggage and TF cannot be
- Further forward than 300p short of the table centre line.
- Unless naval, within 300p of a short table edge.
- Within 200p of an enemy garrisoned fortified BUA.
Baggage must be placed in a
BUA, or in a group or groups in GGo, (a) with each groups rear edge
in full contact with the base table edge, or (b) in contact with a
waterway, beach or river. TF specified by army lists as defending
camps or baggage must have each end touching their side’s base
table edge, a waterway or a river, and contain baggage.
The defender first places his
baggage, any fortifications not part of a BUA, and any of his
elements garrisoning a fortified BUA. The latter can include some or
all of the elements of one command only, which cannot be the largest
command in the army. The invader then places his baggage and any
temporary fortifications.
Both sides then record: (i) the
relative position of their commands from right to left and front to
rear, (ii) the flank of arrival of any commands making off-table
flank marches, (iii) the position and direction faced of each element
of troops deployed in ambush, and whether ambushers are dismounted.
They then deploy their
remaining troops, except any making off-table flank marches or in
ambush. They alternately deploy one on-table command each, starting
with the defender. Each side’s first command must be the one with
the largest total number of elements, excluding baggage and
Its remaining commands can be deployed in any order. All non-baggage
elements of a command must deploy within a notional rectangle, which:
- Must be parallel with the battlefield edges.
- Cannot intersect or be inside another friendly command’s rectangle.
- Can be in contact with another friendly command’s rectangle. Elements of one command can be deployed in contact with elements of another friendly command.xxi
Off-table flank marchers are
not placed on table until they arrive. Ambushers are not placed in
position until they first move, are seen by enemy, or shoot.
After both sides have deployed
all on-table troops except ambushers, each side assigns all their
baggage to one on-table C-in-C's or sub-general's command.xxii
Up to half an army’s complete
commands can be sent on off-table flank marches. Only 1 can be on
each flank. The flank of arrival must he recorded for each such
command at deployment time. A C-in-C cannot flank march, nor can
Only naval flank marchers can arrive on a waterway. Mounted troops
must arrive mounted. A PIP score of 6 by a flank marching command
indicates the arrival of that command in its next bound. The flank of
arrival is immediately declared and the opponent asked if he also has
an off-table flank march on that flank.
If both sides have a flank
march on that flank, the two commands’ total numbers of elements
are compared.xxiv
A smaller flank march is driven back, as are both if equal sized. A
driven back flank march arrives by march moves in its next bound
anywhere in its side’s own half of the specified flank edge. Any
elements failing to do so instead flee on. Elements still unable to
move on to the table are lost. A larger flank march arrives in its
next subsequent bound.
Unopposed or larger flank
marches arrive anywhere in the opposing side’s half of the
specified flank edge. Arrival is by tactical or march moves.xxv
Any elements failing to move on to the table in the bound of arrival
are assumed to be straggling. Unless demoralised, in which case they
are lost, stragglers arrive in the next bound in which their
command’s PIP score is 6. Those failing to arrive by tactical or
march move that bound instead all arrive by spontaneous advance. Any
that have no room to do so are lost. Any enemy element within 300p
of and in sight of the place of arrival on the flank table edge of
any element of an unopposed or larger flank march must immediately
flee directly away from that table edge, unless inside a fortified
BUA or in close combat other than as an overlap.
Front rank elements arriving by
tactical or march move measure their move from the table edge, as
does each element fleeing or spontaneously advancing on. No element
can arrive inside a fortified BUA nor with part of its base off
An ambush is an element or
elements initially deployed in any of the following situations in
flank sectors only:
- Concealed within a wood, orchard, olive or palm grove, sand dunes or a gully.
- Hidden from the enemy deployment area by intervening hills, sand dunes, woods, orchards or olive/palm groves.
- If psiloi, hidden in these ways or in a vineyard, rocky area or marsh, or in brush.
Its location is written down at
deployment time, but it is not placed in position until it first
moves, shoots or is seen by enemy. A defender cannot place ambushers
further forward than the table centre line. An invader cannot place
ambushers further forward than 300p
short of the table centre line. An ambush cannot be placed within
of an enemy garrisoned fortified BUA. An ambush cannot include
baggage or fortifications other than plashed wood edges. If impetuous
troops in ambush need to be restrained without betraying their
presence, the player can leave the required PIPs apparently unused,
rather than declaring them as used for a halt.
Page 15
The two sides take alternate
bounds. The invaders take first bound. During each sides bound:
(1) Its commander-in-chief
dices on behalf of each of its commands whether on or off table for
that command’s player initiative points (PIP), to be used to make
tactical or march moves or to temporarily halt spontaneous advance or
retreat moves or drifting, or to test for arrival. Note is taken of
any change in the weather.
(2) It first makes tactical or
march moves, then any spontaneous moves or drifting that have not
been prevented. A legal move cannot be taken back once made.
Opponents troops immediately pursue break-offs if required to do so.
(3) All elements of both sides
that are eligible to shoot, shoot and make or inflict outcome moves,
in an order decided by the side whose bound it is.
(4) Any elements of both sides
that are in contact with enemy fight and make or inflict outcome
moves, in an order decided by the side whose bound it is.
The C-in-C simultaneously
throws one PIP die for each and every command at the start of each of
his side’s bounds. The colour or these dice depends on the status
of each command’s general. A general is regular if his element is
irregular. A command’s die continues to be thrown each bound until
all the command’s non-baggage elements have been lost.
Irregular and allied general
commands are each allocated a different color die at the start of the
game, which die and its PIP scores they use throughout the game. The
dice for other regular generals’ commands are all the same color.
The C-in-C specifies after throwing each bound, and before any moves
are made, which of these commands uses which die and its PIP score
that bound. However a command instead dices independently if at
night, or in mist, fog, snow or a dust-storm, or the C-in-C has been
lost, or the command’s general is flank marching off-table or is in
PIPs cannot be used by other
commands or saved for future bounds. 1 PIP is used for each tactical
or march move, and each halt to prevent spontaneous advance or
retreat or drifting. This is modified for each of the following that
-1 If the element or group
includes the C-in-C if to be moved or halted, or a sub-general who
has not moved during the game if to be halted. Each general can only
apply this modifier to his own command, and only once per bound.
+1 If the element or group to
be moved or halted is more than 1,200p
from the general’s element, or more than
600p and neither is
in sight of the other; or if the general’s element is in front edge
contact with enemy, or is straggling off-table or has been lost. The
distance is taken as being the shortest distance between the nearest
point of the general’s element and the nearest point of the element
or group to be moved or halted without passing either through terrain
impassable to both light horse and boats or through any enemy
+1 If a single element or
group move on land, but not a halt, includes any irregulars except
light troops or cavalry, and
either of the following also apply:
- Any element deviates from straight ahead, unless following another element in (but not into) a 1 element wide column, or moving (1 element wide) along a road or river bank, or any element contacts enemy.
- Any irregular element, other than of light troops or a general and any troops double based with him, moves less than its full move, unless the move ends when at least one element contacts enemy, a river or impassable terrain, or a march discovers enemy within 200p.
+1 If a group move, but not a
halt, includes any mounted infantry, knights, cavalry or light horse,
other than a general and any troops double based with him, and
also any un-mounted
foot except psiloi behind cavalry they can support.
+1 If a single element or
group move, but not a halt, includes any artillery except (F)
or (X).
+1 For each single element
move used to mount or dismount.
+1 lf a single irregular
element or a group including any irregulars is halted to prevent
spontaneous advance or retreat, unless entirely of foot occupying
rough or difficult going, or entirely of foot defending
fortifications or a river edge, or entirely of foot uphill of the
nearest enemy of whom they are aware.
+1 If
a marching group is marching for a fourth or subsequent time that
bound, or for a third time if it includes any of the following:
- Any knights war wagons or elephants (other than a general and any troops double based with him) in any formation.
- Any irregulars (other than skirmishers) hordes or expendables not in a single element wide column.xxvi
An ally general whose first
PIP die score is 1 is unreliable.
He will not commit himself until any of:
- He scores a 6 on his PIP die. (If flank marching, subsequent to the 6 required for arrival).
- Enemy shoot at or move into contact with any of his troops.
- An enemy command becomes demoralised.
Before that: (a) His troops
cannot shoot, spontaneously advance, or make tactical or march moves
closer to any known enemy within 600p
except to arrive on table without contacting enemy; (b) If he is
irregular and of a different nation to the main army, or if regular
or irregular and of the same nation in a civil war, his command will
change sides and become a committed enemy command if any of its own
side’s commands become demoralised.xxvii
Page 16
A tactical move by land or
water can be by a single element or by a temporary group of elements
all of the same command. No element can take part in more than one
tactical move per bound.
Single element moves:
A move by a single element
other than of expendables:
- Can be in any direction provided that neither front corner of its base (nor rear corner if train) ends more than the troop-type’s maximum permitted move distance from where that corner started. [See figure 1].
- Can be used to break off from enemy in contact with its front, but only if it is either at night, by naval, or the element breaking off has a greater maximum move in the terrain it ends in than the element broken off from. An element breaking off must move at least 100p directly to its own rear and end facing the clement broken off from. A break-off must not deviate from straight back, nor end in contact with new enemy. An element in contact with an enemy front edge to its flank or rear cannot break off.
- Can be used to dismount or remount troops, except mounted infantry who do so automatically. A full single element move is required for each dismounted element. If this replaces or is replaced by 2 or 3 elements, each of these must start or end in edge contact with at least one of the other. Elements using a tactical move to mount or dismount cannot start or end in edge contact with enemy.
- Can be used to embark on or disembark from naval in edge contact with a beach, quay or river bank, starting or ending respectively in edge contact with the naval element An element cannot disembark if enemy land troops ale in contact with the waters edge, in which case combat must be fought by the naval element until the enemy recoil, break-off, flee or are destroyed. It can disembark to contact enemy who are positioned away from the edge these being moved back if necessary to make room.
Group moves:
A group is defined as a number
of elements which except as made necessary by wheeling a column or
passing through a gateway, are facing the same direction, and each in
both edge and corner to corner contact with another of the group’s
elements. A group including expendables cannot include elements of
other types unless in a 1 element wide column.
A group move cannot start with
any element in contact with an enemy element’s front edge. Unless
moving laterally to form or expand from a single element wide column,
or prevented by friends or terrain, elements moving as a group must
each move parallel to, or follow, the first of them that moves and
must move the same distance or wheel through the same angles. A group
move cannot include changes in frontage, turns or movement to the
group’s rear except as below, nor any sideways or oblique inclining
movement other than as specified in Fig. 15 or by up to half an
element width to line up with enemy who are within 1 base width [See
P. 18], nor mounting, dismounting, disembarking or embarking.xxviii
An entire group move can be
used to:
- Expand from a single element wide column. The front element remains stationary. Other elements move as if by single element moves. All must end facing the same direction and in both edge and corner to corner contact with another element of the original group. None can end in contact with enemy. All front rank elements must be lined up level with the original front rank element. The maximum distance that any front corner of any element can move is 50p more than its permitted tactical move distance in that terrain. [See figure 3].
- Contract into a single element wide column from a wider group. The front element of the column moves forward by up to its full tactical move distance, including any bonus for moving along a road. It can wheel. Other elements move as if by single element moves, the nearest elements failing in behind the column, the rest moving to close up any resulting gaps. No element can end further to its rear than its position prior to the formation change (but after any initial 180o turn).xxix Until the group is entirely in column, all must end facing the same direction and in both edge and corner to corner contact with another element of the original group. None can end in contact with enemy. The maximum distance that any front corner of any element can move is its normal tactical move, including any bonus for moving along a road if the front of the column is doing so. It may take more than one move for the whole group to join in the column. [See fig. 4a - 4c].
Unless expanding from a
column, a group move can include:
- One or more wheels, measuring the move distance of the outer front corner of each wheel in a straight line.
- An initial and/or a final 180º turn if the group is entirely of light horse, or entirely of psiloi, or entirety of regular naval, in each case measuring the move of each element from its initial front edge to its final rear edge.
Each element of a 1 element
wide column wheels in succession on arrival at the place where the
first wheeled. Until all have done so, the column will have a bend at
that point. Only the front elements move is measured, the other
elements being treated as if moving the same distance. A group move
be in or into a 1 element wide column if:
- Through a gateway or leaving a temporary fortification, or entirely along a road, or across a road ford or bridge.
- Ending the move in difficult going, unless all elements are psiloi or move into edge to edge or corner to corner contact with enemy visible at the start of the move.
- Across a tricky or dangerous river, this simulating discovery and use of an unmarked ford.
Page 17
Movement restrictions:
No element can cross the front
of or retire from in front of any enemy element at or closer than 1
element base width distance with no element, fortification or, unless
the enemy is naval, water even partly intervening, nor thereafter
continue moving, except:
- To advance directly forward towards such an element at least part of which is directly in front.
- To advance and line up directly opposite such an elements front.
- To advance so that its front edge contacts the front edge or front corner only of whichever enemy element can be so contacted by the shortest move. [Fig 2]. An element attempting contact having started opposite a joint between two enemy elements must therefore contact the enemy element it initially overlaps most.
- To follow behind an element or elements contiguous with its front in any of the above.
- To retire directly to its own initial rear without ending in edge contact with enemy.
- As a spontaneous or outcome move.
- If the enemy are skirmishers and the movers are impetuous troops and their entire move is directly forward.
In the following circumstances
moves which would not normally be permitted, are permitted to allow
troops to line up with or contact enemy:
- When a single element or group moves within 1 base width of enemy, one sideways shift of up to half an element width is permitted if it is necessary to line up the troops so that a move straight ahead (this bound or in a subsequent bound), without any further sideways shift, would allow at least one element to make contact with the enemy as specified in paragraph 4 below. Such a shift does not itself prevent a move from counting as entirely straight ahead. If, however, a wheel is also required to line up with the enemy, the shift can be performed before, during or after the wheel. The normal rules for crossing the enemy front are suspended during the shift unless the move ends with any element in front edge contact with an enemy flank or rear. If the move is otherwise entirely straight ahead or by a group, the shift is disregarded for measuring move distance.xxx
- Several single element or group moves can be made simultaneously to allow contact with an enemy element or group, but only if none of the moving elements or groups could contact enemy without the others moving first, and all moves can be carried out without any element or group interpenetrating another.xxxi
When an element which is not
part of a group or which is part of a group entirely of skirmishers
is contacted by the front edge or by the front corner only of an
enemy element which is part of a larger group whose whole move was
entirely straight ahead (without any sideways shift), it must
immediately pivot and/or shift sideways as needed to exactly face the
element contacting it the most, unless any of the following apply:
- It is already in contact with enemy.
- It is defending fortifications or the edge of a terrain feature.
- It is of a type that does not turn to face flank contact.
- This will position it so that a recoil would meet a friendly element it could not pass through or push back enough to fully recoil, or a flee move from combat would take it off table. This exception applies even if recoil or flee is not a possible outcome.
- There is insufficient space for it to pivot or shift. In this case, an element of skirmishers contacted by foot must still pivot or shift if sufficient space can be made for it to do so by the moving group being moved straight back to make room.
If such an element is in even
partial edge to edge contact with another friendly element other than
of skirmishers, it need not pivot, but must shift sideways to line
up. The player whose bound it is chooses the order of multiple
{Movement Restrictions
continued on next sheet}
Page 18 – Part I
If the enemy is not required
to pivot or shift sideways as above, the following restrictions apply
to all tactical, spontaneous advance or pressing forward moves:
- Troops can only move into contact with enemy if a single element or at least one element of a group ends in one of the following positions.
- Front edge in full contact with an enemy element’s front edge and front corner in contact with that enemy element’s front corner.
- Front edge in at least partial contact with an enemy element’s flank edge and front corner in contact with that enemy element’s front corner. [Fig. 6.]
- Front edge in full contact with an enemy element’s rear edge and front corner in contact with that enemy element’s rear corner.
- In right-to-right or left-to-left front corner to front corner contact with an enemy element, and facing the exact opposite direction.
- In partial or complete side edge to side edge contact with an enemy element.
- In front corner to front corner and side edge to side edge contact with a friendly element whose front edge is in contact with an enemy element’s flank or rear edge as specified in the 2nd or 3rd bullet above.
- No element can move into contact with an enemy element’s rear unless it starts entirely on that side of an imaginary line prolonging the rear base edge of the enemy element. [Fig. 5].
- No element can move into contact with an enemy element’s flank unless it starts partly or entirely on that side of an imaginary line prolonging the side base edge of the enemy element, any part not on that side of the line being behind the enemy rear. [Fig. 5].xxxiii
Bowmen (even bow (X))
cannot move to contact the front of mounted enemy they can shoot at.
Train cannot move to contact enemy troop elements or fortifications,
except that WWg (S)
can contact fortifications and WWg (X)
can contact troops. Chariots, expendables, artillery except (X)
or man-held rockets, war wagons and wheeled baggage ending their move
off-road in rough or difficult going can only do so as single
elements. Expendables can only change direction by wheels except when
turning to face enemy in front edge contact with their flank or rear.
Troops can enter
fortifications only unopposed at a gateway, or by assault. [See P.
21]. Infantry can only leave a permanent fortification, and mounted
or train any fortification, by a gateway. When entering or leaving a
fortification, whether by a gateway or otherwise, the distance
between its near and far edges is disregarded.
March movement by land or
water differs from tactical movement in that, there being no enemy in
the immediate vicinity, it is assumed to be continuous and to include
movement during the preceding enemy bound. Except as specified on
P.16 a march move expends the same PIPs as a tactical move. It is
identical to a tactical move except that:
- Normally, it cannot start or go closer to known enemy than 200p, and ends immediately on discovering previously unknown enemy within 200p. However, this distance is reduced to 50p if all of the following apply:
- The movers are entirely unmounted foot or unmounted foot plus a mounted general and any troops double based with him.
- The enemy are entirely skirmishers, or any type if not part of a group.
- The enemy total less elements than the number of elements in the moving group’s front rank (even if this is not level).
Any march move that goes
closer to known enemy than 200p,
as permitted by the above exception, must be entirely straight ahead.
It must stop as soon as it has the required number of known enemy
elements within 200p.
[Fig. 16.]
- An element can make or join in as many march moves during each bound as there are sufficient PIPs for, but cannot also make a tactical move that bound.xxxiv
A halt can be used to prevent
any of the following for the current bound:
- An element or group from making a spontaneous advance.
- A naval element from drifting on to a lee shore in strong winds and being shipwrecked.
- An element or group belonging to a demoralised command from fleeing in spontaneous retreat, In the case of single elements only, such a halt can include a 180° turn towards enemy.
It is not a move, even if it
includes a 180° turn, so is unaffected by difficult going. A group
halt can be used to halt any or all of the defenders of a fortified
enclosure (continuous except where intersected by a feature, table
edge, or gateway).
Halts and
moves are mutually exclusive. No element can take part in a halt and
also any tactical or march move in the same bound.xxxv
Page 18 – Part II
Some troops are impetuous on
land and are liable to advance without waiting for orders. These are:
- Irregular elements of - knights if (S), (O) or (F) (but not (X)), camelry if (S), expendables, warband, blades if (F) (but not (X) and hordes if (S).
- Any regulars or irregulars, other than train, who are aware of demoralised enemy closer than the nearest undemoralised enemy and within 600p or who would contact enemy baggage.
Impetuous elements must make a
spontaneous advance as individual elements unless any of the
following apply:
- They have made a tactical or march move this bound.
- They are prevented from moving this bound by a single element or group halt.
- Their front edge is already in contact with enemy, or the front edge of an enemy element is in contact with them.
- They are in a position to give rear or overlap support to friends whose front edge is already in contact with enemy.
- They belong to the command of an uncommitted unreliable ally general.
- They belong to a demoralised command.
- They would contact enemy elephants.
A spontaneous advance must be
towards the nearest enemy baggage element if this is visible and
there are no known enemy elements within 200p
either side of the impetuous elements direct route to it, otherwise
towards the centre of the closest enemy element of which it is aware,
measuring between furthest apart front corners, ignoring the
- Any enemy in or beyond terrain the impetuous element cannot enter and cannot by-pass by a diversion of 300p.
- If the impetuous element is mounted, any enemy in difficult going or beyond enemy fortifications.
- Enemy skirmishers unless any part of their element base is directly to the impetuous element’s front.
Spontaneous advancers unaware
of any enemy they do not ignore move towards the centre of the enemy
base table edge. If still unaware of such enemy on reaching that
edge, they halt.
A spontaneously advancing
element must move its full tactical distance and directly towards its
target, making any necessary changes of direction by wheels and/or
180° turns, except that:
- It can make any shifts, inclines or pivots necessary to contact its target this bound if it cannot do so by wheeling.
- It must reduce its move by 10p if needed to avoid ending in front corner to front corner contact with friends unless its front edge contacts enemy, or it can give rear or overlap support to friends in contact with enemy.
- It can shift and/or pivot by the minimum necessary to avoid any of the following that it has contacted: difficult going, impassable terrain, fortifications it cannot cross or friends it cannot pass through. [See P. 20 and fig. 9c to 9e]. It cannot do so to avoid going it counts as rough or rivers, but can pivot to cross a river.
- • It can pivot backwards by the minimum necessary to align the direction it ends facing with that of a friendly element within an element base width which is already in edge or corner contact with enemy or which has already made a spontaneous advance this bound. [Fig. 9a and 9b].
- Its move ends when it reaches front edge and corner contact with an enemy element, or it becomes eligible to give rear or overlap support to friends in contact with enemy, or it is within 50p of mounted enemy it can shoot at.
- It moves double distance unless already within, or the move would bring it within, 200p of known enemy.
The maximum
distance (p) that
any Single element or element of a group can move, if permitted in
that terrain, is:
Along Road At Least Partly Off-Road in
Good Rough Difficult
Light Horse 250 250 200 100
Cavalry, Camelry or
Expendables 200 200 150 100
Elephants or
Knights 200 150 150 100
Auxilia or
Psiloi 200 150 150 150
Spears, pikes, Blades,
Warband, Bowmen or Hordes 200 100 100 100
War Wagons. Artillery except
mobile land Baggage 150 100 50 50
Artillery (S) 100 50 50 -
Naval except (X) - 200 - 100
Naval(X) - 100 - 50
- Troops classed as Fast (F), add an extra 50p to their maximum tactical, march or fleeing move distance off-road, if either mounted, artillery or naval in good going or if other foot.
- An element in front corner to front corner or side edge to side edge contact with an enemy element at the start of its move can add 50p to its maximum distance to move into frontal contact with that enemy elements flank edge.
- Off-road moves are restricted to 100p if any element is crossing any but a paltry river, or when visibility is reduced to 100p by night and/or, unless Bedouin or Tuaregs in a day-time dust-storm, by weather.
Page 19
Except when contracting a
group into a column, no element can enter a gap less than 1 element
wide between elements it could not interpenetrate in the direction
moved and/or fortifications or impassable terrain, unless while it is
in the gap it moves straight ahead or straight back and stops when it
meets any obstruction that it cannot pass through; if moving straight
ahead, it must end its move in close combat; if moving straight back,
it must end its move out of the gap and cannot end its move in
contact with enemy. (Note that an element moving sideways out of the
middle of a single element wide column can do so because it is
leaving the gap not entering it.)xxxvi
Elements within or entering a 1 element wide gap between 2 enemy
elements can change direction 90° to move into frontal contact with
the flank of an enemy element. Otherwise, such elements can only move
directly to their own front or rear and any remaining move must be in
the same direction.
No element can interpenetrate
friends who are in contact with an enemy element’s front edge, nor
land troops friends in a river. Friends not in spontaneous advance
are permitted the following interpenetrations directly to their front
or rear:
- Mounted can pass through psiloi who are facing in the same or opposite direction.
- Psiloi can pass through any land troops who are facing in the same or opposite direction.
- Bowmen except (X) can pass through or be passed through by blades facing in the same or opposite direction.
- Infantry can pass through train in any direction.
- Boats can pass through or be passed through by galleys or ships facing the same or opposite direction.
- Any land troops can pass through (I) hordes in any direction, the hordes being destroyed as the interpenetration starts.xxxvii
Elements making a spontaneous
advance can and must pass through any friends in their path except
elephants, unless the friends are already in edge contact with or
eligible to give rear or overlap support against enemy, are in a
river, or have themselves already made a spontaneous advance in the
current bound. When any except train are passed through by a
spontaneous advance, the following actions are taken as the
interpenetration starts:
- Other impetuous troops that have not yet moved this bound recoil if they can complete this. They then make a full spontaneous advance, even if halted this bound, as soon as the element passing through has completed its move.
- Other impetuous troops that have already made a tactical or march move this bound, or other non-impetuous troops, recoil if they can complete this.
When the move of a single
non-spontaneously-advancing element or an element of a group is
insufficient to clear the base of an element it is passing through it
cannot pass through if such a move would end in contact with enemy,
otherwise it is placed immediately beyond the friendly element’s
far edge. Any following elements stop at the friendly element’s
near edge. Such split-off elements are no longer part of the original
Waterways are unfordable
except where an island is within 200p
of the shore. A river can always be crossed by road ford or bridge.
The first element to enter each unfrozen river during the game, or
the same river in a different table sector, except by a road ford
must dice for its difficulty, adding 2 if in flood and deducting 1 if
running to another water feature or a short table edge, 2 if in
summer or autumn in Dry or in summer in Warm or Cold. If the total
< 3 it is Paltry.
It can be waded anywhere in any formation without delay.
3-4 it is Easy.
It can be waded anywhere in any formation, but at reduced speed,
5-6 it is Tricky.
It can be waded anywhere by a single element or single element-wide
column at reduced speed. Blades (S)
or Spears (S)
dismounted knights treat the river as dangerous - see below.
7-8 it is Dangerous.
It can only be waded by a single element or 1 element wide column at
reduced speed. Each element making a tactical, march or spontaneous
advance move dices again separately as it enters the water, adding 1
if a generals element or if an element immediately in front has just
crossed successfully. A score of 1 means it is destroyed by drowning,
2, 3 or 4 that so entering the river is now impossible anywhere
within 300p
that bound, 5 or more that it can cross safely. Unless destroyed
anyway by another cause, an element recoiling, fleeing, or pushed
back by friendly recoilers in or into such a river is destroyed by
drowning unless it dices and scores 5 or more.
Troops wading a river must do
so as in Figure 15, p. 39. A frozen river or waterway is impassable
to naval elements and good going to land elements. Land elements
fleeing across a bridge or a frozen river, frozen waterway or frozen
marsh must each dice each bound and are destroyed by drowning unless
they score 2 or more.
The following rules changes
apply at night (after dusk and before dawn) or in mist, fog, snow or
a dust-storm:
- Instead of regular commands being allocated dice by the C-in-C after throwing, each throws its own PIP die.
- Any command that is currently unreliable or has twice had a PIP score of 2 or less since the visibility restricting conditions started does not move or dice again until dawn breaks and any visibility restricting weather has ceased, or any of its elements has seen enemy since the conditions started.
- Move distances are restricted as specified on P. 19.
Combat is either distant
shooting or close
combat (shooting at
close range and hand-to-hand fighting). [See P. 2.]
Page 20
Artillery, bowmen, war wagons
or (O),
elephants (X),
ships (S),
or (X),
galleys, and boats (S)
or (X)
within range and which did not march or flee this bound can shoot at
any 1 enemy element any part of which is visible inside an imaginary
rectangle extending 1 element base width either side of the shooting
element’s front. [See Fig. 10b.].xxxix
War wagons,
artillery (O) on
wagons and boats (S)
count any base edge as their front edge for shooting. Shooting is not
permitted if shooter or target is:
- in close combat.
- providing rear support to an element in close combat.
- in full front edge to rear edge contact with an element in close combat.
- overlapping an enemy element which is in close combat to its front.xl
Maximum range is 100p
for (X)
artillery, 200p
for (I)
artillery, bowmen, war wagons, galleys, ships and (S)
boats, 500p
for other artillery. Range is measured from the nearest point of the
front edge of each front rank shooting element to the nearest point
of the target. Range for shooting at or by troops defending a
fortification is measured to and from its front edge.
An element can shoot once per
bound. It must do so unless a target’s recoil would destroy
friends. Shooting by a 2nd or 3rd element at 1 target is not resolved
separately, but aids that of the first. More elements have no extra
effect. Artillery except 2 deep (X)
shoot only in their own bound. 2 deep (X)
shoot as 1 element in both own and enemy bounds, but not together in
the same bound, simulating fire by rotation. Artillery except (X)
cannot shoot if it moved this bound.
A second rank element of
bowmen can aid the shooting of the front rank element or that of the
element it is aiding, but only if all of the following apply:
- Both ranks are bowmen, armed with same type of bow.
- Both ranks belong to the same command.
- The second rank element is in full front edge to rear edge contact with the front rank element.
- Both ranks are of the same grade, or the front rank is (X) and the rear rank is (S) or (O) mounted on the same base.
- Neither rank is in difficult going.xli
Artillery (F),
elephants (X),
artillery on a hill, war wagons (S)
or ships (X)
can shoot over friendly infantry unless these are pikes or bowmen or
within 150p
of the target. Troops on PF can shoot over any friends. Artillery can
shoot over/through enemy psiloi. Shooting is otherwise only permitted
if no part of another friendly or visible enemy element is between a
line from one front corner of the shooting element to any corner of
the target element, and another from the other front corner to a
different corner of the target without crossing the first line, and
there is at least an element wide gap to shoot through.
Front rank elements can only
shoot at the eligible target most directly to their front, except
that artillery can choose to ignore psiloi. If
two targets have exactly equal priority, the player owning the
shooting element chooses which one his element shoots at.xlii
Rear rank bowmen shoot at the same target and range as the front rank
element directly to their front.
The player
whose bound it is chooses the order of adjudicating shooting combats.
If two opposing elements mutually target each other they must be
treated as the main shooting element on each side, otherwise the
owning player chooses which of his elements counts as the main
shooting element.xliii
{CLOSE COMBAT on next sheet}
Page 21 – Part I
Close combat occurs when an
element has moved into, or remains in, both front edge and corner to
corner base contact lined up with an enemy element or a fortification
it is defending behind. [See Figures 5-7].
At the end of the movement
phase, any element, other than of train or boats, which has been so
contacted to flank and/or rear by enemy elements’ front edge(s),
and which is not in frontal combat with an enemy front edge or
providing rear support to such a combat, turns to face the rear
attacker if any, otherwise whichever flank attacker contacted it
first. If an element contacts the flanks of two or more such elements
all these turn to face, the second and subsequent elements moving to
behind the first, If an element or elements contacted in flank have
insufficient room to turn to face, the enemy element must make room
by moving back. If this is impossible, both moves are cancelled. If
turning to face one flank or rear attacker breaks contact with
another, this moves to renew contact if there is room. If an element
which is double based with or providing rear support to friends in
frontal combat with an enemy front edge is contacted to flank or rear
by an enemy front edge, this is treated as a contact with the flank
or rear of the front element.xliv
Train and boats
do not turn to face enemy, but count the edge first contacted by an
enemy front edge as their front edge, and, unless boats, any edge in
contact with an enemy side edge as a side edge.
An element can count as an
overlap against an enemy element if either of the following apply
[See Figure 7]:
- It is in both side edge and front corner to front corner contact with the friendly element in frontal combat with the enemy element and at least the nearest part of its own front edge is free of contact with any enemy element.
- It is in side edge contact with the enemy element’s side edge, even if it is itself in contact with a friendly or enemy element to its front. Two opposing elements in contact on their side edges overlap each other. An element in side edge to side edge contact with the rear element only of a double based element does not count as an overlap on the front rank element. An element in side edge to side edge contact with a supporting element only does not count as an overlap on the front rank element.xlv
An element overlapping or in
frontal contact with the flank or rear of an enemy element which is
fighting to its front fights only as a tactical factor for its
friends. It can overlap two enemy elements on opposite flanks, or
elements exposed by its own frontal opponents having recoiled, fled
or been destroyed that bound. An element can only count one -1
tactical factor on each flank for the flank being overlapped or
frontally contacted. Elephants cannot count as overlaps for friendly
mounted troops except elephants. No troops can count as overlaps for
friendly expendables. If a war wagon, artillery or boats element with
a longer base edge currently acting as its front edge is contacted on
that edge by 2 enemy elements, it fights each in turn that bound. If
only half the edge is currently in contact, the attacker is
Troops attacking
fortifications always count as fighting foot. Infantry assaulting PF
or gateways are assumed to use improvised ladders or rams. Mounted
troops can only assault TF, except that elephants can assault any
gateways. Troops assaulting an undefended fortification section do so
as if attacking defenders whose CF is 0. Except at a fortification
corner, attackers and defenders can overlap each other as if the
fortification did not separate them. A defending element that does
not occupy a single fortification section must shift to conform to an
attacker if there is room. If
it is unable to conform, the attacker fights the undefended
fortification section. If an assaulting element moves into full front
edge contact with an undefended fortification section on one side of
a corner, and an unengaged defending element is in contact with any
part of the fortification section on the other side of the corner,
the defending element moves to defend the assaulted fortification
section at the end of the movement phase. If
two assaulting elements are in full front edge contact with the two
fortification sections either side of a corner:
- If one of the sections is defended, the element not faced by the defending element fights as if a flank contact, except that the defending element is not destroyed if it recoils.
- If neither section is defended, the assaulting player chooses which of his elements counts as the main attacker and which the flanker.
- The flanking element does not pursue over the fortifications if the combat is won by its side, but does recoil if the combat is lost by its side.xlvi
Page 21 – Part II
Whether in contact, shooting or
only shot at, each player dices for his element, and adds its combat
factor (CF) to its score as follows, together with any rear support
or tactical factors that apply. [See figures 10, 11a and 11b].
Elephants. +5
v mounted, +3
v naval, +4
v foot.
Spears. expendables or
artillery. +4.
Knights or war wagons. +4
v mounted, +4
v naval, +4
v bowmen shooting, +3
v other foot.
Pikes. +4
v mounted, +4
v naval. +3
v foot.
Bowmen. +4
v mounted. +3
v naval, +3
when shooting at or shot by bowmen, +2
v foot.
Blades. +3
v mounted, +4
v naval. +4
v shooting, +5
v other foot.
Cavalry, galleys or ships. +3.
Warband or auxilia, +2
it mounted, +3
v naval, +3
v foot.
Light horse, psiloi, hordes or
boats. +2.
Baggage, or any naval if troops
disembarked. +1.
Rear Support
Some troop types add to their
normal combat factor, modify an opposing element’s final combat
score, or benefit from modified combat outcomes if supported to their
rear by friendly elements of appropriate type. These must be of the
same command, lined up with them, facing in the same direction and
contiguous with them or an intervening rank of the same type (but not
always grade) as the front rank. Rear support is not permitted if any
rank is of chariots, or in difficult going, or defending
fortifications, or being shot at unless cavalry or knights (I),
or has any edge in contact with the front edge of enemy expendables,
or has just moved into close combat against artillery (S).
- If expressly required by their army list to be mounted on a double element base, knights (I) fighting foot, knights, cavalry or light horse to their front or shot at except by artillery add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of knights (I).xlix
- Spears add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of spears, if both are the same grade and in good going, and their frontal opponents are not elephants. If fighting elephants to their front, their combat outcome is modified as specified on P.23.l
- Pikes except (X) add +1 for each supporting 2nd or 3rd rank of pikes, if all are the same grade and in good going, and their frontal opponents are not elephants. If fighting elephants to their front, their combat outcome is modified as specified on P.23.
- Foot fighting to their front against pikes except (X) deduct 1 if the pikes are supported by a 4th rank of pikes, if all ranks are pikes of the same grade and in good going.li
- Pikes (X) add +1 for each supporting 2nd or 3rd rank of pikes (X) or (I), if all are in good going, and their frontal opponents are not elephants. If fighting elephants to their front, their combat outcome is modified as specified on P.23.lii
- Warband add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of warband.
- Auxilia (X) add +1 for each supporting 2nd or 3rd rank of auxilia (X), if the 2nd rank is of auxilia (X).
- Other auxilia in close combat against spear, pikes, blades, auxilia or bowmen to their front add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of auxilia of the same grade.
- Bowmen in close combat against spears, pikes, blades, auxilia or bowmen to their front add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of bowmen of the same grade, armed with the same type of bow.
- Psiloi (S) or (O) who are fighting skirmishers to their front add +1 for a supporting rank of psiloi of the same or (O) grade.liii
Tactical Factors
Add to or subtract from scores
for each of the following tactical factors that applies:
+2 If foot defending behind
fortifications when shot at or in close combat, unless any of the
following apply:
- They are war wagons.
- They are behind permanent fortifications and being shot at by artillery (S).
- They are behind temporary fortifications and being shot at by any artillery or in close combat with psiloi (X).
- They are behind any fortifications and in close combat with or shot at by a war wagon (S) or ship (X) tower.
+1 If the general’s element
of an undemoralised command and either in close combat or shot at.
+1 If in close combat and
either upslope, on a raised PF tower, or defending a river bank
except at a road ford/bridge.
-1 For each flank overlapped,
and/or each enemy element in frontal contact with flank or rear, or
for each 2nd or 3rd element aiding a shooting enemy.
-1 If disadvantaged by weather
or shooting to or from a wood, orchard or olive or palm grove.
-2 If an element of a
demoralised command other than its general.liv
-2 If mounted troops who are
attacking across fortifications; or in close combat while in or in
contact with the front edge of enemy foot who are in, going rough or
difficult to the mounted troops.
-1 If (S)
or (O)
warband in close combat against foot to their front while in rough or
difficult going.
-2 If blades in close combat
against foot to their front while in rough or difficult going.lv
-2 If spears, pikes, (O)
or (I)
hordes or train in close combat while in rough or difficult going or
while crossing any but a paltry river except by a road ford or
Page 22
Grading Factors
Compare your elements total
score before
grading factors to that of its shooting or frontal close combat
opponent before
grading factors then adjust it by each of the following that apply:
-1 if your element is neither
artillery shooting nor elephants in close combat, and scored more
than (S) opponents.
+1 if your element is(S)
shooting, and scored exactly 1 more than (S)
opponents, or equal to (O)
or (F)
+1 if your element is shooting
or in close combat, and scored equal to or more than (I)
Mitigating rear support
Compare your element’s total
score after
grading factors to that of its shooting or frontal close combat
opponent after
grading factors, then adjust the winning element’s score by each of
the following that apply:
if any troop-type except elephants or artillery
scored more than enemy
cavalry if these are supported by a 2nd
rank of cavalry (O)
if (O),
(I) if
if cavalry or knights (X)
scored more than cavalry (O)
or (I)
if these if these are supported by a 2nd
rank of psiloi (S)
or (I),
provided that such support is expressly permitted by their army list.
if warband, mounted troops except knights (X),
war wagons or
troops defending fortifications scored more than enemy spears, pikes,
blades or auxilia if these are supported by a single 2nd
or 3rd
rank of psiloi armed with bows, or a single 2nd rank of psiloi armed
with crossbows or handguns, provided that such support is expressly
permitted by their army list.
Page 23 – Part I
Now compare the final totals
of your element and its opponent, then immediately make the outcome
move specified below. This depends on your element’s own type and
that of the main enemy element shooting at it or in frontal close
combat with it, but not that of elements aiding shooting at it,
overlapping it or in frontal contact with its flank or rear. Outcomes
applying only in difficult going do not apply unless the troops
affected by the outcome count the terrain as difficult going.
Outcomes applying only in good going do not apply when attacking or
defending across fortifications.
Elements disregard an
unfavourable outcome when shooting without being shot back at, hen
fighting only as an overlap and when attempting to cross undefended
An element in frontal contact
with an enemy element’s flank or rear edge disregards the outcomes
listed below. If, however, the element fighting the enemy frontally
recoils, flees or is destroyed, the element to flank or rear recoils.
If an element’s total is
equal to that of its opponent:
Expendables. Destroyed.
Other troops. Continue
fighting next bound if in close combat and neither breaks-off.
If an element’s total is
less than that of its opponent, but more than half:
Elephants. Destroyed by
artillery shooting, by light troops or by (X)
camelry. If not, recoil.
Knights. Destroyed by
elephants, expendables or light horse, by (S)
bowmen whose front
they moved into contact with this bound, or by any enemy if in close
combat in difficult going. If not, recoil.lix
Light Horse. Flee from
artillery shooting, from expendables, or if in difficult going. If
not, recoil.
Expendables. Destroyed.
Other mounted. Flee from
expendables, or if in difficult going. If not, recoil.
Spears. Destroyed by
elephants, knights, (S)
camelry or expendables if in going these count as good, or by
warband. Spears fighting elephants to their front instead recoil if
supported by a 2nd
rank of spears of the same grade. In other circumstances, recoil.lx
Pikes. Destroyed by elephants,
knights, (S)
camelry or expendables if in going these count as good, or by
warband. Pikes fighting elephants to their front instead recoil if
supported by a 2nd
rank of the same grade, or of (X)
or (I)
if the front rank is (X).
In other circumstances, recoil.lxi
Blades. Destroyed by knights,
camelry or expendables if in going these count as good, or by
warband. Blades (S)
or (O)
fighting knights or (S)
camelry to their front instead recoil if supported by a 2nd
rank of (S)
or (O)
blades. In other circumstances, recoil.lxii
Warband. Destroyed by
knights, (S)
camelry or expendables if in going these count as good, or by
elephants. Warband
or (O)
fighting knights, (S)
camelry or elephants to their front instead recoil if supported by
and 4th
ranks of (S)
or (O)
If not, recoil.
Auxilia. Destroyed by knights
or (S) camelry if in going these count as good, and also, if auxilia
by elephants, expendables or warband. If not, recoil.
Bowmen. Destroyed by any
mounted troops in contact, If not, recoil.
Psiloi. Destroyed by knights,
cavalry, light horse or (S)
camelry if in going these count as good, Recoil from elephants or
expendables, or if shot at except by artillery, or if in going
neither counts as good. If not, flee.
Artillery. Destroyed by any
in contact. If not, recoil unless in a fortification,
War Wagons. Destroyed by
artillery except (X)
or, unless (X),
by elephants. If not, recoil if (S)
assaulting fortifications.
Hordes. Destroyed by knights,
camelry or expendables if in going these count as good, or by
elephants or warband, or if (I)
in close combat. If not, recoil unless (I).lxiii
Naval. Recoil.
Unladen naval. Destroyed by
any in contact except expendables.
Baggage. Destroyed by any in
contact. If not, flee if mobile.
If an element’s total is
half or less than half that of the enemy:
Cavalry. Flee from spears,
pikes or auxilia (X)
if in good going, from close combat with artillery except (I)
or (X),
or from naval. Otherwise destroyed.
Light Horse. Destroyed if in
close combat by any mounted troops, bowmen, psiloi (O)
or war wagons (O),
or if in close combat in difficult going. If not, flee.
Psiloi. Destroyed by any
mounted troops if in going these count as good, by bowmen, auxilia
except (X),
or psiloi, or if (X).
If not, flee.
Other troops on land. Flee
from close combat with artillery except (I)
or (X),
or from naval. Otherwise destroyed.
Naval. Destroyed by artillery
or by any in contact except expendables. Flee from other shooting.
Unladen naval. Destroyed by
any except expendables.
Page 23 – Part II
A destroyed element is
removed. This represents its survivors breaking, dispersing and
fleeing the field individually, or if naval its vessels having been
sunk, burned, captured, shipwrecked or having limped off crippled.
Destroyed baggage is assumed to have been pillaged and burned and any
survivors scattered. When a naval element is destroyed in combat, all
troops embarked are also destroyed If shipwrecked on a lee shore by
strong winds, they survive, but as hordes (I).
When an element is destroyed
as its close combat outcome or by being unable to complete a recoil
from close combat, all friendly elements with any part directly
behind and less than the destroyed element's base depth
from the initial position of its rear edge, or less than one base
if this is less, and any psiloi which gave rear support, are also
destroyed unless any of the following apply:lxiv
- The front element is of psiloi and the nearest element behind is not.
- The front element or that behind is of war wagons, baggage or naval, or the front element is of artillery or (I) hordes.lxv
- The elements behind are separated from that in front by a fortification, or the front element drowned.
If an element that fought as a
flank contact is still in front edge to side edge contact with enemy
after destroyed enemy elements have been removed, it is immediately
shifted sideways, if necessary and there is room, to conform to front
corner to front corner and front edge to side edge contact with the
front-most such element.lxvi
A recoiling element moves back
its base depth to its rear without turning, or a base width if this
is less. If it meets friends facing the same direction, it may pass
through to their rear if of a type allowed to do so (and must do so
if it is psiloi), otherwise if naval it pushes back naval, if land
troops any but elephants, war wagons, baggage or naval.lxvii
If it meets skirmishers facing any other way, it pushes them back
directly to its own rear unless
their front edge is in contact with enemy. Other troops not facing
the same direction cannot be recoiled through or pushed back.
Elements that would be passed through or pushed back by recoiling
elephants instead flee. An element recoiling from distant shooting
only by enemy entirely behind an imaginary line extending its rear
base edge, first turns 180°. Land troops on a bridge recoiling from
naval turn and flee back to land.
A recoiling element is
destroyed if it starts or ends its recoil with an enemy element’s
front edge in contact with its flank or rear; or if, before it has
completed its recoil move, its rear corner only or rear edge either:
- Meets enemy (other than psiloi contacted on a side or rear edge or rear corner, who immediately flee). Unless the recoilers are psiloi, this enemy is also destroyed if contacted on a rear corner only or a rear edge by the recoiling elements rear edge, or on a rear or side edge by its rear corner only. It does not then count as having been destroyed in close combat.
- Meets friends it cannot pass through and cannot push back sufficiently to complete its recoil move.
- Meets terrain it cannot cross. (Landing troops can re-embark. A boat recoiling on a river follows its curves.).
- Meets a PF parapet or TF, except from inside an enemy TF or unopposed at a gateway.
An element pushed back behind
a recoiling element does not itself count as recoiling. If it meets
friends it passes through them or pushes them back in the same
circumstances as if it was recoiling.
The recoiling element, not the
pushed back element, is destroyed if, before the recoiling element
has completed its recoil move, the pushed back element’s path is
blocked by any of the following:
- Enemy (other than psiloi contacted on a side or rear edge or rear corner, who immediately flee). Unless the pushed back element is psiloi, this enemy is also destroyed if contacted on a rear corner only or a rear edge by the pushed back element's edge, or on a rear or side edge by its corner only. It does not then count as having been destroyed in close combat.
- Friends it cannot pass through and cannot push back sufficiently for the recoiling element to complete its recoil move.
- Terrain it cannot cross. (Landing troops can re-embark. A boat pushed back on a river follows its curves.).
- A PF parapet or TF, except from inside an enemy TF or unopposed at a gateway.
In each such case the pushed
back element (unless itself destroyed – see DESTROYED ELEMENTS
above) is moved back as far as the obstruction.
The pushed back element is
lost if it is pushed even partly off the table edge. The recoiling
element is only lost if it also crosses the table edgelxviii
{Fleeing Elements on next
Page 24 – Part I
Depending on the
circumstances, a fleeing element moves as follows:
- An element fleeing as a result of shooting or close combat [See p. 23] first recoils one base depth. It then moves directly to its own rear, making a 180° turn to do so.
- An element fleeing from an enemy flank march [See p. 15] moves directly away from the flank table edge if a land element, towards its side base edge if a naval element, making an initial turn if necessary.
- An element fleeing after being passed through by spontaneously advancing friends [See P. 20] makes an initial 180° turn unless the impetuous friends passed through within 90° of from front to rear.
- An element fleeing from a recoiling enemy or elephant element [See above] moves in the same direction as the recoiling element, making an initial turn if necessary.
- An element fleeing in spontaneous retreat as a result of demoralisation [See P. 25] moves towards the nearest point on its army’s base table edge, or its edge of arrival if it successfully flank marched, except that an element of naval landing troops moves towards the nearest unladen friendly naval element capable of embarking it if any exist. In each case it makes an initial turn if necessary.
- An element of skirmishers fleeing as a result of an enemy press forward move flees directly away from (perpendicularly to) the enemy front, making an initial turn if necessary.lxix
After any initial recoil, a
fleeing element can and must change direction by the minimum
necessary up to 90° to avoid enemy, friends it cannot pass through
or by, difficult going it cannot enter this bound, impassable
terrain, or a table edge other than its side’s base table edge or,
if it successfully flank marched, its edge of arrival, provided that
no such obstruction is visible in the new direction within 200p;
or to pass through friends it contacts. It is destroyed by enemy or
impassable terrain it cannot so avoid. Friends it cannot pass through
or avoid are burst through, then flee behind it until it stops or
their own flee move is exceeded. It cannot deviate to avoid crossing
an unfrozen river, or a frozen river, frozen waterway or frozen
marsh, a failure to succeed in any of which destroys it, including
during an initial recoil.
A flee move, excluding any
initial recoil, is 50p
more than full tactical move distance in that terrain. If it involves
a turn, move distance is measured from the original position of the
element’s rear edge after any recoil to the final position of its
front edge. It ends without turning again. An undemoralised element
flees for 1 bound only unless it suffers a new cause of flight.
Mounted infantry flee as camelry if on camels, as cavalry if not.
Dismounted that can remount do so. A friendly element of skirmishers,
any part of which is directly behind and less than 1 element base
width from the initial position of the rear edge of any front rank
element starting to flee from close combat, also flees.
Page 24 – Part II
If its close combat opponents
recoil, break off, flee or are destroyed, an element of knights
except (X),
pikes, irregular blades, irregular spears (but not bow (X)),
waders or naval, or of any impetuous troops, immediately pursues
straight ahead its full move if this contacts enemy baggage,
otherwise the lesser of its own base depth or width, unless any of:
- It is in contact with an enemy front edge to its flank or rear after a frontal opponent breaks off.
- It fought only as an overlap or flank contact.
- It was foot fighting skirmishers, pikes or blades vs mounted, or knights vs psiloi, and chooses not to pursue.
- It was defending a fortification or river bank, took a tower, or would enter a river or reach a waterway.
- Its pursuit would take any part of its base off table.
Contiguous 2nd,
or 4th
rank elements lined up behind pursuers also pursue if they are of the
same troop-type as the pursuers or if they would be capable of giving
the pursuers rear support against any troop-type, even if not the
type being pursued.lxx
A naval element
does not pursue land opponents, but its landing troops can choose to
do so. If a pursuing element other than one pursuing a break-off
contacts a new enemy element which is not already in close combat,
the ensuing combat does not occur until next bound. If there is room,
pursuers conform to enemy baggage their front edge contacts.
Expendables are destroyed if their pursuit reaches DGo.
If an undemoralised group
(entirely of foot, or of foot plus a mounted general and any troops
double based with him) causes all of its frontal close combat
opponents to flee in its own bound, without pursuing any of them, it
can press forward after all combats have been resolved for the bound.
This is only permitted if any tactical move the elements comprising
the group made earlier in the bound was entirely straight ahead.
Skirmishers can only press forward if in a rear rank behind other
troops. All ranks must press forward if any do. No troops can press
forward across fortifications.
A press forward move is
straight ahead, up to the full tactical move of the slowest element
in the group. Any enemy skirmishers that would obstruct the push
forward move flee (once only) without being contacted. The move ends
if fresh enemy non-skirmishers are contacted. Combat is not resolved
till next bound. If skirmishers are contacted (because their flee
move was forced to deviate to avoid some obstruction), they are
immediately destroyed; the press forward move can continue.
A press forward move does not
count as an outcome move, so must obey normal movement restrictions.
Note that as groups are not
fixed in DBM, if only part of a group causes all of its close combat
opponents to flee, that sub-group can choose to make a press forward
move, but this must include all contiguous lined-up ranks, as stated
above. As a press forward move does not require PIPs, it can include
troops of different commands if these constitute a group.lxxi
An element assaulting
fortifications which destroys a defending element or forces it to
flee or recoil, or which achieves a higher score than an undefended
fortification, (unless fighting only as a flanker on a corner or
friends are in the way) immediately pursues 1 base depth measured
from the inner edge of the fortification, any enemy elements in the
way being moved back sufficiently to make room.lxxii
Friends following, unless through a gate, count as assaulting an
undefended fortification next bound. If an element subsequently
recoils or flees back across a gateway or TF, this is measured from
the outer edge of the fortification, and infantry opponents pursue
back into contact with the fortification. An element of war wagons
or naval does not pursue across fortifications, but, if war wagons
an element of infantry in contact behind, or if naval, its landing
troops or those of a naval element in contact behind, can.
Destroyed elements are lost.
An element is also lost and removed from the table if any of its base
crosses the table edge voluntarily or when recoiling or fleeing. For
the purpose of calculating demoralisation, defeat and tie break
situations, each troop element counts as 1 element
equivalent, except
as follows:lxxiii
- Each element of war wagons (I) counts as 3 element equivalents.
- Each element of psiloi, hordes except (I), boats (F) or irregular auxilia (I) counts as half an element equivalent.
- A dismounted element counts as the mounted element equivalents it was exchanged for. Its mounts do not count.
- An element of naval landing troops counts as its original element equivalents whether embarked, disembarked or shipwrecked. Its vessels do not count. An element of ships (I) baggage counts as 1 baggage element.
- Baggage does not count towards the original element equivalents of a command or army, but baggage losses are added to total army losses when calculating final defeat and tie breaks only. Each element counts as 2 elements if destroyed in close combat, 1 if lost any other way, 0 if demoralised but not yet lost.lxxv
- If any invaders have passed through the centre point of a BUA add 4 elements to the defenders total army losses.
Page 25 – Part I
An entire command becomes
demoralised for the remainder of the game when either of the
following applies:
- At the end of any bound by either side at least one third of its original element equivalents have been lost.
- Its general is lost and its next PIP die score is not greater than the cumulative total of element equivalents lost by the command. This represents immediate panic after loss of a general, so only applies once per command.
A demoralised command can use
its PIP die each bound to make 1 single element tactical move and any
remainder to halt groups or single elements for the current bound.
All other mobile elements must flee in spontaneous retreat [See P.
24] unless within the circuit of a fortification not entered by
enemy, or in a tower, or their front edge is in contact with enemy.lxxvi
When at the end of any bound
by either side an army’s cumulative losses, including all troops of
commands that are demonlised or changed sides and any fled or
destroyed baggage, at east equal half its original element
equivalents, its remaining commands also become demoralised. The game
is over.
In a competition game each
army is worth 5 victory points (VP). 1 VP is assigned to each sub- or
ally-general’s command. The remainder is assigned to the C-in-C’s
command. For example, if an army has a C-in-C, a sub-general and an
ally general, the C-in-C’s command is worth 3 VP, the other
commands 1 VP each. At the end of the battle, each side’s score is
the sum of the VP of any demoralised enemy commands, plus the VP of
its own undemoralised commands. This gives a possible range of 0 to
10. If neither side has any demoralized commands at the end of the
game, and either side has any commands which have lost at least one
quarter of their original element equivalents, transfer 1 VP from a
side with more such commands to the side with less such commands.lxxvii
In a large
“Swiss Chess” tournament a tie may occur. If so, we recommend
that victory be awarded to the player who, in the final round, had
the lowest percentage of his original element equivalents lost,
demoralised or having changed sides. Lost army points (AP) must never
be used as a criterion.al tactics should give the best
chance of victory on the table, and that wargames generals should be
bound by the same constraints as their historical counterparts. We
feel that these rules go further than any other table-top miniatures
rules towards realizing these objectives with particular importance
being attached to the problems of controlling troops in battle.
Under DBM command control is
absolutely central to successful generalship. Owing to the PIP
system, badly thought out or over-complicated plans will usually come
to grief as will ill-considered attempts to redeploy in response to
unexpected enemy dispositions.
It is important, therefore, to
have a satisfactory plan in mind and keep to it. The plan should
ideally take into account:
- The strengths and weaknesses of your own forces.
- The strengths and weaknesses of the enemy.
- The terrain.
- The enemy’s possible deployments and plans.
It should be designed to
require the minimum possible number of PIPs to execute, and should
allow for the occasional PIP score of 1.
It should also allow some
flexibility to deal with the unforeseen. This is usually best
achieved by retaining a suitable reserve under the control of the
C-in-C. Such a reserve should, if possible, consist of high quality
fast moving troops.
Most of each command should
initially be deployed as a single group. Where appropriate, they can
separate out into multiple lines when they are closer to the enemy.
Troops close to the enemy should not remain in deeper formations than
required for rear support. Additional rear rank elements will not add
to the strength of the formation and will be swept away if the front
rank clement is destroyed. Roman legionaries, for example, should
fight enemy foot in multiple lines, with preferably two base depths
between. Rear line elements, instead of being swept away, can then
move forward to fill any gaps that appear in the front line. For the
same reason, reserves moving across the rear should not get too close
to the front line.
Impetuous troops need to be
deployed in large groups, preferably only one per command, otherwise
they will soon go out of control. If possible they should be placed
so that they can move straight forward against the enemy without
wheeling or halting. They should not be intermixed with faster or
slower types. They should not be deployed facing disadvantageous
terrain. If other troops are placed in front of them, there is a
danger that they will eventually burst through them with disastrous
results if your advance is checked.
If a regular army faces a
largely irregular force, it will probably be outnumbered. The regular
general should use his superior control to wrong-foot the enemy. If
the enemy are impetuous, then attempts should be made to draw them
out of formation before the decisive clash.
Large ambushes, comprising a
whole command hidden behind a hill, can surprise the enemy to
devastating effect if he assumes the troops to be off-table on a
flank march. Smaller ambushes, or small advanced forces of light
horse, can be effective in holding off the enemy on one wing, while
victory is achieved on the other.
Allies may turn out to be
unreliable. The effect of this can be minimised if they are deployed
in a position where the enemy will be forced to attack them, thus
committing them to your cause.
Flank attacks can be deadly,
as they may result in several elements being swept away, so you
should try to ensure that you do not leave your lines exposed to this
danger. Conversely, you should attempt to outflank the enemy where
possible. On the other hand, you should not necessarily seize a
transient positional advantage if there is a risk that it may lead to
disaster for your own troops in a subsequent bound.
If the advance of your centre
is held up by small groups of enemy psiloi or light horse, the answer
is in your own hands. Do what real generals did and keep them at a
distance with an advance guard of cavalry. This can be withdrawn when
the main armies draw near each other. However, remember that many a
real battle took place at the wrong place or wrong time because both
sides kept on reinforcing clashing light troops.
If your light troops are
out-fought by their enemy equivalents, they should be withdrawn
quickly before their losses demoralise the remainder of the army. If
the psiloi are failing, it is time for the phalanx.
You should not be excessively
concerned to keep generals out of close combat. Their elements are
hard to kill and hard to withstand, so leading from the front can be
Finally, you should reflect on
the thought that historical armies mostly deployed as they did for go
reasons. A historical deployment is therefore likely to suit your
army best, at least when fighting the historical opponents against
which it was successful!
Page 26
The use of alternate movement
should greatly reduce the need for umpires. When one is used, his
function is to decide if a player’s actions or expectations, in a
specific instance referred to him, accord to the letter and spirit of
the rules as the umpire understands them, and to alter an illegal
action by the minimum necessary to make it legal. Each decision
should be made on the individual circumstances, and not taken to
constitute a precedent. Players are entitled to an honest umpire, but
not one who is infallible or tolerant of gamesmanship.
Sets of “interpretations”
by competition organisers can cause more problems than they solve,
due to poor understanding, careless paraphrasing, or being made a
vehicle for ill-judged amendments. Careful rereading of the rules
should solve most queries, but you are welcome to phone Phil Barker
on 0121 472 6207 for explanations, preferably in business hours.
As well as equal points casual
or competition games, these rules are equally suitable both for
scenario games featuring unequal forces, special victory conditions,
or incomplete or misleading information, and for battles in which
circumstances and forces are defined by the events of a campaign
including logistical, economic and political factors.
A simple system for
determining final losses in a campaign battle is as follows: Unlike
in a competition game, any troops voluntarily moved off his own table
edge by the invader, or off any of the other three table edges by the
defender, do not count as lost for demoralisation purposes, so that
it may be possible for a player to extricate his army more or less
intact from an unfavourable situation. Play ends when one army is
completely demoralised or its last non-baggage element leaves the
table, whichever comes sooner. All destroyed elements on both sides
are lost. The victor (or player holding the field) regains all his
other elements that have been demoralised or lost off table. The
defeated (or retreating) player must dice for each of his elements
that has involuntarily left the table or which remains on the table
when the army becomes demoralised, Both sides count up the number of
elements of mounted troops remaining on the table, including those
currently dismounted but retaining their mounts. Deduct 1 from the
score of any element in contact with enemy.
Ratio of victor’s mounted
to loser’s: Element lost on scores of:
If Hordes, Artillery or
Baggage If Elephants or other foot If other mounted
Half or less 1,2,3,4 1,2 0
More than half but less than
double 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3 1
Double or
more 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4 1,2
Elephants and artillery lost
in this way are assumed to be captured by the victor. A similar
method can be used to determine the capture of naval elements, using
the ratio of naval elements of both sides and the elephant column
For details of other WRG
wargames rules, army lists and reference books, send a stamped
addressed envelope or International Reply Coupons to: WARGAMES
RESEARCH GROUP, The Keep, Le Marchant Banacks, London Rd, Devizes,
Wilts SN10 2ER. Tel: 01380 724558. E-mail keepwrg@talk21.com.
PBM UMPIRE is a computerised
system (IBM PC compatibles) for moderating and automatically
generating player reports for campaigns with up to 30 players, A
trial version, including a fully functional 20 player Medieval
scenario, is available free by e-mail. On registration, which costs
£25.00, the scenario editor will be supplied. This enables scenarios
to be created or modified, and permits battles to be fought either
automatically or using DBM, DBA or other table-top rules.
Orders/enquiries to Richard@byzant.demon.co.uk.
long established world-wide society for all interested in ancient and
medieval warfare, and publishes a bi-monthly journal, SLINGSHOT.
Contact: The Membership Secretary. “Mabar”, Blackheath Lane,
Wonersh, Guildford, GU5 0PN. Or http://www.soa.org.uk/
association of wargames innovators centering around an annual
conference. Contact: The Treasurer, 84 Eglinton Hill, Shooters Hill,
London SE18 3DY. Or http://www.wargamedevelopments.org/
Finally, we offer our thanks
to our many testers, army list advisers and computer simulation
programmers in America, Australia, Britain, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Italy, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain and Sweden, but
especially to Michael Anastasiadis, M.A.R. Darker, John Basset,
Marios Bletas, Thomas & Ned Bodley Scott, David Brown, Noel
Bugeia, Steve Burt, Mike Campbell, Dmitris Christodoulou, Kevin
Donovan, Sam Eedle, Paul Georgian, Duncan Head, Scott Holder, Bodo
Koehl, Mike Kroon, Guglielmo Marlia, Tim Moyse, Chris Peers, Nigel
Phillips, George Pistof, Karl Heinz Ranitzsch, Mike Roberts, John
Shirey. Nigel Tallis, Luke Ueda-Sarson, Susanna Viljanen, Fredrik
Wallin, Jin Webster, Michael Young, and the members of the Newport
Wargames Club.
Page 27
Figure 1: Measuring single
element move distances.
In each of the above examples
the double-headed arrow shows the distance to be measured – i.e.
the furthest distance that any of the element’s front corners ends
from its original position. [See P. 17]. This method of measuring
single element moves is a simplification to remove the necessity of
taking into account intermediate turns or wheels, and may result in
some parts of an element moving through a little more than the
element’s maximum move distance. It is based on the assumption that
the men forming an element do not necessarily maintain a constant
relationship to each other during the move and that some may move
faster to complete the manoeuvre. If, however, more than one of the
element’s corners deviates from a straight path to avoid other
troops, to avoid crossing their front, or to avoid a terrain feature,
the extra distance must be taken into account in measuring the
element’s move distance.

Figure 2: Crossing an enemy
element’s front.
Element A can cross the front
of C to contact B but not vice versa, as the move to contact B is
Page 28

Figure 3: Expanding a
single element wide column.
A single clement wide column
can expand as a group move. In these examples the elements are
Spears. In both cases element A must remain stationary.

Figure 4a: Forming a single
element wide column from a wider group.
A group move can be used to
start to contract a group into a single element wide column. In this
example the elements are Spears. Element A moves forward as the head
of the column. B, C and D follow. The other elements are unable to
get into the column this move, so merely close up the resulting gap.
Page 29

Figure 4b: Forming a single
element wide column from a wider group.
All elements are cavalry.
Element A wheels forward to its left, the rest fall in towards the
forming column by single element moves. None can exceed their maximum
move (unless A is moving along a road).

Figure 4c: Forming a single
element wide column from a wider group.
All elements are cavalry.
Element A wheels forward to its left, the rest fall in towards the
forming column by single element moves. None can exceed their normal
maximum move (unless A is moving along a road).
Page 30
Figure 6: Positioning Flank

Figure 7: Overlaps and
Partial Contacts.
Element A overlaps B. B and C
overlap each other. D overlaps E, and has contacted F in flank. K
does not overlap L, and must have moved into that position before L
contacted J.lxxviii
A-G moved as a group, G initiating close combat by lining up in edge
to edge and corner to corner contact with B. Although A has also
contacted the front edge of M (part of a group not of psiloi), they
are not in corner to corner contact, so there is no combat between
them until one of them conforms in a succeeding bound.
Page 31

Figure 8a: Conforming to
the front of enemy elements.
None of the above elements is
of skirmishers.
If the group of elements A-F
moves straight forward into contact with elements G, H & I, G
must pivot to face and line up exactly with A, H must shuffle
sideways to line up exactly with D, I must pivot to face and line up
exactly with E. This is because G, H & I are neither in a group
nor in even partial edge to edge contact with another friendly
element, so must conform to the front of enemy elements moving into
contact with them as a group.
If G, H & I move into
contact with group A-F, this must be by single element moves since
they are not in a group. G must once again conform to the front of A,
H must conform to the front of D, and I must conform to the front of

Figure 8b: Conforming to
the front of enemy elements.
Elements A, B, C & D are
psiloi. Elements E, F, G & H are not.
If the group of elements A-B
moves to contact the enemy group E-G, it must wheel and shift to
conform to the front of elements E & F, because these are part of
a group. A lines up exactly with E, B with F. If group C-D moves to
contact element H, H need not pivot as it is in partial edge to edge
contact with G. Group C-D must therefore wheel to contact H with C’s
front parallel to that of H. H must then shift sideways if necessary
to conform to C.
If group E-G moves strait
forward to contact group A-B, it need not conform to the front of A-B
as this group is a smaller group entirely of skirmishers. Instead A,
which will be contacted first, must pivot to face E. Elements F &
G must move the same distance as E, so will not contact any enemy. F
will count as an overlap against A. If H moves to contact C, H must
pivot to face C, even though C & D are both psiloi, because H is
not itself part of a group.
Page 32

Figure 9a: Spontaneous
Elements A, B, C & D are
Polish knights, classified as Irregular Knights (O),
and hence impetuous. E and F are Russian cavalry, classed as
Irregular Cavalry (O).
Unfortunately, the Polish commander, when moving his troops this
bound, forgot to keep back any PIPs to control group A-D. He should
have retained 2 PIPs if he wanted to halt or manoeuvre the group, 1
PIP if he wanted to move it straight forward 150p.
Elements A, B, C & D have neither made a tactical or march move
this turn, nor been halted by a group halt. They must therefore each
make a spontaneous advance towards the closest enemy element. This is
E in the case of A & B, F in the case of C & D.

Figure 9b: Spontaneous
This shows the position after
elements A, B, C & D have made their spontaneous advances. B &
C moved first. A and D were allowed to pivot backwards by the minimum
necessary to align their direction of facing with B & C
respectively, but not allowed to end in front corner to front corner
contact with them. The result is that they are now in echelon, and no
longer qualify as one or even two groups, as they are not in corner
to corner contact. In the Polish player’s next bound, each element
will have to be moved or halted separately, making it likely that the
momentary loss of control this bound will be permanent, particularly
if the Russian player pulled back E & F during his bound.
Page 33

Figure 9c: Spontaneous
Elements A, B, C, D, E and F
are Polish knights [see 9a], G is Russian cavalry. Once again the
Polish commander has no PIPs left to control group A-F. Elements A,
B, C, D, E and F must therefore each make a spontaneous advance
towards the closest enemy element, which is G.

Figure 9d: Spontaneous
The Polish player decides to
move his elements in the following order: B, E, A, D, C then F. B
and E move straight forward. This diagram shows the position partway
through A’s move. A has contacted E, which is blocking its direct
centre to centre path towards G and which it cannot pass through
[see P. 20].
Figure 9e: Spontaneous
A can now shift and/or pivot
by the minimum necessary to avoid E, ending up in the position shown
opposite. The 3 arrowed measurements must be added together to
determine A’s overall move. D, C and F also move in turn and end
up in approximately the positions shown. (Try it and see!).
A further note about
Spontaneous Advances.
If another friendly element
is already in contact with the front edge of the nearest enemy
element, a spontaneously advancing element will attempt to move into
whichever is nearest of a rear support, overlap or flank contact
position if any of these is possible.
Page 34

Figure 10: Distant
English longbowmen (classed as
bowmen) shoot at a Scots schiltron (classed as (I)
pikes) and some Ettrick archers (classed as (O)
psiloi). Element A can shoot at G. E can shoot at K. C can shoot at
G, but cannot shoot at K because G is closer to directly to its
front. C, therefore, shoots at G, aided by A and D. Only 2 elements
can assist C. Both sides dice. C scores 5 and adds +2 for its
combat factor against foot. G scores 3 and adds +3 for its combat
factor against foot. It receives no support from H, I or J, and must
deduct 1 for each of the elements aiding its opponent. The scores
are now 7 to C and 4 to G. G is (I),
so C adds +1 to a winning score when shooting at it, making its
final score 8. G’s final score is half C’s final score, so G is
destroyed. As G has been destroyed by distant shooting, rather than
by close combat, H, I and J are not destroyed. E shoots at K,
assisted by F. Both sides dice. E scores 2 and adds +2 for its
combat factor. K scores 5 and adds +2 for its combat factor, then
deducts 1 for the element aiding its opponent. The scores are now 4
to E, 6 to K. E’s score is less than K’s, but E suffers no
penalty because it has not been shot back at – psiloi having no
distant shooting capability. If the dice scores had been reversed K
would have been destroyed.
Page 35

Figure 11a: Close Combat.
A line of four elements of
Roman legionaries (classed as (O)
Blades) are moved into combat with eight elements four deep of
Macedonian pikemen (classed as (O)
Pikes). Each element must be lined up exactly with its opponent with
no part-element overlaps. Element C includes the Roman general.
Since it is the Roman
player’s turn, he can choose which of his two elements in edge
contact fight first. He decides on C. A and D will not fight, but
can count as overlaps.
Both sides dice. C scores 4,
adds its combat factor against foot of +5, a further +1 for the
general and -1 for the 4th
rank of the enemy pikes. I scores 4, adds its combat factor against
foot of +3, and a further +1 for rear support from each of the 2nd
and 3rd
elements of pikes behind it. However, it must deduct 1 for being
overlapped by D.lxxix
There are no modifications
for grading, as both elements are (O),
so the final scores are 10 to C, 9 to I. I has scored less than C,
but more than half as many, so immediately recoils its own base
depth, pushing back J, K and L.

Figure 11b: Close Combat.lxxx
The players now dice for B
and E. B scores 6, adds its combat factor of +5, and -1 for the 4th
rank of the enemy pikes. E scores 1, adds its combat factor of +3
and a further +2 for rear support by pikes F & G, but must
deduct 2, since it is now overlapped by both A and C. E’s score is
half or less that of its opponent, so it is destroyed.
F is less than E’s base
depth behind E, so is also destroyed
It is now the Macedonian
player’s bound, and he can move G (with H in support) & I
(with J, K & L in support) back into contact if he wishes to as
two (because their front is not level) group moves expending 1 PIP
Page 36

Figure 12: Flank Contacts
and Rear Support.
A, B, C & D are
Macedonian pikemen (Pikes). X & Y are Roman legionaries
(Blades). X has contacted the front of A. Y has made a legal flank
contact on B. As B can provide rear support to A against X, it does
not turn to face Y at the end of the movement phase. Nor do C or D.
Instead B, C & D provide
rear support to A in the close combat against X, and Y is treated as
if in frontal contact with A’s flank. Thus A suffers a minus 1
tactical factor, and is destroyed if it suffers a recoil combat
outcome (in which case B is also destroyed because it is less than
A’s base depth behind A, and Y is shifted sideways so that its
left front corner is in contact with the left front corner of C).lxxxi
If there was no enemy in
front edge contact with the front of A at the end of the movement
phase, B would instead turn to face Y and C & D would move to
behind B. Close combat would then ensue between Y and B. C & D
would provide rear support to B.

13a 13b
Figure 13 – Intervening
In order to partly intervene
between a moving element and an enemy element whose front its
attempting to cross within 1 element base width [See P. 18. Movement
Restrictions. Para 1], the intervening element must, at every point
in the moving element’s traversal of the enemy element’s front,
intersect either of the imaginary lines traced from the front
corners of the enemy element, to the front corners of the nearest
edge of the moving element. (It is not adequate to just touch the
line, it must be intersected. The imaginary lines cannot cross.).
In example 13a above, element
C prevents element X from contacting the flank of element A, because
no element even partly intervenes.
In example 13b, element D
does not prevent element X from contacting the flank of element A,
because C partly intervenes at every point in X’s traversal of D’s
Page 37

Figure 14a: Defending a
River Bank.
Elements A, B & C count
as defending the river bank and would get a +1 tactical factor in
close combat.
In order to do so, an element
must be entirely on dry land, facing the river, with the water’s
edge closer than its own base depth directly in front of the nearest
part of its front edge, and part of the opponent’s base still in
the water.

Figure 14b: Defending the
Edge of an Unfortified Area Terrain Feature.
Element A is defending the
edge of the feature. It does not have to conform to an attacking
Such an element must be
entirely inside the feature, facing outwards, and close enough to
the edge that the enemy element contacting it is at least partly
outside the edge.
Page 38
Figure 15: Wading Rivers
Land elements recoiling,
pushed back, fleeing or pursuing in or into a river ignore the
direction of flow.lxxxii
Otherwise, a single element or group wading a river must cross it at
between 45° and 135° to the direction of flow, except that it can
pivot/shift the minimum necessary to line up the front rank in
contact with enemy obstructing emergence. A single element or group
already in a river can continue directly forward on its present
facing even if this is outside the 45° and 135° arc, provided that
its front rank’s front edge ends the move clear of the river.
Alternatively, it can pivot/shift by the minimum necessary to
conform to the above arc.
All elements wading a river
must face either the direction they are moving or the opposite
direction, even if moving by single element moves. They cannot
change direction while in the river, except to pivot/shift as above
and/or to move directly to their previous rear. Troops wading except
across a paltry river or road ford cannot shoot. Wading troops
receive rear support and suffer combat outcomes as if in good going.
Naval can pass through friendly or enemy waders, in which case the
waders are immediately destroyed, this not counting as in close

Elements A-D are pikes. The
group started to cross the river in its side’s last bound. In its
next bound, if enemy element X was not present, its movement options
would be (a) to continue moving in exactly the same direction until
each element was across the river (As A-D is a single element wide
column, any elements completely clear of the river could start to
wheel), or (b) to fall back in exactly the opposite direction –
using single element moves. (Skirmishers could move back as a
However, during his bound,
the enemy moved up element X, obstructing A-D’s emergence from the
river. This creates the additional option of pivoting/shifting the
group to contact X. The whole group pivots/shifts so that A conforms
to the front of X and B-D line up behind A. This would be so even if
A-D ended up facing outside the permitted 45° and 135° arc. None
of them can exceed their maximum move – measured as if single
If, in the ensuing close
combat, A recoils or flees from X, it will not be destroyed unless
the river is Dangerous
and it dices and scores less than 5. B, C and D are not
automatically destroyed if A is, but, whether A is destroyed or not,
dice separately for being pushed back by recoilers while in a
Following a recoil, neither
side’s movement would be restricted by the proximity of the enemy
because of the intervening water [See P. 18 Para 1]. In its next
bound, A-D’s movement options would be (a) to move back into
combat with X, or (b) to fall back to its rear, once again using
single element moves. If A-D were facing a direction outside the 45°
and 135° arc, they would have to pivot/shift sufficiently to
conform to this at the start of the move, before falling back.
If the enemy, during his
bound, had moved X away, and A-D were facing a direction outside the
45° and 135° arc, the group could move forward either straight
ahead (provided that A’s front edge cleared the river) or after
pivoting/shifting sufficiently to conform to the 45° and 135° arc.
Page 39
Page 39a
Acknowledgements 27
Addresses – contact 27
Allies – unreliable 16
Ambushes 15
Army size 11
Artillery 8
Auxilia 7
Baggage 9
Basing 10, 27
Blades 6
Boats 8
Bowmen 7
Breaking off from enemy 17
Built-up areas [BUA] 9,12
BUA 9,12
Camelry 5-6
Campaign games 27
Chariots – classed as
cavalry 5
Chariots – classed as
knights 4-5
Chariots – scythed 6
Climatic regions 13
Close Combat 20,21-23,36
Column – expanding 17,29
Column – forming 17,29-30
Combat – close 20,21-23,36
Combat – distant
shooting 20-23,35
Combat – examples 35-36
Combat – outcome 23
Combat – resolving 22-23
Commands 11,15,16,25
Conforming to enemy
front 18,21,32
Contact addresses 27
Contents 1
Crossing enemy front 18,28
fortifications 18,21,25
Crossing water
obstacles 20,39
Defeat 25
Defending a river 38
Defending a wood edge 38
Definitions – troop
types 4-9
Demoralised commands 25
Deployment 15
Design Philosophy 2
Destroyed elements 24
Diagrams 28-39
Dice 3
Disembarking 9,17
Dismounting 9,17
Distant shooting 20-23,35
Element basing 10
Element cost 11
Elephants 4
Embarking 9,17
Examples – combat 35-36
Exchanging –
mounted and foot elements 9
Exchanging –
naval and land elements 9
Expanding a column 17,29
Expendables 6
Factors – combat 22
Factors – grading 23
Factors – rear support 22
Factors – tactical 22
Fighting the battle 16-25
Figure and model scale 3
Flank contacts 18,21,30,37
Flank marchers 15
Fleeing elements 24
Fortifications 9
Fortifications –
assaulting 21,25
Fortifications – moving
across 18
Fortifications – points
cost 11
Galleys 8
Gaps – moving through 20
Generals – PIP dice 3,16
Generals – loss of 16,25
Generals – points cost 11
Grading factors 23
Ground scale 3
Group – definition 17
Group moves 17
Halts 18
Hordes 8
Impetuous troops 19
Initiative points 16
Interpenetration 20
Intervening elements 37
Introduction 1
Irregular 4
Knights 4-5
Light Horse 5
Light troops 4
Losses 25
March moves 18
Miscellaneous 27
Mounting 9,17
Movement restrictions 18
Moves – distances 19
Moves – group 17
Moves – march 18
Moves – restrictions 18
Moves – single
element 17,28
Moves – tactical 17
Moving through friendly toops
or gaps 20
Navigability 13
Nomenclature 4-9,27
Off-table flank marches 15
Orders 1
Organising an army 10-11
Overlaps 21,30
Philosphy 2
Pikes 6
PIPs 16
Player initiative point
dicing 16
Playing area 3
Points – army 11
Points – initiative 16
Points – troop cost 11
Points – victory 25
Preparing for battle 12-15
Psiloi 7
Pursuing elements 25
Reaction tests 1
Rear contacts 18,21,30
Rear support factors 22
Recoiling elements 24
Regular 4
Resolving distant shooting or
close combat 22
Rivers – crossing 20,39
Scale – figure and model 3
Scale – ground 3
Scale – time 3
Scenario games 27
Scythed chariots 6
Sequence of Play 16
Set-up dicing 12
Ships 8
Shooting, distant 20-23,35
Single element moves 17,28
Skirmishers 4
Spears 6
Spontaneous advance 19,33-34
Storming fortifications 25
Tactical advice 26
Tactical factors 22
Tactical moves 17
Terrain 12-13
Time of day and night 13
Time scale 3
Troop definitions 4-9
Troop representation 3
Umpires 27
Unreliable allies 16
Victory and defeat 25
Visibility 14
War Wagons 8
Warband 6
Water obstacles –
crossing 20
Weather 1
Page 40
Edge contact
Each element has at least
part of an edge in contact with at least a part of an edge of the
other. Elements in contact only corner-to-corner are not in edge
Rear Support
An element counts as giving
rear support if it fulfils the criteria for rear support given on
P.22, and the front rank element’s frontal opponents are of a
type against which a relevant rear support factor, modified
combat outcome or mitigating rear support factor is listed. It
does not count as giving rear support against other types.
Straight ahead
Perpendicularly forwards
from the element’s front edge.
Straight back
Perpendicularly backwards
from the element’s rear edge.
The rectangular area
representing the battlefield.
Within 1 base width
At or closer than 1 element
base width distance.
Within x paces
At or closer than x paces
of text.
Delete “All armies must also
have 2 baggage elements for each general whose command is not
initially entirely waterborne”. Replace with:
“All armies must also have 6
baggage elements if 400AP or less, otherwise 8.”
ALLIES. Para 1 (Bk 1, 3, 4) or
Para 1 and Para 2 (Bk 2). Delete “and 2 baggage elements” twice.
Para 2 (Bk 1, 3, 4) or Para 2
(Bk 2). Delete “2 baggage elements must also be included.”
All Cv(S) required to be
double-based with Cv(O) as the front rank of a double based element
are downgraded to (and paid for as) Cv(O).lxxxiii
Sentence originally read: “They are treated as (S) knights
when shot at by bowmen or naval, or in close combat to their front
against light horse spears, pikes, or bowmen, as (I) knights
in close combat to their front against knights except (X),
expendables, blades or warband, otherwise as (O) knights.”
Sentence originally read: “Either all combining bow with lance,
such as Avars or Belisarius’s boukellarioi, or depicted with lance
and rained to fight in a formation mixing ranks armed with lance and
shield or with bow, such as later Byzantine cavalry, or lacking
lances but on partially protected horses, such as Saka nobles or
most Sassanids or with handgun.”
Sentence originally read: “Riding unprotected horses and armed
with javelins and usually shield, such as the majority of ancient
cavalry, or with bow and spear, such as early Achaemenid cavalry, or
with bow and sword, such as most Belisarian Byzantine cavalry and
medieval Persian cavalry, or armed with lance but relying on fencing
skills rather than the impetus of their charge, such as Arab
cavalry, or with halberd or crossbow.”
Sentence originally read: “These are treated as (F) blades,
except that they destroy knights who score less in close combat in
the blades bound.”
Original sentence read: “Only mobile baggage can move or flank
New sentence.
Original last bullet read: “A double element is destroyed if one
of its elements is destroyed, even if the second element would not
normally have been destroyed.” RBS also noted: This allows
players to field elements double-based for convenience without
worrying about suffering extra casualties from shooting. I am
inclined to the view that compulsory double-based elements should
not be excepted from this rule – although they are cheaper in AP
they already lose flexibility of formation to account for this AP
difference without also having to die 2 at a time from shooting. It
also gives a small boost to the poor old compulsorily DBd
Byzantines, and restores the proper relationship between DBd (X)/(O)
bows and non-double-based bows. Also allows DBd baggage to only be
destroyed 1 at a time.
The last three sentences of this paragraph originally read: “Each
army must include 2 baggage elements per command, or count these as
having already been destroyed in close combat if the player has not
provided them. Baggage elements must all be assigned to a single
C-in-C’s or sub-general’s command, except that all those of an
ally-general can instead be retained in his own command. All
elements and generals must be assigned to commands before the set-up
procedure on P. 12 is started.”
Sentence originally read: “The invader can choose whether or not
to provide and position one only of the following:”
Sentence originally read: “If he is allowed naval elements and has
at least half the maximum, a WW along one short table edge.” RBS
also noted: Required
number of elements fixed to avoid paradoxically disadvantaging
nations with huge navies. 2 elements does not seem very many, but
there are several armies who like waterways – notably Alexandrian
Macedonian, a historical coast-marcher - who can currently get one
with only 2 elements of naval. Please note that even a habitual
coast or major river marcher has to detour away from the coast/river
at times because of the terrain – losing the dice throw indicates
that the enemy chose to give battle along one of these detours. If
an army doesn’t have 2 elements of naval in its list, hard cheese,
it has no excuse to be coast marching.
Sentence originally read: “He may dice for a river flowing from
one long table edge to the other and between 600p
and 1,200p
from one short edge. If a 4, 5 or 6 is scored a river is placed. A
different non-water-feature option can be chosen if dicing is
The original paragraph read:
2. The defender now provides and positions 1 feature (of 1-1½
feature equivalents if an area feature) of each compulsory terrain
type not yet present, then 2-3 further feature equivalents of his
choice, WW, river and BUA/fields first, but only:
- One WW, and only if not already present and he positions a BUA in contact with it. Unless it is compulsory, he can only include a WW in his terrain selection if he dices and scores 5 or 6.
- One river, and only if it flows from one short table edge to that opposite, or to a WW, or to an attacker-positioned river. Divide the table depth into four and dice. The river cannot go outside the indicated zone: 1 - zone nearest defender, 2,3 - central zone nearer defender, 4,5 - central zone nearer invader, 6 - nearest zone to invader.
- One BUA, and only if in contact with a WW, or, if there is none, in a flank sector or placed so that a gateway or included road links with an invader-placed road. The BUA and any fields must all be entirely within 1 sector.
- Up to 2 external roads, and only if they link with a BUA or join/cross a previous road, or roads are compulsory.
Sentence originally read: “3. An invader who has not yet placed
any terrain can now choose to provide and position 1 feature of up
to 1 feature equivalent size - either a gully if in Dry, an area of
boggy ground if not, or a bare or rough hill with all slopes
Sentence originally read: “A 2nd dice throw decides the position
of the feature within the sector: 1,2,3,4 it must touch a table edge
or waterway, 5,6 its centre cannot be within 500p of the
table edge.”
Originally read: “An element that is in more than one type of
going is treated as in whichever would slow mounted troops more.”
Original sentence read: “A hill is a single feature whether some
or all of its slopes are steep, rough or wooded, or all are gentle
and bare.”
Sentence originally read: “Only one can be used, extending between
300p and 900p inward from a short table edge and with
no more than half extending more than 600p inward.”
New sentence.
New sentence.
Original sentence read: “Each side’s first command must be the
one with the largest total number of elements, including baggage but
not ambushers.”
Original 5th sentence of paragraph read: “Elements of
different commands must not intermingle when first deployed.”
New paragraph.
Original 4th and 5th sentences of the 1st
paragraph read: “A C-in-C cannot flank march. Baggage can do so
only if allied and mobile.”
Paragraph’s 1st sentence originally read: “If both
sides have a flank march on that flank, the two commands’ total
number of elements including baggage are compared.”
Original (now deleted) 3rd sentence read: “Baggage
arrives last.”
Original last +1 read: “If a marching group other than a single
element wide column includes any irregulars marching on land for a
third or subsequent time that hound, except skirmishers.” RBS
included the following note with the amendment: The
apparently arbitrary first bullet is designed to (mildly) restrict
excessive non-historical pin-and-punch tactics by Reg Kn (F) (the
worst offenders) or other Reg Kn. It can be rationalized on the
basis that knights must avoid tiring their horses prior to their
decisive charge.
Original (b) read: “(b) If he is irregular and of a different
nation to the main army, or if regular or irregular and of the same
nation in a civil war, his command (including its baggage) will
change sides and become a committed enemy command if any or its own
side’s commands become demoralized.”
Original last sentence read: “…line up directly opposite enemy
who are within one base width, nor mounting, dismounting,
disembarking or embarking.”
Originally read: “No element may end further to the rear than its
previous position.”
The original second paragraph read: “When moving within an element
base width of enemy, any sideways movement of up to half an element
width needed to line up with enemy elements is disregarded for the
purpose of PIP expenditure and permissibility of group movement and
also, if the move is otherwise entirely straight ahead or by a
group, for measuring move distance.” RBS also included the
following note: I
think that this probably removes the need for permitting any
backward wheels. Please point out any cheese that this wording might
allow. Note that the present wording means that an element in an
enemy ZOC can move to an overlap position instead of contacting the
enemy front if this requires a shift of no more than half an element
width. While this may be odd/ undesirable, I think that without it
many bunged positions cannot be unbunged.
RBS included the following note to this second bullet of this
replacement paragraph: Allowing
several simultaneous moves is necessary to allow a column of close
order foot to turn to face an element close to their flank. Note
also that I think that particular disastrous tactical situation
merits having to pay PIPs for several single element moves rather
than allowing a 90 degree turn.
Original 3rd
paragraph read: “When an element which is not part of a group or
which is part of a group entirely of skirmishers is contacted by the
front edge of an enemy element which is part of larger group, it
must immediately pivot and/or shift sideways as needed to exactly
face the element contacting it, unless already in contact with enemy
to its front or either:
- It is defending fortifications or the edge of a terrain feature, or is of a type that does not turn to face flank contact.
- This will position it so that a recoil would meet a friendly element it could not pass through or push back enough to fully recoil, or a flee move from combat would take it off table, even if recoil or flee is not a possible outcome. There is insufficient space for it to pivot or shift.”
Original 4th paragraph:
“If the enemy is not
required to pivot or shift sideways as above:
- Elements initiating close combat must move into edge to edge and corner to corner contact with an enemy element and, except as specified above, cannot exceed their normal move to do so. [Fig 8a & 8b. Note also Fig. 7].
- An element moving to contact an enemy elements flank must line up with one of its front base corner touching the enemy elements front base corner. [Fig 6.] An element cannot move to contact an enemy element’s flank or rear unless it starts entirely on that side of a line prolonging that base edge of the enemy element. [Fig 5].”
MARCH MOVES originally read: “March movement by land or water
differs from tactical movement in that, there being no enemy in the
immediate vicinity, it is assumed to be continuous and to include
movement during the preceding enemy bound. A march move expends the
same PIPs as a tactical move. It is identical to a tactical move
except that:
- It cannot start or go closer to known enemy than 200p and ends immediately on discovering enemy within 200p.
- An element can make or join in as many march moves during each bound as there are sufficient PIPs for, but cannot also make a tactical move that bound.”
RBS also included the
following note: The
idea is that large numbers of skirmishers should be able to slow
enemy more than small numbers. See Figures 16a and 16b at the end of
this document.
New sentence.
Sentence read: “Except when contracting a group into a column, no
element can enter a gap less than 1 element wide between elements it
could not interpenetrate in the direction moved and/or
fortifications or impassable terrain, unless while it is in the gap
moves straight ahead or back and stops when it meets any obstruction
that it cannot pass through.”
New bullet.
First bullet read: “Foot elements passed through by knights or
expendables flee.”
Sentence replaces first two sentences in paragraph, which read:
“Artillery, bowmen, war wagons (S) or (O), elephants
(X), ships (S) (O) or (X), galleys, and
boats (S) or (X) in range and which did not march or
flee this bound can shoot at any 1 enemy element any part of which
is visible within a base width of straight ahead of any part of
their front base edge. At least 2 corners of the target element must
be in front of line extending the front edge of the shooting
The four bullets and preceding sentence replaced: “Shooting is not
permitted if shooter or target is in close combat or counting as an
overlap, or providing rear support to or contiguous to the rear of
an element in close combat.”
The five bullet points and preceding sentence replaced: “A
contiguous 2nd rank element of bowmen lined up directly behind
bowmen of the same command, armed with the same type of bow and of
the same grade or of (X) grade mounted on the same base, can
aid their shooting, unless either is in difficult going.”
New sentence.
New paragraph.
Sentence originally read: “If an element which is double based or
providing rear support to friends in frontal combat with an enemy
front edge is contacted to flank or rear, this is treated as a
contact with the flank or rear of the front element.”
New sentence added at end of second bullet.
All after ‘…if there is room.’ is new text.
Both Bowmen and Camelry were on a single line and were “+4 v
mounted, +3 v naval, +2 v foot.”
Some troop types add to their normal combat factor if supported to
their rear by contiguous friendly elements of appropriate type and
of the same command, lined up with them and facing in the same
direction, provided that no rank is of chariots, nor in difficult
going, nor defending fortifications, nor being shot at unless
knights (I), nor has any edge in contact with the front edge
of enemy expendables, nor has just moved into close combat against
artillery (S).”
This bullet was originally followed by another, which read: “Cavalry
fighting cavalry or light horse to their front add +1 for a
supporting 2nd rank of cavalry (I)
if (I),
if not.” This has been replaced with a mitigating rear support
factor on P.23.
Bullet originally read: “Spears add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank
of spears, if both are the same grade and in good going.”
The two bullets relating to Pikes (except (X)) were originally a
single bullet which read: “Pikes except (X) add +1 for each
supporting 2nd, 3rd or 4th rank of pikes, if all are the sane grade
& in good going.”
Bullet originally read: “Pikes (X)
add +1 for each supporting 2nd or 3rd rank of pikes (X)
or (I),
if all are in good going.” It was followed by another bullet:
“Blades who are fighting knights or camelry (S)
to their front add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of blades.” The
latter has been replaced with modified combat outcome on P.23.
The 12th bullet point read: “Psiloi who are fighting
skirmishers to their front add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of
psiloi (O).” The original (now deleted) 13th and
14th bullets were:
- “If expressly permitted by their army list, spears, pikes, blades or auxilia who are fighting warband or mounted troops except knights (X) to their front or attacking fortifications or war wagons add +1 if supported by a single 2nd or 3rd rank of psiloi aimed with bows, or a single 2nd rank of psiloi armed with crossbows or handguns.
- If expressly permitted by their army list, cavalry who are fighting cavalry or knights to their front add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of psiloi (S) or (I).”
These latter two have been
replaced by Mitigating Rear Support Factors on P. 23.
Tactical Factor originally read: “If an element of a demoralised
command other than its general, and either in close combat or shot
at.” RBS also notes: Removes the ability of demoralized bowmen
to shoot normally.
The Tactical Factors for Blades and Warband (S) and (O) read: “-2
If blades or (S) or (O) warband in close combat
against foot to their front while in rough or difficult going.”
RBS notes: And before the usual suspects cry that this change
should apply to blades too, we do not want blades to be better than
auxilia in bad going.
Tactical Factor originally read: “If spears, pikes, (O)
hordes or train in close combat while in rough or difficult going or
while crossing any but a paltry river except by a road ford or
Grading Factor originally read: “if your element is in close
combat in your bound or shooting, is not artillery, and scored more
than (F) opponents.”
- Thus cavalry get rear support (on a losing score) against all troop types. This improves all cavalry including Byzantine DBEs.
- Cv (O) and (I) get a bonus vs Kn - they should still lose, but not quite as quickly. Cv (S) do not get this bonus against Kn, because otherwise Cv (S) would beat Kn (F) which is not the historical outcome – this is rationalized on the basis that Cv (S) have already reached the peak of cavalry ability to resist Kn and further depth does not significantly improve their chances.
- For the sake of simplicity, Cv get less of a rear support bonus vs Cv and LH than in 3.0.
Regarding Ps support for Cv,
RBS notes: A 2nd
rank of psiloi for cavalry should not be better than a 2nd
rank of
And for Ps support otherwise,
RBS notes: Ps
support will not help against undefended fortifications.
Knight Combat Outcome originally read: “Destroyed by elephants,
expendables or light horse, by (S) bowmen whose front they
moved into contact with this bound, by (X) blades in an enemy
bound, or by any enemy if in close combat in difficult going. If
not, recoil.”
Originally Spears, Pikes and Blades were all grouped together with a
combat outcome that read: “Destroyed by knights, (S)
camelry or expendables if in going these count as good, or by
warband. If not, recoil.” They have now been separated.
See above. RBS notes: This is to prevent players from moving
forward just their front line of elements to face the elephants - in
the absence of any evidence to support hoplite/pikes opening ranks
to counter elephants.
See above. RBS notes: [Blades] (F) are too
loosely formed to successfully adopt a braced formation against
knights. (I) are either of low morale, poor
training or inadequately equipped. I specifically do not want Norse
Leidang Bd (I) to be able to support their Bd
(O) against knights unless incontrovertible
historical evidence to the contrary can be produced. I do want
Medieval Bd (S) to be able to be supported by
their Bd (O.
Hordes Combat Outcome originally read: “Destroyed by knights, (S)
camelry or expendables if in going these count as good, or by
elephants or warband. If not, recoil.” RBS also notes: Hostage
screens are destroyed (dispersed) on less if in close combat, but
stand if shot at (representing the troops reluctantly shooting at
them “shooting wide”). If they are doubled by shooting they are
destroyed – this representing the shooters reluctantly doing their
Sentence originally read: “When an element is destroyed as its
close combat outcome or by being unable to complete a recoil from
close combat, all friendly elements which gave rear support, or with
any part directly behind and less than the destroyed element’s
base depth from the initial position of its rear edge, or less than
one base width if this is less or their nearest part directly
behind the destroyed element is a flank or rear edge or rear corner,
are also destroyed unless any of the following apply:”
Bullet originally read: “The front element or that behind is of
war wagons, baggage or naval, or the front element is of artillery.”
New paragraph. RBS notes: Note: This is to deal with the
situation where a 4 deep phalanx is attacked in front and flank and
loses it first 2 ranks.
Sentence originally read: “If it meets friends facing the same
direction, it passes through to their rear if of a type allowed to
do so, otherwise if naval it pushes back naval, if land troops any
but elephants, war wagons, baggage or naval.”
The last four paragraphs, including associated bullets, are new. RBS
notes: Note that much of the changed wording is to deal with the
geometrical issues arising from the pushed back element being
skirmishers not facing the same way as the recoiling element.
New bullet.
Sentence originally read: “Elements which provided rear support to
pursuers also pursue.”
PRESSING FORWARD is anew section. RBS notes: Irregular spears
that pursue fleeing cavalry are not organized enough to make a press
forward move. And, RBS also notes: The fact that the troops
may move up to twice their tactical move during the bound can be
justified by assuming that the troops advance “at the double” to
clear away the skirmishers.
Sentence originally read: “An element assaulting fortifications
which destroys a defending element or forces it to flee or recoil,
or which achieves a higher score than an undefended fortification,
immediately pursues 1 base depth measured from the inner edge of the
fortification, any opponents recoiling sufficiently to make room.”
Sentence originally read: “For the purpose of calculating
demoralisation, defeat and tie break situations:”
These first three bullets replace a single bullet, which read: “Each
element of war wagons (I) counts as 3 element equivalents,
psiloi, hordes except (I), or boats (F) as half an
element equivalent, expendables or hordes (I) as 0 element
Bullet originally read: “Baggage does not count towards the
original element equivalents of a command or army, but baggage
losses are added to total army losses when calculating final defeat
and tie breaks only. Each element counts as 2 elements if destroyed
in close combat, 1 if lost any other way, 0 if demoralised but not
yet lost or if it has changed sides.”
Sentence originally read: “All other mobile elements must flee in
spontaneous retreat [See P. 24] unless within the circuit of a
fortification not entered by enemy or in a tower, or already in edge
contact with enemy other than, as an overlap.”
New sentence. RBS notes: This is intended to tip the balance
against the viability of 1/3 killer, 2/3 filler scam strategies.
Originally read: “K does not overlap L.”
Paragraph originally read: “Both sides dice. C scores 4, adds its
combat factor against foot of +5 and a further +1 for the general. I
scores 4, adds its combat factor against foot of +3, and a further +
1 for rear support from each of the three elements of pikes behind
it. However, it must deduct 1 for being overlapped by D.”
This diagram’s explanatory text originally read:
“The players now dice for B
and E. B scores 6 and adds its combat factor of +5. E scores 1, adds
its combat factor of +3 and a further +3 for rear support by pikes
F, G and H, but must deduct 2, since it is now overlapped by both A
and C.
E’s score is half or less
of its opponent, so it is destroyed. F, G and H all gave rear
support, so are also destroyed.
It is now the Macedonian player’s bound, and he can move I back
into contact if he wishes to, with J, K and L in support, as a group
move expending 1 PIP.”
Sentence originally read: “Thus A suffers a minus 1 tactical
factor, and is destroyed if it suffers a recoil outcome (in which
case B, C & D are also destroyed). If X recoils, Y does too.”
Originally read: “Elements recoiling, fleeing or pursuing in or
into a river ignore the direction of flow.”
RBS noted: I know I
said that I would make no list changes, but this one is essential
for the cavalry rear support amendments to work correctly. I would
abolish compulsory DBE cavalry completely but that would lose
compatibility with DBMM. If people rebased their armies on the
strength of such an amendment, or painted up new ones, then had them
nobbled again if DBMM becomes predominant, I would be doing them no
DBM 3.2 amendments started in 2009 as the SW House Rules. The
changes, and the reasons for them, are explained below.
Army Points
the cost of Reg Bd(I) to 4 AP, and Irr Bd(I) to 3 AP.
are now significantly worse than in previous versions of DBM –
they cannot receive rear support from or give rear support to Bd and
are still “quick-killed” by knights etc. Their cost should be
the same as Sp(I).
the cost of Reg Bd(O) and (F) to 6 AP, and that of Reg Bd(S) to 8
is specifically intended to make legionary-heavy Roman armies more
viable; such armies have a long history of under-achievement in DBM.
The change will be significant only for armies with large numbers
of Reg Bd – those with only a few, such as some late medieval
armies, will benefit marginally.
by Paul Apreda: reduce the cost of Reg Bd(X) to 7 AP.
by Mark Lewis: reduce the cost of all Reg Ax by 0.5 AP. Reg Ax(S)
become 4.5 AP, Reg Ax(O) 3.5, Reg Ax(I) 2.5, Reg Ax(X) 3.5.
Ax have no fighting advantage and only a small manoeuvre advantage
over Irr Ax – worth less than a full AP which represents between
half and a quarter of the Irr Ax cost.
Rear support factors
by Hammy Hamilton: rear support by 3rd
and 4th
ranks of Wb no longer adds tactical factors against mounted troops.
Instead, Wb (S/O) supported by 3rd
and 4th
ranks recoil (instead of being destroyed) on less against knights,
elephants or Cm(S). This treats deep Wb similarly to 2-deep Bd and
Sp, and gives cavalry a chance against them.
the change to 3 supporting ranks has made Wb very strong against Kn
and immune to Cv. The proposed change will leave the Wb resilient
but much less likely to destroy mounted troops.
the new (DBMM) army lists specifically allow rear support by a
different grade, such as Pk(I) supporting Pk(O), this is allowed in
DBM. Exception: Sp(O) may not support Sp(S) even if this is
specified by the army list.
exception, suggested by several players, is to reflect historical
practice (whereby the best hoplites formed up and fought together)
and to avoid Spartan armies obtaining unhistorical benefits.
Army Lists
by Mark Lewis: all infantry shown in Army Lists as compulsorily
mounted become optionally mounted. For example, French Ordonnance
archers become Reg Bw(S) at 7 AP, with an option to make them
mounted infantry at an additional 1 AP.
mounted infantry left their horses with the baggage. They did not
usually ride on the battlefield.
by Peter Feinler: all cavalry elements required by Army Lists to be
double-based with other cavalry are treated as optionally
double-based. If they are double-based, both front and rear rank
elements are treated and paid for as Cv(O), regardless of the
grading specified by the list. The AP reduction for double-based
rear rank elements applies. This applies to only five lists:
Hsien-Pi, Early Byzantine, Maurikian Byzantine, Thematic Byzantine
and Rshtuni Armenian.
by Peter Feinler: a compulsory road counts as 0 feature equivalents.
This prevents the situation whereby a defender with a compulsory
road but no other compulsory features has only 2.5 FEs available.
PIP expenditure
by Peter Feinler: El, Exp, Irr WWg and Hd expend 1 additional PIP
for a third march move in a bound even when in single-element
column. This puts clumsy troops on the same basis as Kn in this
Elephant-mounted generals
by Peter Feinler: an elephant-mounted general is Regular where
specified by the army list. Such a general counts as Irregular in
all respects except for PIP allocation, but is paid for as Regular.
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