Monday 30 March 2020

Four new nations join IESF

The national flags of the four new members.
Mind Sports South Africa (MSSA), the world's oldest national federation for esports, has been a member of International Esports Federation (IESF) since 2009.

International Esports Federation (IESF) itself was founded in 2008 and is the international federation for esports. IESF is the largest unifying body for Esports worldwide and has a significant impact on Esports unity and governance. IESF’s continued growth is largely thanks to the organization’s ability to deliver benefit to its members, provide a continuous and sustainable World Championships events, and host its Global Esports Executive Summit (GEES).

IESF has thus announced that four (4) new nations have  affiliated to IESF, being:
  • Kazakhstan via Qazaq Cybersport Federation (QCF)
  • Turkey via Turkish Esports Federation (TESFED)
FEDECOLDE, representing Colombia, stated: ‘For Colombia and for our region, achieving this membership is a giant step to demonstrate our skills and commitment to Esports. We are a country with enormous discipline and players who will give their all in the next 2020 IESF Esports World Championship, Eilat, Israel. ‘

QCF, representing Kazakhstan, stated: “We are very grateful for becoming a new member of IESF and appreciate the time that Board and Secretariat spent processing our request. We hope that this is the beginning of our long and successful partnership. We will do our best to make it so.”

TESFED, representing Turkey, stated “Esports is a sports branch that has attracted attention in recent years with its rapid development in the world, and it is a shining star with its dynamic and open to fast growth structure. Today we are honored that TESFED is accepted to be a member of IESF. We firmly believe that we will undertake successful works to improve Esports in cooperation with IESF and other federations.”

USEF, representing Ukraine, stated, “We are proud to become a member of the International Esports Federation and are going to take an active part in the life of the organization, helping to develop what is best for worldwide esports. The joined forces of UESF and Esports Ukraine under one largest country-wide name is a great example for all split federations. We did our best to form a strong organization with a large event, technical, and educational backgrounds. We’re very open to sharing with all members of IESF. Collaboration is a way to success!”

IESF President, Colin Webster, stated, " The continued growth of membership is testament to the growth of esports, and the belief that esports has come of age and should take its place among the other sporting codes".

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