Tuesday 9 January 2018

MSSA's umpiring course - 20 January 2017.

One of the most important aspects of a well run championship is the consistency and standard of umpiring.

Umpiring affects every aspect of a championship, and since Mind Sports South Africa (MSSA) is highly cognisant of such, MSSA shall be holding a number of umpires' courses during 2018.

Such umpiring courses around the country shall ensure that umpires are certified and are fully aware of their duties and responsibilities.

The first such course shall be done as follows:

Date: 20 January 2018
Time: 9H00 - 18H00
Cost: R300.00 per person
Venue: Old Edwardian Society, 9 11th Avenue, Lower Houghton, Johannesburg

The cost will include morning and afternoon tea, and lunch.

The course shall include:
* Ethics
* Background to MSSA's systems
* Roles of the different umpires
* Entry
* Basic rules to the games
* Pairings
* Data capturing of results
* How results are further used

At the end, a test will be given, and those that pass will be accredited as umpires.

Any Registered Player who is 18 or older may register for such course through their member club.


  1. Hello, any umpiring courses planned for Cape Town?

  2. Indeed there will be. As soon as the dates are set, the membership shall be advised thereof.
