Saturday 30 December 2017

May professional esports teams 'try-out' for the Protea Team?

Team Esports Russia with the BOO! Protea Esports Team at IESF's World Championships - Busan.
The Protea Esports Team officially represents South Africa in accredited esports events, and is the only team that may legally represent South Africa in such.

Since 2005, MSSA, has entered the Protea Team into no less than 40 events and awarded Protea colours to over 122 esports athletes since 2005.

Currently MSSA is also ranked 12th in the world.

But are all the members of the Protea Team drawn from amateurs?

Over the years MSSA has selected Protea Team Members from a number of professional teams, such as, VexxedPhoenix, Bravado, Energy, xTc, Veneration, PolarFluke, etc.

A total of 38 of the athletes that have represented South Africa in its Protea Esports Teams have thus been produced by professional clubs.

For a professional esports athlete to be considered for selection, such athlete must go through the same process as any other. In other words, the athlete must qualify for National Team Trials at a MSSA Regional, Provincial, and/or National Championship.

It is a simple process, and the benefits are huge.

For more information on how to participate in Mind Sports South Africa's events, please e-mail

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